Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 – Main Swiss
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 moves to second phase on next Monday. Find schedules and teams here!
Main Swiss starts next Monday, on the 17th of January, as 7 teams have made their way through the Regional Swiss stage. Now they’ll meet 9 invited teams, and from the next 4 weeks, only the Top 8 teams will advance to the last phase of the Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 tournament – the Playoffs!
Here are the Main Swiss teams:
- Entropiq
- Eternal Fire
- x-kom AGO
- Dignitas
- LookingForOrg
- Sprout
- Finest
- Enterprise
- Savage
- Lynn Vision
- 777 Esports
- FNATIC Rising
- AGF Esport
16 teams battle in the Main Swiss (January 17th to February 10th)
Don’t miss the Main Swiss Schedule! The schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward.
Round 1 — 17.1. – 20.1.2022
Opening round 17.1.2022 15.00 CET | Sprout vs. Finest |
Opening round 17.1.2022 18.00 CET | Entropiq vs. AGF Esport |
Opening round 18.1.2022 15.00 CET | Dignitas vs. 777 Esports |
Opening round 18.1.2022 18.00 CET | ECSTATIC vs. Enterprise |
Opening round 19.1.2022 15.00 CET | Eternal Fire vs. Lynn Vision |
Opening round 19.1.2022 18.00 CET | BLINK vs. FNATIC Rising |
Opening round 20.1.2022 15.00 CET | x-kom AGO vs. Savage |
Opening round 20.1.2022 18.00 CET | LookingForOrg vs. HAVU |
Round 2 — 24.1. – 27.1.2022
Low match 24.1.2022 15.00 CET | 777 Esports vs. Finest |
Low match 24.1.2022 18.00 CET | Entropiq vs. Enterprise |
Low match 25.1.2022 15.00 CET | x-kom Ago vs. FNATIC Rising |
Low match 25.1.2022 18.00 CET | HAVU vs. Lynn Vision |
High match 26.1.2022 15.00 CET | Eternal Fire vs. LookingForOrg |
High match 26.1.2022 18.00 CET | Sprout vs. Dignitas |
High match 27.1.2022 15.00 CET | BLINK vs. Savage |
High match 27.1.2022 18.00 CET | ECSTATIC vs. AGF |
Round 3 — 31.1. – 3.2.2022
Low match 31.1.2022 15.00 CET | 777 Esports vs. Enterprise |
Low match 31.1.2022 18.00 CET | Lynn Vision vs. FNATIC Rising |
Mid match 1.2.2022 15.00 CET | BLINK vs. AGF |
Mid match 1.2.2022 18.00 CET | Dignitas vs. HAVU |
Mid match 2.2.2022 15.00 CET | Entropiq vs. Finest |
Mid match 2.2.2022 18.00 CET | x-kom AGO vs. LookingForOrg |
High match 3.2.2022 15.00 CET | Eternal Fire vs. Sprout |
High match 3.2.2022 18.00 CET | ECSTATIC vs. Savage |
Round 4 — 7.2. – 9.2.2022
Elimination match | BLINK vs. FNATIC Rising 0-2 (FFW) |
Elimination match 7.2.2022 18.00 CET | x-kom AGO vs. Finest |
Elimination match 8.2.2022 15.00 CET | HAVU vs. 777 Esports |
High match 8.2.2022 18.00 CET | Entropiq vs. LookingForOrg |
High match 9.2.2022 15.00 CET | ECSTATIC vs. Dignitas |
High match 9.2.2022 18.00 CET | Sprout vs. AGF Esport |
Round 5 — 10.2.2022
Elimination match 10.2.2022 12.00 CET | HAVU vs. Finest |
Elimination match 10.2.2022 15.00 CET | ECSTATIC vs. FNATIC Rising |
Elimination match 10.2.2022 18.00 CET | LookingForOrg vs. AGF Esport |
- You can find more information about the tournament, as well as current esports news at elisaesports.fi.
