Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 – Viewer’s & Visitor’s Guide
Welcome to the official guide for Elisa Masters Espoo 2024! As the excitement builds, this guide provides you with all the key details to follow the tournament and make the most of your time in Espoo.

Arriving at the Espoo Metro Arena
Espoo Metro Arena is located at Urheilupuistontie 3, 02200 Espoo. You can easily reach the venue by public transportation or your own car.
Public Transportation
- Use HSL Route planner for the best options.
- Closest metro station: Urheilupuisto, about 500 meters away.
- Local buses: The lines within Espoo that pass by Metro Areena are 114 Tapiola (M)-Leppävaara,115 Tapiola (M)-Mankkaa and 119 Tapiola-Niittykumpu. There are also other lines running near Areena along Merituulentie.
- From Helsinki-Vantaa airport: Take a train to Helsinki railway station, then the metro to Urheilupuisto station.
Own Car
- Limited free parking available. Next to Urheilupuisto metro station, there is a parking space with ten charging points for electric cars, offering convenient access (approximately 500m) to the Espoo Metro Areena.
Partnership with Taksi Helsinki
- Get to the Arena easily with Taksi Helsinki.
- Taksi Helsinki App is available on iPhone and Android phones.
- Enter the code MASTERS to receive a 10% discount on your taxi rides. This offer is valid throughout the event weekend.

Entering the Espoo Metro Arena
- Tickets: Purchase your tickets in advance online at elisamasters.com. No door sales available.
- Entrances:
- Main entrance for Lower Seat, Drinking Seat, and Floor Seat tickets.
- Club doors for Premium Table and Monster Energy VIP tickets, and Boxes.
- Security: Bag checks at the gate. Prohibited items, substances, and outside food or drink will be removed. Bringing food is only allowed for health reasons. Be prepared to show proof of age.
Food and Beverage Options
- Monster Energy VIP Dining: VIP guests can enjoy buffet dining at Mario’s Restaurant in the VIP area. This exclusive experience is reserved for Monster Energy VIP ticket holders.
- Drinks and Snacks in the Club Area: Drinks and snacks are available for purchase in the Club area. Premium table ticket holders will also have access to a table-service menu in the Club area, providing convenience and comfort during the event.
- Bar Area: Located on the floor, the bar is available for guests with tickets for the floor or drinking seats (18+).
- Kiosks on the Second Floor: For quick bites and refreshments, kiosks are located on the second floor of the Espoo Metro Arena. They will be open throughout the event during designated hours.

