Elisa Pro Open 6. Katsojaopas – Ottelut ja tulokset

Tervetuloa seuraamaan Elisa Pro Open 6 -turnausta, missä Suomen CS:n kärkijoukkueet ottavat mittaa toisistaan! Tässä oppaassa kerromme kaiken, mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää tulevasta kaudesta – aikataulusta, joukkueista, formaatista, palkintopotista ja siitä, miten voit seurata pelejä.

Tänä vuonna turnaus saa lisätehoa yhteistyöstä Ammattiliitto Pron kanssa, joka nostaa tapahtuman ainutlaatuisuuden uudelle tasolle. Ammattiliitto Pro, tunnustettu toimija työelämän saralla, on ottanut merkittävän askeleen tukemalla kotimaista e-urheilua, korostaen näin lajin ja sen ammattilaisten kasvavaa merkitystä. Tämä panostus ei ainoastaan vahvista e-urheilun asemaa, vaan myös tukee pelaajien ammattimaisuutta Suomessa, tehden Ammattiliitto Prosta ensimmäisen ammattiliiton, joka sijoittaa näin merkittävästi kasvavalle alalle.

Turnauksen Yleiskatsaus

Milloin: 13. huhtikuuta – 5. toukokuuta 2023
Missä: Kaikki ottelut näytetään suorana Elisa Viihteellä ja osoitteessa twitch.tv/elisaviihdesport
Joukkueet: 8 joukkuetta, joista 4 kutsujoukkuetta (JANO, RoundsGG, ENCE Academy, HAVU) ja 4 avoimista karsinnoista (TMVG, Heimo, jefet, smuuttikusilkki)


  • Avoimet karsinnat: 6.–7. huhtikuuta
  • Runkosarja: 13.–27. huhtikuuta
  • Pudotuspelit: 28. huhtikuuta – 5. toukokuuta

Kaikki ottelut pelataan Best-of-3-formaatilla. Turnaus koostuu kahden lohkon GSL Double Elimination -lohkovaiheesta, josta jatkoon karsiutuu kaksi parasta joukkuetta kummastakin lohkosta. Pudotuspelit noudattavat 4 joukkueen GSL Double Elimination -formaattia.


Lohko ALohko B
TMVGHeimo Esports


  • 1. sija: 3000 € ja paikka eSM-turnaukseen
  • 2. sija: 1500 € ja paikka eSM-turnaukseen
  • 3. sija: 500 €

Miten Seurata

Turnauksen kaikki ottelut näytetään suorana Elisa Viihteellä ja Elisa Viihde Sportin Twitch-kanavalla. Voit myös seurata turnauksen etenemistä Elisa Esportsin sosiaalisen median kanavilla:


Aikataulua päivitetään viikoittain turnauksen edetessä.

Avausottelut 13.-14.4.2024

LA 13.4.15:00HAVU vs. jefet0 – 2
LA 13.4.18:00ENCE Academy vs. smuuttikusilkki2 – 0
SU 14.4.15:00JANO vs. Heimo1 – 2
SU 14.4.18:00RoundsGG vs. TMVG1 – 2


LA 20.4.15:00RoundsGG vs. smuuttikusilkki2 – 0
LA 20.4.18:00HAVU vs. JANO1 – 2
SU 21.4.15:00Heimo vs. jefet1 – 2
SU 21.4.18:00ENCE Academy vs. TMVG2 – 1


LA 27.4.15:00Heimo vs. JANO2 – 0
LA 27.4.18:00TMVG vs. RoundsGG2 – 1
SU 28.4.15:00ENCE Academy vs. Heimo0 – 2
SU 28.4.18:00jefet vs. TMVG2 – 1


LA 4.5.15:00ENCE Academy vs. TMVG2 – 0
LA 4.5.18:00jefet vs. Heimo0 – 2
SU 5.5.15:00jefet vs. ENCE Academy0 – 2
SU 5.5.18:00Heimo vs. ENCE Academy2 – 0

Pysy kuulolla, sillä päivitämme aikatauluja ja otteluiden tuloksia turnauksen edetessä.

Tule mukaan elämään suomikynärin huippuhetkiä

Liity mukaan kannustamaan suosikkijoukkuettasi voittoon. Elisa Pro Open 6 tarjoaa unohtumattomia e-urheilun hetkiä, tiukkoja taistoja ja ennen kaikkea huippuluokan CS-otteluita. Nähdään Twitchissä!