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports in Twitter and Instagram
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 -turnauksen loppuottelut pelataan tuhatpäiselle yleisölle LanTrek 2022 -tapahtumassa Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskuksessa 3.–5. maaliskuuta 2022. Turnauksessa on jaossa huikeat 100 000 dollaria sekä viimeisiä paikkoja Elisa Esportsin järjestämään Masters-turnaukseen. Masters-turnauksesta joukkueilla on mahdollisuus jatkaa Champion Of Champions -turnaukseen, joka on huipentuma yhdelle maailman suurimmista kansainvälisistä miljoonakiertueista. Turnauksissa pelataan Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -peliä.
Kuluneen vuoden aikana Elisa Invitational -turnausten finaaleissa on nähty muun muassa suomalaisittain kiinnostavat ENCE ja HAVU, sekä kansainväliset huippujoukkueet Gambit, FURIA, fnatic ja Heroic. LanTrekeillä pelattavassa turnauksessa on siis odotettavissa ennennäkemätön show, sillä tähän mennessä Elisa Invitational -turnauksia on pelattu vain verkossa.
Myös Elisa Esportsin lähetyksissä nähty suomalainen ammattiselostaja Roope ”Robu” Leppänen kommentoi turnausta seuraavasti:
” Suomessa ei ole ennen nähty näin montaa kärkijoukkuetta, eli on tietenkin mahtavaa saada näin laadukas turnaus kotikamaralle. LAN-turnaukset ovat aivan oma maailmansa, jossa peli muuttuu moninkertaisesti viihdyttävämmäksi ja jopa eeppiseksi! “
Polku kotikoneen äärestä pelaamisen ammattilaiseksi
Elisa Invitational -turnaukset mahdollistavat pelaajien etenemisen ruohonjuuritasolta aina maailmanluokan turnauksiin asti. Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 -turnaus alkaa tänään maanantaina 8. marraskuuta suomalaisille joukkueille järjestettävällä karsintaturnauksella.
”Koemme äärimmäisen suurta ylpeyttä kotimaisesta e-urheiluosaamisesta sekä jo pitkään kestäneestä yhteistyöstä LanTrekkien kanssa. On mahtavaa että pystymme yhdessä tuomaan Suomeen kansainvälisen huipputurnauksen ja mahdollistamaan meidän faneille pääsyn nauttimaan maailmanluokan CS:GO sisällöstä livenä”, kommentoi Elisa Esportsin toiminnasta vastaava Teemu Koski
”Tämä on hieno osoitus pitkäjänteisestä ja rohkeasta yhteistyöstä mitä olemme yhdessä Elisa Esportsin kanssa viimeiset vuodet tehneet suomalaisten katsojien ja pelaajien eteen. Haastavan koronavuoden jälkeen pääsemme vihdoin tuomaan kansainvälisen huipputurnauksen live-yleisölle ja vieläpä ensimmäisenä LanTrek-pelitapahtumaan Tampereelle”, toteaa LanTrek ry:n puheenjohtaja Juha-Matti Haapala
Tule siis seuraamaan maailman kärkijoukkueiden mestaruusmittelöä paikanpäälle Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskukselle 3.–5. maaliskuuta 2022; liput tulevat myyntiin joulukuussa!
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 -turnauksen loppuottelut pähkinänkuoressa
- Loppuotteluiden ajankohta ja paikka
- 3.–5. maaliskuuta 2022, Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskuksessa
- Formaatti
- 8 joukkuetta jatkaa Main Swiss -vaiheesta karsintaotteluihin (BO3) , joista 4 joukkuetta lunastaa paikat Playoffs-vaiheeseen, ottelut pelataan verkossa
- Playoff-vaihe, pelataan kokonaisuudessaan LanTrek-tapahtumassa
- Neljä maailmanluokan kutsujoukkuetta ja neljä karsintaotteluvoittajaa
- 2 neljän joukkueen lohkoa (Double-Elimination Bracket). Kummassakin lohkossa:
- 2 avausottelua (BO1)
- voittajien ottelu (BO1)
- häviäjien ottelu (BO3)
- ratkaiseva ottelu (BO3)
- 2 Semifinaalia (BO3) ja Finaali (BO3)
- Talven turnauskokonaisuuden palkintopottina on 100 000 dollaria sekä paikka Elisa Esportsin järjestämään Masters-turnaukseen, jonka päivämäärät ja muut lisätiedot ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.
