Elisa Invitational Fall 2024 starts in June – Open Qualifier Signups are open NOW!

Get ready for an exhilarating season with the Elisa Invitational Fall 2024!

Save the dates as the Elisa Invitational Fall 2024 kicks off from July 15th to September 14th, 2024. The road to victory starts with the Open Qualifiers on June 15th and 16th, where the top 2 teams from each qualifier will secure their place in the Contenders Stage, joining 12 invite teams.

Stage 1 – Qualifiers

  • Participants: Open to European teams.
  • Dates: June 15th and 16th.
  • Format: The top 2 teams from each Qualifier move on to Stage 2, the Contenders Stage.
  • Signups: Open now!

Stage 2 – Contenders

  • Dates: July 15th – August 8th.
  • Format: Swiss Group (All matches Best-of-3) featuring 12 invite teams and 4 teams from the Open Qualifiers.
  • Advancement: The top 8 teams progress to Stage 3, the Main Swiss.

Stage 3 – Main Swiss

  • Dates: August 12th – September 5th.
  • Format: Swiss Group (Best-of-3) with 8 invite teams and 8 teams advancing from the Contenders Stage.
  • Advancement: The top 8 teams move forward to Stage 4, the Playoffs.

Stage 4 – Playoffs

  • Dates: September 10th – 14th.
  • Format: Single Elimination Bracket with 4 rounds: Opening Matches, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals, and the Grand Final.
  • Participants: 12 teams total; 8 teams from the Main Swiss compete in the Opening Matches, while 4 teams receive direct invitations to the Quarter Finals.

With a $25,000 prize pool up for grabs, the competition promises intense action, not only offering cash rewards but also an invitation to a yet-to-be-revealed LAN event.

The prize distribution:

1. $10,000 and an invite to an unannounced LAN event.
2. $5,000.
3.-4. $2,000.
5.-8. $1,000 each.
9.-12. $500 each.

Prepare for an unforgettable esports spectacle with the Elisa Invitational Fall 2024. Who will emerge victorious and claim the ultimate prize?

Next week, we are gearing up for the Elisa Invitational Spring 2024 Playoff Stage! Four invited teams and eight teams from the Main Swiss stage will face off from May 14th to May 18th, 2024.

All matches will be streamed live on our Twitch channel. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for live updates, schedules, and more.

  • Where: Online
  • When: May 14th – 18th, 2024
  • Teams: 12
  • Prize Pool: $25,000 + A spot in an unannounced LAN event


Invited Teams

  • Monte
  • Rebels
  • Sampi
  • Guild Eagles

From Main Swiss

  • Sashi
  • Alliance
  • Gaimin Gladiators
  • B8
  • Endpoint CeX


Opening Rounds:

14.5. Opening Round 312:00 CESTMOUZ NXT vs. B8
14.5. Opening Round 115:00 CESTAlliance vs. TBA.ECF
15.5. Opening Round 212:00 CESTSashi vs. Endpoint CeX
15.5. Opening Round 415:00 CESTBLEED vs. Gaimin Gladiators


16.5. Quarter-Final12:00 CESTSampi vs. Winner of OR3
16.5. Quarter-Final15:00 CESTMonte vs. Winner of OR1
17.5. Quarter-Final12:00 CESTGuild Eagles vs. Winner of OR2
17.5. Quarter-Final15:00 CESTRebels vs. Winner of OR4


18.5. Semi-Final 112:00 CESTTBD vs. TBD
18.5. Semi-Final 215:00 CESTTBD vs. TBD

Grand Final

18.5. Grand Final19:00 CESTTBD vs. TBD

All matches will be played as BO3. Stay tuned for more updates and enjoy the action-packed competition!

The Elisa Invitational Spring 2024 enters its second phase starting next Monday, featuring 8 teams from the Contenders Stage alongside 8 teams that have been invited. You can discover the schedule and details about the teams here, and watch the matches on the Elisa Esports Twitch channel. Don’t forget to follow us on X and Instagram for updates!