Welcome to the official Guide for the Elisa Masters Espoo 2023! As we gear up for another riveting tournament, this guide will provide you with all the essential details you need to follow the action.

Arriving to the Espoo Metro Arena

Espoo Metro Arena is located in Urheilupuistontie 3, 02200 Espoo. You can arrive by public transportation or by your own car.

Public Transportation

  • Use HSL Route planner for the best options.
  • Closest metro station: Urheilupuisto, about 500 meters away.
  • Local buses: The lines within Espoo that pass by Metro Areena are 114 Tapiola (M)-Leppävaara,115 Tapiola (M)-Mankkaa and 119 Tapiola-Niittykumpu. There are also other lines running near Areena along Merituulentie.

From Helsinki-Vantaa airport, you can easily get to the Helsinki railway station by train and from there by metro to Urheilupuisto station.

Own Car

  • Limited free parking available. Next to Urheilupuisto metro station, there is a parking space with ten charging points for electric cars, offering convenient access (approximately 500m) to the Espoo Metro Areena.

Partnership with Taksi Helsinki

  • Convenient taxi service to the Arena with our partner, Taksi Helsinki.
  • With Taksi Helsinki application it is the easiest and fastest way to book a taxi. Use the app with code PIKKUJOULU23 for a -10% discount of your first ride. Application is available on iPhone and Android phones. Download the application now!

Entering Espoo Metro Arena

  • Tickets: Purchase in advance, no door sales. Buy online at elisamasters.com.
  • Entrances: Main entrance for Lower Seat, Drinking Seat, Drinking Floor Seat and Floor Seat tickets; Club doors for Legendary and Premium VIP tickets.
  • Security: Be ready for bag checks at the gate. Prohibited objects, substances, and foods/drinks are removed at the doors during the entrance inspection. Importing food into the Arena is only possible for health reasons.

Accessibility at Metro Areena

Metro Areena is committed to ensuring an enjoyable experience for all guests, including those with reduced mobility. Conveniently, handicapped parking spaces are located near the main entrance, making access easier. Additionally, an elevator is available for guests’ use, ensuring smooth and comfortable movement within the venue. All events hosted at Metro Areena are designed to be accessible. For added convenience, accessible restroom facilities are also provided to accommodate our guests’ needs.


Studio Phase

Wednesday 29.11. – Group A

  • 13:00 EET: Opening Match #1 (BO1) – ENCE vs. HAVU
  • 14:00 EET: Opening Match #2 (BO1) – GamerLegion vs. Fnatic
  • 17:00 EET: Winners Match (BO3) – TBD
  • 19:30 EET: Losers Match (BO3) – TBD

Thursday 30.11. – Group B

  • 13:00 EET: Opening Match #1 (BO1) – MOUZ vs. Apeks
  • 14:00 EET: Opening Match #2 (BO1) – Complexity vs. FURIA
  • 17:00 EET: Winners Match (BO3) – TBD
  • 19:30 EET: Losers Match (BO3) – TBD

Arena Phase

Friday 1.12.

  • 14:00 EET: Doors Open
  • 16:00 EET: Group A Decider Match (BO3)
  • 19:00 EET: Group B Decider Match (BO3)

Saturday 2.12.

  • 14:00 EET: Doors Open
  • 16:00 EET: Semi Final #1 (BO3)
  • 19:00 EET: Semi Final #2 (BO3)

Sunday 3.12.

  • 15:00 EET: Doors Open
  • 17:00 EET: Grand Final (BO5)


An impressive lineup of teams is ready to compete for the trophy:

Invite Teams

  • ENCE: After falling in the Quarter Finals last year, the European powerhouse ENCE is back with determination to go even further.
  • MOUZ: With a refreshed lineup featuring the talented Jimi “Jimpphat” Salo, MOUZ is poised to impress on the Finnish stage.​
  • Complexity: Returning with the addition of the mastermind of NA, EliGE, ready to showcase their A game.
  • FURIA: Back in Finland after their triumph at the Arctic Invitational, Furia is eyeing another victory.
  • FNATIC: Last year’s champions, aiming to defend their title with a new, yet to be announced, lineup.