- Liput tapahtumaan tulevat myyntiin joulukuussa 2021 osoitteessa lantrek.org
- Lisätietoa turnauksesta, sekä ajankohtaiset esports-uutiset löydät: elisaesports.fi sekä @ElisaEsports Twitteristä ja Instagramista!
Elisa Esports on Suomen suurin esports-toimija. Meidän kautta tavoitat parhaiten kotimaiset esports-fanit ja -seuraajat. Näytämme suomalaisittain kiinnostavimmat esports-ottelut ja järjestämme kansainvälisiä turnauksia, joihin suomalaiset suosikit osallistuvat.
Elisa Esports on järjestänyt muun muassa Arctic Invitational (Hartwall Arena 2019) ja Elisa Invitational –turnaukset. Elisa Esportsin toiminta jatkuu vuonna 2022, kun $2.7M Elisa Champion of Champions -kiertue huipentuu.
LanTrek on vuonna 2001 perustetun LanTrek ry:n vuosittain järjestämä pelitapahtuma, jossa on yli 1500 tietokonepaikkaa, peliturnauksia sekä paljon monipuolista ohjelmaa pelaamisen ympärillä. Tapahtumaviikonlopun aikana Tampereen Messu- ja urheilukeskuksessa käy 10 000 pelaamisesta kiinnostunutta päiväkävijää, harrastajaa ja ammattilaista.
Liput tulevat myyntiin joulukuussa. Tapahtuman lisätiedot, aikataulut ja liput löydät osoitteesta lantrek.org.
The Playoffs of the Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 tournament will be played at one of the largest gaming events in Southern Finland. The event, LanTrek 2022, will be organized at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre on 3rd – 6th of March 2022. The tournament will be handing out a total Prize Pool of $100,000 and the last remaining spots to the Masters tournament hosted by Elisa Esports. Teams have a chance to earn a spot from the Masters tournament to the Champion Of Champions tournament, which will culminate one of the largest international Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tours.
During the past year, the Playoffs of the Elisa Invitational tournaments have seen many world-class teams such as Gambit, FURIA, fnatic and Heroic. An unprecedented show is expected, as so far Elisa Invitational tournaments have only been played online.
Roope “Robu” Leppänen, a Finnish professional caster and analyst, commented on the tournament:
” Finnish audiences have never seen so many top teams before, so of course it’s great to have such a high-quality tournament in Finland. LAN tournaments are their very own world, where the game becomes many times more entertaining and EPIC! “
Path from the Home Computer to being a Professional Gamer
Elisa Invitational tournaments allow players to progress from the grassroots level to the world-class tournaments. Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 will be played between qualified teams from the Nordic region and some of the most prestigious teams in the world. The Nordic Qualifiers (Finland, Sweden, and Norway) will be played from 8th – 14th of November, from where the best teams qualify to the Regional Swiss stage.
“We are extremely proud of our domestic esports expertise and our long co-operation with LanTrek. It is great that together we can bring a top international tournament to Finland, and enable our fans to enjoy world-class CS:GO content live!”
– Teemu Koski, Head of Elisa Esports
”This is a great demonstration of the long-term and bold co-operation we have done for Finnish spectators and players with Elisa Esports in recent years. After a challenging COVID-19 year, we will finally be able to bring a top international tournament in front of live audiences to the LanTrek event in Tampere.”
– Juha-Matti Haapala, Chairman of LanTrek ry
So come over and enjoy the world’s top teams fighting for the throne at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre on 3rd – 5th of March 2022; ticket sales open in December 2021!