From the Main Swiss Stage, only 8 teams will advance to the Playoffs to join 4 invited teams. However, before we get to that, let’s keep an eye on these 16 teams over the coming weeks:


  • ex-Preasy (Invited)
  • Gaimin Gladiators (Invited)
  • Enterprise (Invited)
  • Sinners (Invited)
  • EYEBALLERS (Invited)
  • HAVU (Invited)
  • Alliance (Invited)
  • B8 (Invited)
  • MOUZ NXT (From Contenders Stage)
  • Zero Tenacity (From Contenders Stage)
  • BLEED (From Contenders Stage)
  • Permitta (From Contenders Stage)
  • Alternate Attax (From Contenders Stage)
  • Sashi Esport (From Contenders Stage)
  • Endpoint CeX (From Contenders Stage)
  • TBA.ECF (From Contenders Stage, ex-Eneida)


The schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward.

Round 1 (BO3) 8.-11.4.2024

Opening round
8.4.2024 11.00 CEST
Sinners vs. Alternate Attax2 – 0
Opening round
8.4.2024 14.00 CEST
B8 vs. MOUZ NXT1 – 2
Opening round
9.4.2024 11.00 CEST
ex-Preasy vs. TBA.ECF2 – 0
Opening round
9.4.2024 14.00 CEST
HAVU vs. BLEED0 – 2
Opening round
10.4.2024 11.00 CEST
EYEBALLERS vs. Permitta0 – 2
Opening round
10.4.2024 14.00 CEST
Gaimin Gladiators vs. Endpoint CeX2 – 0 FF
Opening round
11.4.2024 11.00 CEST
Enterprise vs. Sashi Esport1 – 2
Opening round
11.4.2024 14.00 CEST
Alliance vs. Zero Ternacity2 – 0

Round 2 (BO3) 15.-18.4.2024

High match
15.4.2024 11.00 CEST
Alliance vs. MOUZ NXT0 – 2
High match
15.4.2024 14.00 CEST
ex-Preasy vs. Sashi Esport1 – 2
High match
16.4.2024 11.00 CEST
Sinners vs. BLEED0 – 2
High match
16.4.2024 14.00 CEST
Gaimin Gladiators vs. Permitta2 – 1
Low match
17.4.2024 11.00 CEST
EYEBALLERS vs. Endpoint CeX0 – 2
Low match
17.4.2024 14.00 CEST
Enterprise vs. TBA.ECF0 – 2 FF
Low match
18.4.2024 11.00 CEST
B8 vs. Zero Tenacity2 – 0
Low match
18.4.2024 14.00 CEST
HAVU vs. Alternate Attax2 – 0

Round 3 (BO3) 22.-25.4.2024

Mid match
22.4.2024 11.00 CEST
ex-Preasy vs. Permitta0 – 2
Mid match
22.4.2024 14.00 CEST
Alliance vs. B82 – 0
Low match
23.4.2024 11.00 CEST
Enterprise vs. Alternate Attax1 – 2
High match
23.4.2024 15.00 CEST
Gaimin Gladiators vs. Sashi Esport0 – 2
High match
24.4.2024 11.00 CEST
Mid match
24.4.2024 15.00 CEST
Sinners vs. Endpoint CeX1 – 2
Mid match
25.4.2024 11.00 CEST
HAVU vs. TBA.ECF0 – 2
Low match
25.4.2024 14.00 CEST
EYEBALLERS vs. Zero Tenacity2 – 0

Round 4 (BO3) 29.4.-1.5.2024

High match
29.4.2024 11.00 CEST
Alliance vs. Endpoint CeX2 – 0
High match
29.4.2024 14.00 CEST
Gaimin Gladiators vs. TBA.ECF1 – 2
High match
30.4.2024 11.00 CEST
BLEED vs. Permitta2 – 0
Elimination match
30.4.2024 14.00 CEST
Elimination match
1.5.2024 11.00 CEST
Sinners vs. B80 – 2
Elimination match
1.5.2024 14.30 CEST
ex-Preasy vs. Alternate Attax2 – 0 FF

Round 5 (BO3) 2.5.2024

Elimination match
2.5.2024 11.00 CEST
B8 vs. Permitta2 – 0
Elimination match
2.5.2024 14.00 CEST
Granny’s Knockers0 – 2
Elimination match
2.5.2024 17.30 CEST
Gaimin Gladiators2 – 0

Olemme iloisia voidessamme ilmoittaa merkittävästä yhteistyöstä Ammattiliitto Pron kanssa tulevan Elisa Open -turnauksen kuudennella kaudella, joka tunnetaan nyt virallisesti nimellä Elisa Pro Open 6. Tämä yhteistyö edistää entisestään sitoutumistamme suomalaisen e-urheilukentän tukemiseen.