  • GamerLegion: Securing their spot through the Elisa Invitational, GamerLegion is prepared to showcase their skills and determination.
  • Apeks: Another qualifier from the Elisa Invitational, Apeks is eager to demonstrate their growth and competitive edge.
  • HAVU: The Finnish champions from Elisa Esports eSM 2023, HAVU is ready to contend on their home turf.


Group AGroup B


Studio Phase Casters

Arena Phase Talents

Finnish Broadcast Casters

Explore Espoo

While in Espoo for the tournament, explore the city with our “Visitor’s Guide to Espoo,” offering great tips on dining, sightseeing, and experiences. Find the guide here for a delightful stay.

Keilaniemi – dspmedia / Visit Espoo

Official Studio Phase Watch Parties

In addition to the live excitement at the Espoo Metro Arena, we are thrilled to announce the Official Studio Phase Watch Parties for #ElisaMasters. Thanks to our collaboration with Tornion panimo, fans in Helsinki and Tampere can join the thrill of the tournament in two fantastic locations:

  • Arkade Bar, Kalevankatu 30, Helsinki
  • Bar & Cafe Lategame, Kuninkaankatu 19, Tampere

Special Accommodation Offer at Hotel Matts

Hotel Matts offers a -15% discount on accommodations for esports fans from 27.11. to 4.12.2023. Use the code ALLESPORTS23 when booking on the Hotel Matts website.

Join us for an unforgettable esports experience at the Elisa Masters Espoo 2023, whether attending in person or tuning in online. Stay updated with the latest information as we draw closer to the event date!

Elisa Open Suomi on jo viiden kauden ajan ollut kotimaisen CS:GO:n kovimpia liigoja, joka on tarjonnut niin pelaajille kuin katsojille unohtumattomia ja jännittäviä hetkiä. Elisa Open Suomi 5. huipentuu tänä viikonloppuna pelattaviin pudotuspeleihin, joiden myötä selviää kauden voittaja sekä kaksi joukkuetta, jotka lunastavat itselleen paikan CS:n eSM-otteluun

Viikonloppuna kannattaa suunnata katseet Elisa Esportsin lähetyksiin ja someen, sillä pudotuspeleissä on mukana maistuvat Estrellan sipsit, ja katsojilla on mahdollisuus voittaa itselleen jättisipsipusseja!


  • HAVU
    • xseveN
    • ottoNd
    • Airax
    • Banjo
    • xartE
    • podi
    • myltsi
    • juissi
    • HENU
    • S1rva
    • Whitey (valmentaja)
  • Mastermix123
    • SEBU
    • Arttub0b
    • eneshan
    • n0te
    • RONDE
  • FCottoNd
    • yaNgile
    • MakeZ
    • Julbertos8d
    • Bekszy
    • spargo

Elisa Open Suomi 5. pudotuspelit:

  • Missä & milloin:
  • Formaatti:
    • Double Elimination
  • Palkintopotti:
    • 1. 3000 € – paikka Assembly Summer 2023 -tapahtumassa pelattavaan CS:n eSM-turnaukseen
    • 2. 1200 € – paikka Assembly Summer 2023 -tapahtumassa pelattavaan CS:n eSM-turnaukseen 
    • 3. 600 € 
    • 4. 400 € 

Runkosarjan sarjataulukon löydät täältä.

Pysy perillä tuoreimmista uutisista ja hauskimmista hetkistä seuraamalla Elisa Esportsia TwitterissäInstagramissa ja TikTokissa! Elisa Openin pelit ja muut suomalaisittain kiinnostavat ottelut lähetetään suorana ElisaViihdeSportin Twitch-kanavalla.

Vattenfall on johtava uusiutuvan energian tuottaja Euroopassa, ja Elisa Esports puolestaan yksi Pohjoismaiden suurimmista e-urheilutuotantoyhtiöistä. Nyt kaksi huipputoimijaa yhdistää voimansa, jotta voimme luoda entistä vastuullisempaa, kestävämpää ja ympäristöystävällisempää e-urheilua jokaiselle! 