Espoo Metro Arena is committed to ensuring an enjoyable experience for all guests, including those with reduced mobility. Conveniently, handicapped parking spaces are located near the main entrance, making access easier. Additionally, an elevator is available for guests’ use, ensuring smooth and comfortable movement within the venue. All events hosted at Metro Areena are designed to be accessible. Accessible restroom facilities are also provided to accommodate our guests’ needs.
Watch Live
Can’t attend in person? You can follow all the live action from Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 through the following channels:
English Twitch: twitch.tv/elisaesports
Finnish Twitch: twitch.tv/elisaviihdesport
Additionally, you can also watch via our Kick.com channels:
English Kick: kick.com/elisaesports
Mongolian Kick: kick.com/elisaesports_mn
Spanish Kick: kick.com/elisaesports_es
Finnish Kick: kick.com/elisaesports_fi
The Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 tournament offers a thrilling prize pool of $200,000, with teams fiercely competing for both a significant share of the winnings and the prestigious title of champion. Every match could be the difference between glory and going home, raising the intensity of the competition to new heights.
Prize Distribution:
1st place: $100,000
2nd place: $40,000
3rd-4th place: $15,000 (each)
5th-6th place: $10,000 (each)
7th-8th place: $5,000 (each)
Teams and Groups
Studio Phase
EEST | Wednesday 16.10. | Thursday 17.10. |
13:00 | The MongolZ (13-7) JANO Group A Opening Match (BO1) | Heroic (13-10) Rebels Group B Opening Match (BO1) |
14:00 | NIP (14-16) B8 Group A Opening Match (BO1) | 9z (6-13) ENCE Group B Opening Match (BO1) |
17:00 | The MongolZ (2-0) B8 Group A Winners Match (BO3) | HEROIC (2-0) ENCE Group B Winners Match (BO3) |
19:30 | NIP (1-2) JANO Group A Elimination Match (BO3) | Rebels (0-2) 9z Group B Elimination Match (BO3) |
Arena Phase
EEST | Friday 18.10. | Saturday 19.10. | Sunday 20.10. |
12:30 | Doors open | ||
13:30 | ENCE Academy vs. JANO Elisa Open Grand Final (BO3) | ||
15:00 | Doors open | Doors open | Challenge GeT_RiGhT in a 2vs2 custom map at the Monster Energy boot |
15:30 | Talent Meet & Greet | ||
15:45 | 9z Meet & Greet | Jamppi Meet & Greet | |
16:30 | B8 (2-0) JANO Group A Decider Match (BO3) | The MongolZ (1-2) ENCE Semi Final #1 (BO3) | |
17:00 | Elisa Masters Grand Final (BO5) | ||
~18:00 | ENCE Meet & Greet | ||
~18:20 | The MongolZ Meet & Greet | ||
19:00 | ENCE (2-0) 9z Group B Decider Match (BO3) | B8 (0-2) HEROIC Semi Final #2 (BO3) |
Upcoming matches will be updated and results can be found here.
Studio Phase Talents
Arena Phase Talents
- Veracity (Stage Host)
- Richard Lewis (Desk Host)
- Thorin (Analyst)
- Mauisnake (Analyst)
- Anders (Caster)
- Ne0kai (Caster)
Finnish Broadcast Casters
- RobuJohnson (Caster)
- Toivo (Caster)
Elisa Open Suomi 7 – Grand Final 20.10.
- T-Panda (Stage Host)
Explore Espoo
While in Espoo, don’t miss out on exploring the city! Check out our Visitor’s Guide to Espoo for tips on dining, sightseeing, and experiences to enjoy during your stay.

Special Offer for event visitors
Hotel Matts is offering a discount price on accommodations for Elisa Masters attendees from October 14th to 21st, 2024. Use the code ALLESPORTS24 when booking.
- Sunday to Thursday: from 110 € / night
- Friday to Saturday: from 93 € / night

Join us for an unforgettable esports experience at Elisa Masters Espoo 2024, whether you attend in person or tune in online. Stay updated with the latest information at elisamasters.com!
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 -turnauksen loppuottelut pelataan tuhatpäiselle yleisölle LanTrek 2022 -tapahtumassa Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskuksessa 3.–5. maaliskuuta 2022. Turnauksessa on jaossa huikeat 100 000 dollaria sekä viimeisiä paikkoja Elisa Esportsin järjestämään Masters-turnaukseen. Masters-turnauksesta joukkueilla on mahdollisuus jatkaa Champion Of Champions -turnaukseen, joka on huipentuma yhdelle maailman suurimmista kansainvälisistä miljoonakiertueista. Turnauksissa pelataan Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -peliä.
Kuluneen vuoden aikana Elisa Invitational -turnausten finaaleissa on nähty muun muassa suomalaisittain kiinnostavat ENCE ja HAVU, sekä kansainväliset huippujoukkueet Gambit, FURIA, fnatic ja Heroic. LanTrekeillä pelattavassa turnauksessa on siis odotettavissa ennennäkemätön show, sillä tähän mennessä Elisa Invitational -turnauksia on pelattu vain verkossa.
Myös Elisa Esportsin lähetyksissä nähty suomalainen ammattiselostaja Roope ”Robu” Leppänen kommentoi turnausta seuraavasti:
” Suomessa ei ole ennen nähty näin montaa kärkijoukkuetta, eli on tietenkin mahtavaa saada näin laadukas turnaus kotikamaralle. LAN-turnaukset ovat aivan oma maailmansa, jossa peli muuttuu moninkertaisesti viihdyttävämmäksi ja jopa eeppiseksi! “