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 Playoffs in a nutshell
- Time and Date
- 3rd – 5th of March 2022, Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre in Tampere, Southern Finland
- Format
- 8 teams continue to the Qualifier Matches (BO3) from the Main Swiss stage, where 4 teams get spots to the Playoffs – Games will be played online
- Playoffs will be played at the LanTrek event
- 4 World-Class Invite teams and 4 Qualifier Winner teams
- 2 groups consisting of 4 teams (Double-Elimination Bracket). Both groups include:
- 2 Opening Matches (BO1)
- Winners Match (BO1)
- Losers Match (BO3)
- Decider Match (BO3)
- 2 Semi Finals (BO3) and the Grand Final (BO3)
- The tournament will be handing out a total Prize Pool of $100,000 and the last remaining spots to the Masters tournament hosted by Elisa Esports. Details about the Masters tournament will be announced later.
Additional info
- Ticket sales open in December 2021 at lantrek.org
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports on Twitter and Instagram!
Elisa Esports is the go-to Nordic esports operator with strong roots in the Finnish esports ecosystem. We aim to provide consumers with top-quality content, which drives together the local communities, leagues and sponsors.
Elisa Esports has organized large physical events such as Arctic Invitational at Hartwall Arena in Helsinki, and online events such as the Elisa Invitational tournaments. Elisa Esports will continue bringing top tier tournaments in 2022 as the $2.7M Elisa Champion of Champions tournament series reaches its final stages.
LanTrek is an annual gaming event organized by LanTrek ry. The event, founded in 2001, has more than 1,500 computer seats, many different gaming tournaments and a wide range of programs around gaming. During the event weekend, 10,000 day visitors, enthusiasts and professionals interested in gaming will visit the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Center.
Tickets go on sale in December. You can find more information, schedules and tickets for the event at lantrek.org.
We are happy to announce the joined pointing system that connects all of the tournament operators to the #ElisaChampionsCircuit!
GRID Integrity Services, as the official data partner, will be coordinating the points across enrolled competitions. These partnering tournaments include Funspark Ulti, HSH Series, and Elisa Invitationals. A new addition to the crew will be Pinnacle, who has recently been enrolled in the circuit with their Pinnacle Cups across 2021.
The points will go towards qualification to the 2022’s Elisa Champion of Champions event. At the close of all the marked competitions, the top six teams will gain automatic qualification to Elisa Champion of Champions. Previous competitions by all enrolled partners, including Elisa Invitational Spring 2021, Snow Sweet Snow 1-3, Spring Sweet Spring Cup 1, The Pinnacle Cup 2021, and the Funspark Ulti 2021 Europe Regional Series, will be included in the rankings.
Points Categories
- Win the Tournament (15 Points)
- Finish 2nd Place (10 Points)
- Player with Most MVPs (5 Points)
- Top 3 Round Difference Teams (3 Points, 2 Points, 1 Point)
- Player with Most Kills (3 Points)
- Win Main Swiss, 2 teams (3 Points)
- Team with Most Wins (2 Points)
- Team with best GRID rating (2 Points)
- Win Regional Swiss, 2 teams (2 Points)
- Player with best GRID rating (1 Point)
- Win GSL Group (1 Point)
- Every match played (1 Point)
- Every win (1 Point)
- Participating in the event (1 Point)
The purpose of the points system is to increase competitiveness and reward the teams who put the most playing time into the competitions over 2021.
“Over the last 2 years, our Integrity Service team and technology has become paramount to protecting the competitive security and commercial interests of our partnered TOs and publishers. The opportunity to partner with Elisa across their landmark Tournament Circuit the Champion of Champions and combine both our data analysis with our integrity team’s work is the perfect fit.
We look forward to all the action that is set to unfold across the 2021/22 season, and have worked towards conceptualizing a points system with Elisa that rewards all of the participating teams for their hard work and grind through the lower stages of the competing cups, as well as those good enough to win each of the competitions!” Tom Warburton, COO of GRID Esports.