– Meille on tärkeää tavoittaa e-urheilusta kiinnostunut yleisö uskottavasti oikeassa paikassa kiinnostavalla sisällöllä. Näemme, että tässä yleisön tuntevat kumppanit korostuvat ja uskomme panostusten kääntyvän myös meidän hyödyksi kuluttajien vastuullisten valintojen kautta. Olemme jo jonkin aikaa seuranneet Elisa Esportsin mielenkiintoisia tapahtumia ja mahdollisuuksia, joten mukaan lähteminen oli meille luontevaa, Santeri Määttänen, Head of New Sales team, Vattenfall. 

Sähkö on elinehto e-urheilulle, sillä ilman sähköä ei käynnisty sen enempää tietokone kuin modeemikaan. Yhteistyön myötä yhdistämme osaamisemme ja voimavaramme entistä vastuullisemman e-urheilun edistämiseksi, ja kannustamme Suomen peliyhteisöä tarkastelemaan omaa energian kulutustaan ja tekemään aidosti vaikuttavia päätöksiä ympäristömme kannalta.  

– Sähkö on puhuttanut viime aikoina paljon, ja on hienoa nähdä, että Vattenfall on ymmärtänyt e-urheilun valtavan potentiaalin ja lähtenyt mukaan tukemaan tätä kasvavaa alaa. Olen varma, että tämä yhteistyö tulee luomaan uskomattomia mahdollisuuksia sekä e-urheilun että kestävän kehityksen edistämiseen, Teemu Koski, Head of Elisa Esports. 

Elisa Masters Espoo ’22 Studio Phase is continuing today with Group B matches. You can follow the Studio Phase on Elisa Esports’ Twitch Channels.

All 12 teams will attend in Studio Phase, where 6 teams secure their place in the Arena. The Arena Phase will be played in front of a live audience at Espoo Metro Arena and will be also streamed on Twitch.  

If you are looking for a Viewers Guide or Schedules, you’ll find them here: Elisa Masters Espoo ’22 Viewer’s Guide.

If you want to know what to do in the Arena besides enjoying the matches, you’ll find our partner booth information here: Elisa Masters Espoo ’22 is full of activities – Here’s a list of Partner Booths!

Arriving to the Espoo Metro Arena 

Espoo Metro Areena is located to Urheilupuistontie 3, 02200 Espoo. You can arrive by public transportation or by your own car.

Public transportation

Easiest way to find the best option for public transportation is to use HSL Route planner

The closest metro station to Espoo Metro Arena is Urheilupuisto station, and it’s about 500 meters away from the arena. 

The local buses which go by the Metro Arena: 

114 Tapiola (M)-Leppävaara 

115 Tapiola (M)-Mankkaa 

119 Tapiola-Niittykumpu 

Own car

If you plan to arrive with your own car, please notice that there is a limited amount of parking space available.  The parking during the event is free.

Entering to the Espoo Metro Arena 

Remember to get your tickets before arriving at Espoo Metro Arena! Unfortunately, we don’t sell tickets at the doors, but you can buy the ticket with your phone. Get your ticket here: elisamasters.com

Lower Seat, Drinking Seat, and Floor Seat tickets– use the main entrance. 
Legendary and Premium VIP tickets – use the club doors.  

Take your ticket ready when entering to the Metro Arena, and prepare for security check.  

All visitors must be prepared to show the contents of their bag at the gate/entrance. Prohibited objects, substances, and foods/drinks are removed at the doors during the entrance inspection. By leaving prohibited items at home, you speed up the operation of the security check significantly. 

There is a cloakroom available for the visitors (3€/customer).

During the event, the Restaurants and Bars of Metro Arena will be serving you.

See you in the Espoo Metro Arena!

Elisa Masters Espoo ’22 starts tomorrow!

Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22 is the biggest Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament in Finnish history. The tournament gathers together World-Class teams to fight for the prize pool of $200,000 and a spot in the Play-In Stage of the prestigious Intel® Extreme Masters (IEM) Katowice 2023, which is one of the biggest events in esports.

Here is everything you need to know about the event.




With Finnish roots, ENCE’s European roster has played in multiple Elisa Invitational tournaments. Bringing the beloved team to Espoo in front of Finnish fans is something we can’t wait for!


Founded in 2017, the Germany-based organization BIG are a known name in the global esports scene. The team has taken part in many Major tournaments, and this year they secured 3-4th place in IEM Dallas, taking home $20,000 in prize money.