Polku kotikoneen äärestä pelaamisen ammattilaiseksi
Elisa Invitational -turnaukset mahdollistavat pelaajien etenemisen ruohonjuuritasolta aina maailmanluokan turnauksiin asti. Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 -turnaus alkaa tänään maanantaina 8. marraskuuta suomalaisille joukkueille järjestettävällä karsintaturnauksella.
”Koemme äärimmäisen suurta ylpeyttä kotimaisesta e-urheiluosaamisesta sekä jo pitkään kestäneestä yhteistyöstä LanTrekkien kanssa. On mahtavaa että pystymme yhdessä tuomaan Suomeen kansainvälisen huipputurnauksen ja mahdollistamaan meidän faneille pääsyn nauttimaan maailmanluokan CS:GO sisällöstä livenä”, kommentoi Elisa Esportsin toiminnasta vastaava Teemu Koski
”Tämä on hieno osoitus pitkäjänteisestä ja rohkeasta yhteistyöstä mitä olemme yhdessä Elisa Esportsin kanssa viimeiset vuodet tehneet suomalaisten katsojien ja pelaajien eteen. Haastavan koronavuoden jälkeen pääsemme vihdoin tuomaan kansainvälisen huipputurnauksen live-yleisölle ja vieläpä ensimmäisenä LanTrek-pelitapahtumaan Tampereelle”, toteaa LanTrek ry:n puheenjohtaja Juha-Matti Haapala

Tule siis seuraamaan maailman kärkijoukkueiden mestaruusmittelöä paikanpäälle Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskukselle 3.–5. maaliskuuta 2022; liput tulevat myyntiin joulukuussa!
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 -turnauksen loppuottelut pähkinänkuoressa
- Loppuotteluiden ajankohta ja paikka
- 3.–5. maaliskuuta 2022, Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskuksessa
- Formaatti
- 8 joukkuetta jatkaa Main Swiss -vaiheesta karsintaotteluihin (BO3) , joista 4 joukkuetta lunastaa paikat Playoffs-vaiheeseen, ottelut pelataan verkossa
- Playoff-vaihe, pelataan kokonaisuudessaan LanTrek-tapahtumassa
- Neljä maailmanluokan kutsujoukkuetta ja neljä karsintaotteluvoittajaa
- 2 neljän joukkueen lohkoa (Double-Elimination Bracket). Kummassakin lohkossa:
- 2 avausottelua (BO1)
- voittajien ottelu (BO1)
- häviäjien ottelu (BO3)
- ratkaiseva ottelu (BO3)
- 2 Semifinaalia (BO3) ja Finaali (BO3)
- Talven turnauskokonaisuuden palkintopottina on 100 000 dollaria sekä paikka Elisa Esportsin järjestämään Masters-turnaukseen, jonka päivämäärät ja muut lisätiedot ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.
- Liput tapahtumaan tulevat myyntiin joulukuussa 2021 osoitteessa lantrek.org
- Lisätietoa turnauksesta, sekä ajankohtaiset esports-uutiset löydät: elisaesports.fi sekä @ElisaEsports Twitteristä ja Instagramista!
Elisa Esports on Suomen suurin esports-toimija. Meidän kautta tavoitat parhaiten kotimaiset esports-fanit ja -seuraajat. Näytämme suomalaisittain kiinnostavimmat esports-ottelut ja järjestämme kansainvälisiä turnauksia, joihin suomalaiset suosikit osallistuvat.
Elisa Esports on järjestänyt muun muassa Arctic Invitational (Hartwall Arena 2019) ja Elisa Invitational –turnaukset. Elisa Esportsin toiminta jatkuu vuonna 2022, kun $2.7M Elisa Champion of Champions -kiertue huipentuu.
LanTrek on vuonna 2001 perustetun LanTrek ry:n vuosittain järjestämä pelitapahtuma, jossa on yli 1500 tietokonepaikkaa, peliturnauksia sekä paljon monipuolista ohjelmaa pelaamisen ympärillä. Tapahtumaviikonlopun aikana Tampereen Messu- ja urheilukeskuksessa käy 10 000 pelaamisesta kiinnostunutta päiväkävijää, harrastajaa ja ammattilaista.
Liput tulevat myyntiin joulukuussa. Tapahtuman lisätiedot, aikataulut ja liput löydät osoitteesta lantrek.org.
The Playoffs of the Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 tournament will be played at one of the largest gaming events in Southern Finland. The event, LanTrek 2022, will be organized at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre on 3rd – 6th of March 2022. The tournament will be handing out a total Prize Pool of $100,000 and the last remaining spots to the Masters tournament hosted by Elisa Esports. Teams have a chance to earn a spot from the Masters tournament to the Champion Of Champions tournament, which will culminate one of the largest international Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tours.
During the past year, the Playoffs of the Elisa Invitational tournaments have seen many world-class teams such as Gambit, FURIA, fnatic and Heroic. An unprecedented show is expected, as so far Elisa Invitational tournaments have only been played online.
Roope “Robu” Leppänen, a Finnish professional caster and analyst, commented on the tournament:
” Finnish audiences have never seen so many top teams before, so of course it’s great to have such a high-quality tournament in Finland. LAN tournaments are their very own world, where the game becomes many times more entertaining and EPIC! “