“We have been searching for a long time for the right kind of partner to provide our Elisa Esports tournaments with the best possible integrity services. With GRID we can trust that all of our tournament data is handled securely and professionally. By joining forces we can now create something new and exciting that has never been seen before in the modern CS:GO era.“ Teemu Koski, Head of Elisa Esports.
You can follow the points updates every couple of weeks at @ElisaEsports, @TheEsportsBible, @PinnacleEsports, @RelogMedia & @Funspark socials.
Check out the 7th of May Points standings below!
Top 10 Points Total as of the 7th May
Overall Standings as of the 7th May
● SnowSweetSnow #1: FunPlus Phoenix
● SnowSweetSnow #2: HAVU
● SnowSweetSnow #3: mousesports
● SpringSweetSpring #1: forZe
● Pinnacle Cup 2021: Gambit
● Funspark ULTI 2021 Europe Regional Series #1: HAVU
● Elisa Invitational Spring 2021: SKADE
About Elisa Esports
The go-to Nordic esports operator with strong roots in the Finnish esports scene. Our mission is to provide a sustainable ecosystem for teams and players, by creating a path from grassroot activities to the world class esports events. We want to offer the best quality broadcasts and the best value in entertainment.
About GRID Esports
The leading provider of data solutions for the esports industry, leverages revolutionary technology to embrace data in the digital nature of competitive gaming and overcomes sports specific data challenges. Established in 2018 the company looks to tackle the data market and provide data services for monetization and fan engagement for tournament organisers & game publishers.
The new partnership will bring together the tournament operations of names such as Home Sweet Home, Funspark and Elisa Esports. The tournaments will operate under a shared pointing system for the teams and create a completely new international series with the locally most relevant teams for European esports fans across the continent.
Elisa Esports announces three new partnerships in order to strengthen its position in European esports field, namely with GRID, Relog Media and Funspark. The new Masters tournament tour will bring together the most interesting and fascinating esports teams across Europe, who go head-to-head and compete for a $2,7m total prize pool across 2021 and 2022 – all under the same and easy-to-follow tournament structure. Each tournament organizer (Elisa Esports, Relog Media and Funspark) will continue to provide their own individual prize pools, but now with participating in common tour and thus creating together a $2,7m CS:GO tournament tour.
The partnership with GRID will notably improve Elisa Esports’ capability in making use of the data in the played games, allowing for example a completely new way for spectators to get more insights about the played game in a live form. Furthermore, the tournament partnership with Relog Media and Funspark will significantly increase the amount of content to be available for European and Finnish esports fans and audience.
“With the extended tournament structure co-operated with Relog Media and Funspark, we wanted to provide a new way for European top teams to better their rankings and compete, even if they are not official partners with the largest commercial leagues. Our tour will attract an extraordinary combination of interesting teams in the world, which has been a long-awaited element by our viewers and fans across the Nordics and Europe. For our viewers we wanted to tell that we have listened, and acted accordingly”, says Teemu Koski, Head of Elisa Esports.
“Throughout 2020, we have put a significant effort in order to truly understand what our viewers and fans would love to see us deliver, both in terms of the content for the viewers and the professional opportunities for Finnish and Nordic esports teams. Partnering up with GRID, Relog Media and Funspark proves that we’re on the right track, and we will continue to work hard in order to serve the people who love esports”, adds Pasi Lindqvist, Senior Business Designer from Elisa.
By creating and joining a shared tournament structure through each organizers’ Masters-events, Elisa Esports plans to add a new layer to the existing Elisa Invitational tournament structure. First, Elisa Invitationals are expected to be organized quarterly with a total prize pool of $400k, which furthermore is planned to gather the winning teams of Elisa Invitationals to Elisa Masters events with a separate $250k prize pool. Similarly, the other two tournament organizers will host their Masters-events.