German-based Sprout is already familiar to us from Elisa Invitational and IEM Rio. In Rio they showed how strong their form can be, and Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22 is a great chance for them to show again how talented they are.


Fnatic was the first organization to win three Majors: DreamHack Winter 2013, ESL One: Katowice 2015 and ESL One: Cologne 2015. The orange-black colors are well known in the esports scene, with multiple legends that have played under their name. Even one of our talents, Jonatan “Devilwalk” Lundberg, has previously played in the team.


Complexity has been a part of esports for a long time, building a remarkable legacy. Complexity, currently holding #18 in the world rankings, has players from the US, Canada, Norway, and South Africa. We can’t wait to see them play in Espoo!


A few years back, the Danish star Astralis was feared by everyone, as they won basically every tournament they competed in. We are excited to have the legendary Danish team here in Espoo. We know Astralis office is full of trophies, but surely it fits the brightest souvenir from Elisa Masters Espoo ’22!


Bringing Finnish teams to the spotlight has always been important to us. HAVU has been a familiar face in the Finnish esports scene ever since its founding in 2017, and they’re coming to Elisa Masters Espoo ’22 to show the home crowd what they’re made of.

Bad News Eagles

Everyone who has followed CS:GO even a bit has surely seen and heard how hard Bad News Eagles fans root for them, and they have proven how much talent they have in this team. Bad News Eagles played in IEM Rio Major and they have shown that they belong in the top-tier events!



The first qualified team for Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22 came through Elisa Invitational Spring 2022. Fielding a French roster, the rather new Belgian organization is ready to show how HEETED games can get.


GamerLegion is one of the two teams that secured their spot from the Elisa Invitational Fall 2022. The European team qualified by winning ex-Finest in the tournament’s Semi Finals, but fell to SAW in the Grand Finals.


SAW qualified to Elisa Masters Espoo ’22 by winning against TYLOO in the Semi Finals of the Elisa Invitational Fall 2022. The Portuguese team won against ex-Finest in the Grand Finals, cashing in $12,500.


The Bulgarian powerhouse Team 500, previously known as SKADE, won two Elisa Invitational tournaments last year. Qualifying to the event with those merits, Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22 will be the first LAN event for the team under the new name.


As we have amazing teams and partners, we also need amazing talents. Many of these names are familiar from S-tier events such as Major tournaments and ESL Pro Leagues, and we are so happy to bring them to Espoo!

Elisa Masters Espoo ’22 Studio Phase will be played from the 16th to the 17th of November.


In the Studio Phase the audience will be entertained by our stunning Caster Lineup:
Ryan “ReTr00” Bernard
Travis “TravCS” Landaw Mott
Teodor “Tedd” Borisov
Jack “Zerpherr” Kelly
William “AnThran” Chafee
Cole “xner” McHenry


On the Arena Phase, the crowd will be hosted on stage by Pala “Pala” Gilroy Sen, while Anastasija “Heccu” Tolmačeva will convey the players’ feelings to the audience through interviews.

Jonatan “Devilwalk” Lundberg and Halvor “vENdetta” Gulestøl will analyze the games and bring interesting insights with James Banks on hosting duty.

And for all the in-game action, Jamie “TheEternalJay” Martin and Joshua “Dweg” Nathan will keep you entertained with world-class casting!


BIGBad News Eagles




11:00 – BIG vs. HEET
12:30 – Sprout vs. HEET
14:00 – BIG vs. Sprout
15:30 – BIG vs. HAVU
17:00 – BIG vs. GamerLegion
18:30 – Sprout vs. HAVU
20:00 – Sprout vs. GamerLegion


11:00 – GamerLegion vs. HAVU
12:30 – ENCE vs. HAVU
14:00 – ENCE vs. GamerLegion
15:30 – GamerLegion vs. HEET
17:00 – ENCE vs. Sprout
18:30 – ENCE vs. HEET
20:00 – ENCE vs. BIG


20:00 – HEET vs. HAVU



11:00 – Bad News Eagles vs. SAW
12:30 – Astralis vs. SAW
14:00 – Bad News Eagles vs. Astralis
15:30 – Bad News Eagles vs. 500
17:00 – Bad News Eagles vs. Complexity
18:30 – Astralis vs. 500
20:00 – Astralis vs. Complexity


11:00 – Complexity vs. 500
12:30 – FNATIC vs. 500
14:00 – FNATIC vs. Complexity
15:30 – Complexity vs. SAW
17:00 – FNATIC vs. Astralis
18:30 – FNATIC vs. SAW
20:00 – FNATIC vs. Bad News Eagles


20:00 – SAW vs. 500


Finnish CS:GO is also represented at the event, when the Grand Final of the Elisa Open Suomi Season 3 is played on stage on Sunday. In the Grand Final, ENCE Academy and HAVU will face off for their shares of the Prize Pool of $10,000.

Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22 is right around the corner, and soon the Espoo Metro Arena looks like nothing before – it will be full of esports enthusiasts and CS:GO fans. We want to make sure that everyone enjoys every minute of the event and our partners help us by bringing lots of activities to the Arena. 


The big ENCE booth is near the main entrance and it is open to visitors during the whole event. The whole booth is branded to ENCE’s and their partners’ colors, and there is lot to do for the whole event! 

There is multiple PC gaming stations where visitors can try their CS:GO skills with different challenges and there is a chance to win amazing prizes. Also the ENCE Shop is open throughout the event. 

With the cherry on the top, on Saturday there will be a meet n’ greet with ENCE Academy team and ENCE’s main CS:GO roster where you can get a pic and a signature from your favorite players. The schedule for the meet & greet will be announced later, so stay tuned. 


We all know that people from VILPE are true esports fans, and you can meet them at Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22. At their booth you can find a photography wall where you can take your perfect event photos. CS Keisari is also found at VILPE’s booth, and they bring you a chance to win CS:GO Skins by playing skinpong! CS Keisari also provides thundersticks for visitors so we all can make some noice! 

City of Espoo

Get to know the city of Espoo and the Finnish esports history.

HAVU & Kotipizza 

HAVU and Kotipizza have joined forces for Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22, and together they bring a lot of activities for the visitors! During the happy hour you can spin the Kotipizza’s Pizzaroulette and win prizes, meet and challenge HAVU’s influencers in 1 vs 1 games and meet HAVU CS:GO team in a meet & greet. The schedule for meet & greet will be announced later. 


At the Incoach’s booth you get the best tips for gaming from professional coaches, and you can challenge the coach or your friend in 1 vs 1 games. There’s also a CS:GO time challenge, and the winner gets a trophy home! 


Enjoy the great atmosphere and take a minute to chill at Keenetic lounge!


KAMK’s booth is a perfect place whether you want to challenge your friends or you just need a place to relax: KAMK is offering a full 1v1 challenge setup where you can play a friendly CS:GO matchup or try their luck at the official Surfshark 1v1 Tournament on Saturday. On Sunday there is a chance to challenge special guests in games!  

Also the Aim Lab Challenge will be running continuously during venue opening hours, and those with the highest score at the end of each day have the opportunity to win product carepackages from KAMK’s partners. 

If you need to relax a bit, KAMK is offering a relaxed console gaming zone provided by Genelec, which includes a comfortable couch, immersive speaker setup and PS5.  

Those who participate in any of KAMK.GG activities have a chance to win amazing prizes throughout the event weekend. Also visitors can learn more about one of Europe’s-only full BBA degrees offered in Esports Business at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences! 


In Espoo Metro Arena you have a chance to learn more about Omnia and the possibilities to study there. You can challenge Omnia’s students on 1v1 CS:GO matches.


Nokia brings Nokia Student Network Hackathon finals to Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22. The 24-hour event will start at 17.00 on 18 November at Metro Arena. The competing teams are creating solutions for a new challenge. The themes of the challenges lay in our responsibility to develop technology to address the world’s challenges.  

Kitchen Joy 

Prepare your tastebuds for incredible flavors, because Kitchen Joy is coming to Metro Arena with tasty Thai Cubes. Try different kinds of Thai Cubes and find your favorite! 

Elisa Masters Espoo ’22 -tapahtumassa Marketing Finland & SPOT ry järjestävät Gaming & esport mahdollisuutena -seminaarin, joka tutustuttaa osallistujat pelimarkkinnoinnin logiikkaan, malleihin sekä vastuullisuuskysymyksiin.