Path from the Home Computer to being a Professional Gamer
Elisa Invitational tournaments allow players to progress from the grassroots level to the world-class tournaments. Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 will be played between qualified teams from the Nordic region and some of the most prestigious teams in the world. The Nordic Qualifiers (Finland, Sweden, and Norway) will be played from 8th – 14th of November, from where the best teams qualify to the Regional Swiss stage.
“We are extremely proud of our domestic esports expertise and our long co-operation with LanTrek. It is great that together we can bring a top international tournament to Finland, and enable our fans to enjoy world-class CS:GO content live!”
– Teemu Koski, Head of Elisa Esports
”This is a great demonstration of the long-term and bold co-operation we have done for Finnish spectators and players with Elisa Esports in recent years. After a challenging COVID-19 year, we will finally be able to bring a top international tournament in front of live audiences to the LanTrek event in Tampere.”
– Juha-Matti Haapala, Chairman of LanTrek ry

So come over and enjoy the world’s top teams fighting for the throne at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre on 3rd – 5th of March 2022; ticket sales open in December 2021!
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 Playoffs in a nutshell
- Time and Date
- 3rd – 5th of March 2022, Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre in Tampere, Southern Finland
- Format
- 8 teams continue to the Qualifier Matches (BO3) from the Main Swiss stage, where 4 teams get spots to the Playoffs – Games will be played online
- Playoffs will be played at the LanTrek event
- 4 World-Class Invite teams and 4 Qualifier Winner teams
- 2 groups consisting of 4 teams (Double-Elimination Bracket). Both groups include:
- 2 Opening Matches (BO1)
- Winners Match (BO1)
- Losers Match (BO3)
- Decider Match (BO3)
- 2 Semi Finals (BO3) and the Grand Final (BO3)
- The tournament will be handing out a total Prize Pool of $100,000 and the last remaining spots to the Masters tournament hosted by Elisa Esports. Details about the Masters tournament will be announced later.
Additional info
- Ticket sales open in December 2021 at lantrek.org
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports on Twitter and Instagram!
Elisa Esports is the go-to Nordic esports operator with strong roots in the Finnish esports ecosystem. We aim to provide consumers with top-quality content, which drives together the local communities, leagues and sponsors.
Elisa Esports has organized large physical events such as Arctic Invitational at Hartwall Arena in Helsinki, and online events such as the Elisa Invitational tournaments. Elisa Esports will continue bringing top tier tournaments in 2022 as the $2.7M Elisa Champion of Champions tournament series reaches its final stages.
LanTrek is an annual gaming event organized by LanTrek ry. The event, founded in 2001, has more than 1,500 computer seats, many different gaming tournaments and a wide range of programs around gaming. During the event weekend, 10,000 day visitors, enthusiasts and professionals interested in gaming will visit the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Center.
Tickets go on sale in December. You can find more information, schedules and tickets for the event at lantrek.org.