All of the tournaments (Elisa Invitational, Home Sweet Home & Funspark) will operate an overarching Points System which is based on GRID scoring data for the teams, which allows an easy way for teams and spectators to follow the journey throughout the annual seasons. All of the Masters events from each tournament organizer are planned to lead up to a new flagship CS:GO event called “Elisa Champion of Champions” tournament, which is currently expected to take place in the Fall 2022. Champion of Champions will attract a globally significant pool of teams, more information of which will be provided when final decisions about the event are made. More information about the point system and Elisa Champion of Champions event is to follow in coming weeks and months.
The content of Elisa Invitationals, Elisa Masters and Elisa Champion of Champions will be broadcasted on Elisa Esports’ Twitch channels in both Finnish and English. Other language broadcasters and local media partners will be shared before each event.
Next Elisa Invitational will be organized on 28th June to 3rd July 2021. This event will follow the regional and main swiss stages played throughout May and June. The Swiss stages will qualify 8 teams to Elisa Invitational Summer, whereas 4 other teams are receiving direct invites. The invited teams will be announced closer to the event. Elisa Invitational Fall and Elisa Invitational Winter will be organised later in 2021.
“We can expect nothing less than a year-long party for the fans, as the new structure brings together the most interesting teams and players across Europe, week after week”, comments Teemu Koski.
Elisa Invitational and Elisa Masters in a nutshell:
- Four Elisa Invitational events with $100,000 each, Elisa Masters with $250,000
- Completed: Elisa Invitational Spring 2021 ($100,000 total prize money)
- Elisa Invitational Summer 2021 ($100,000 total prize money)
- Elisa Invitational Fall 2021 ($100,000 total prize money)
- Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 ($100,000 total prize money)
- Elisa Masters 2022 ($250,000 total prize money)
- New Elisa Invitational format, applied to Elisa Invitational Summer 2021
- Stage 1 – Qualifiers
- May 1st – May 2nd
- 64 Finnish teams in a Single-Elimination Bracket in Saturday’s Open Qualifier
- hREDS, KOVA, SJ and the winner of the Open Qualifier in Sunday’s Closed Qualifier
- Winner secures a spot in Stage 2, Regional Swiss
- Stage 2 – Regional Swiss
- May 6th – May 30th
- Every week from Thursday to Sunday at 5pm and 8pm CEST
- Swiss Group (Best-of-3) with 15 invite teams such as Nordavind and Young Ninjas, and 1 qualifier team
- Top 8 teams will advance to Stage 3, Main Swiss
- Stage 3 – Main Swiss
- June 3rd – June 27th
- Every week from Thursday to Sunday at 5pm and 8pm CEST
- Swiss Group (Best-of-3) with 8 invite teams such as HAVU and ENCE, and 8 teams from the Regional Swiss
- Top 8 teams will secure spots in Stage 4, the Playoffs
- Stage 4 – Playoffs
- June 28th – July 3rd
- Single-Elimination Bracket with 4 rounds of play: Opening Matches, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals and Grand Finals
- 12 teams in total; 8 teams in the Opening Matches from Main Swiss, 4 teams invited to the Quarter Finals
- Stage 1 – Qualifiers
Elisa Champion of Champions Tour in a nutshell:
- Qualification Stages (2021-2022)
- Home Sweet Home tournaments ($1,200,000 total prize money)
- Elisa Invitational tournaments ($400,000 total prize money)
- Funspark tournaments ($330,000 total prize money)
- LAN Stages (2022)
- LAN Sweet LAN Masters tournament ($250,000 total prize money)
- Elisa Masters tournament ($250,000 total prize money)
- Funspark ULTI Grand Finals ($300,000 total prize money)
- Format
- Online Qualification Stages, where teams collect points
- Offline LAN Stages, where teams collect points
- Elisa Champion of Champions tournament in 2022, where teams with the most points will battle for the title of the Champion of Champions
- 2,7 million USD Prize Pool across a handful of tournaments in 2021-2022