Seminaari on täydellinen tilaisuus tutustua markkinoinnin ja myynnin mahdollisuuksiin e-urheilussa, ja konkreettisia esimerkkejä siitä esittelee Kotipizza, Berner ja Heet Gaming. Ilmoittaudu nopeasti, sillä paikkoja on rajallinen määrä ja ne täyttyvät nopeasti! Seminaarin hinta on Marketing Finlandin & SPOTin jäsenille 40 €, muille 80 €. Seminaarin paikkana on Metro Areenan Clubi Aula, ja se järjestetään perjantaina 18.11. klo 11.00 – 15.30.

Ilmoittaudu seminaariin täällä.

Seminaarin ohjelma:

11.00 Pelimaailman mahdollisuudet & Gaming Demystifying tutkimus, Riikka-Maria Lemminki Marketing Finland

11.30 Pelimarkkinoinnin ekosysteemi Suomessa, case Elisa, Teemu Koski

12.00 Lounas

12.30 Kiinnostava kohderyhmä haltuun, Case Kotipizza, Rainer Lindqvist

13.30 Authentic, sustainable and prosperous international collaborations, Tim Buysse HEET Gaming x Gytautas Narkus Surfshark

14.30 Bränditunnettuuden kasvattaminen, case XZ, Laura Pyykönen, Berner

15.30 Tutustuminen pelimaailmaan, Elisa Masters tapahtuma alkaa

Hotel Matts is the official accomodation partner of the Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22 tournament. Hotel Matts is located in Matinkylä, just three minutes metro ride from Espoo Metro Arena. 

Ensure your good night sleep in soft beds and wake up for tasty breakfast. Hotel Matts has both hotel rooms and apartments for a shorter or longer stay. Restaurant Freja offers delicacies made from fresh ingredients in a chic atmosphere. If you arrive by car, you can park at an affordable price in hotel car park. 

– Hotel Matts has perfect conditions for everyone arriving to Elisa Masters. The modern look of the rooms and great location ensures that everyone can fully enjoy their weekend in Espoo, Teemu Koski, Head of Elisa Esports. 

Hotel Matts offers esports fans –15% accomodation discount from the daily price for bookings 16.-20.11.2022. Book from the Hotel Matts website with the code ALLESPORTS
Book now from HERE.

Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22 is coming closer and we know that all of you are eager to know who you will be seeing in Metro Areena 18.-20.11.2022. We promise, you do not have to wait for too long, but let’s take a look at the teams that have already been announced!


As the event was announced in June, at the same time was announced our 1st invite team ENCE. ENCE is currently holding #16 in the world rankings and they are preparing for the Legends stage of the Major tournament in Rio. After the Majors, we will be seeing the team in Espoo!  


The 1st qualified team for Elisa Masters was discovered in July when HEET secured the win of the Elisa Invitational Spring 2022. HEET is currently holding #30 in the world rankings, and Masters will be a great place for them to show how HEETED CS:GO can get.  


The 2nd invite team announced was BIG. They are currently holding #17 in the world rankings, and the team will also be seen in Rio Majors, as they start their Major tournament from Challengers stage. BIG is a familiar name in S-tier tournaments and we can not wait to see them play in Espoo.  


Believe it or not, we did not need any cheese to lure MOUZ to Elisa Masters as our 3rd invite team. The German-based MOUZ has been in the top 4 in multiple ESL Pro League Seasons, and they will also be attending to Rio Major tournament. MOUZ is currently holding #8 in the world rankings and will be one of the most interesting teams to follow in Elisa Masters Espoo ‘22.  


This orange-black colored organization was the first to win three Major tournaments: DreamHack Winter 2013, ESL One: Katowice 2015, and ESL One: Cologne 2015, and they will of course also be seen in Rio. Our 4th announced invite team was no one else than fnatic, and they are currently holding #18 in the world rankings.  


Our 5th invite team is 4-time back-to-back-to-back Major Champion Astralis. A few years back the Danish star was feared by everyone as they won basically every event they attended. The team is still strong, currently holding #11 in the world rankings. They also have a fun connection to Finland: The name “Astralis” originally belonged to a Finnish Counter-Strike team.   

It’s still 4 weeks before the teams arrive in Finland, and we have 3 more invite teams to announce. Soon we will also find out which teams qualify from Elisa Fall Invitational, as the Playoffs start 24th of October.