Ammattiliitto Pro on ensimmäinen ammattiliitto, joka sijoittaa merkittävästi kotimaiseen e-urheiluun. Tämä suuri panostus korostaa e-urheilualan kasvavaa merkitystä ja sen ammattilaisten asemaa. Yhteistyö on lisäksi merkittävä askel e-urheilun ammattilaisten tukemisessa ja tunnustamisessa Suomessa.

Salla Matilainen, Ammattiliitto Pron Viestintäpäällikkö, kommentoi yhteistyötä innostuneena: “Me Prolla turvaamme ammattiliittona jäsentemme työehdot ja ansiokehityksen tiukoissakin tilanteissa. Haluamme kannustaa myös Elisa Openin pelaajia valitsemaan työelämän parhaan taktiikan ja liittymään ammattiliittoon.”

Olli-Pekka Villa, Head of Elisa Esports, ilmaisi myös innostuksensa alkaneesta kumppanuudesta: “Yhteistyömme Ammattiliitto Pron kanssa Elisa Pro Open 6 -turnauksessa on merkittävä askel kykyjen vaalimisessa, ja tarjoaa suomalaisille pelaajille mahdollisuuden loistaa. Yhdessä asetamme näyttämön unohtumattomalle kilpailun ja yhteisöllisyyden kaudelle.” 

Elisa Pro Open 6 –turnauksessa pelaa tuttuun tapaan kahdeksan suomalaista joukkuetta. Mukana kutsujoukkueina ovat JANO, RoundsGG, ENCE Academy sekä HAVU Gaming. Kutsujoukkueita pääsee haastamaan neljä joukkuetta avoimista karsinnoista. Avoimet karsinnat pelataan 6.-7. huhtikuuta. Linkit karsintoihin löydät artikkelin lopusta.

Elisa Pro Open 6 tullaan pelaamaan 13. huhtikuuta – 5. toukokuuta. Pudotuspelivaihe pelataan 28. huhtikuuta – 5. toukokuuta. Turnauksen kahden lohkon lohkovaihe ja pudotuspelit pelataan GSL Double Elimination -formaatilla. Yhdestä lohkosta jatkoon karsiutuu kaksi parasta joukkuetta. Kaikki ottelut pelataan Best-of-3-formaatilla. 

Palkintopotissa on yhteensä 5000 euroa. Voittaja nappaa itselleen 3000 euroa, toiseksi tullut 1500 euroa ja kolmanneksi sijoittunut 500 euroa. Finalistit lunastavat paikat arvostettuun Suomen mestaruuden näyttämöön, Elisa Esportsin järjestämään eSM-turnaukseen.

Kaikki Elisa Pro Open 6 -kauden ottelut tullaan näkemään Elisa Viihteellä sekä Elisa Viihde Sportin Twitch-kanavalla.

Elisa Pro Open 6 pähkinänkuoressa 


  • Avoimet karsinnat 6. – 7. huhtikuuta 
  • Runkosarja 13. – 27. huhtikuuta 
  • Pudotuspelit 28. huhtikuuta – 5. toukokuuta 


  • Kahdeksan joukkuetta, kahdessa neljän joukkueen GSL Double Elimination -lohkossa (Best-of-3) 
  • 4 joukkueen GSL Double Elimination -pudotuspelivaihe (Best-of-3) 


  • 1. sija: 3000€ ja paikka eSM-turnaukseen 
  • 2. sija: 1500€ ja paikka eSM-turnaukseen
  • 3. sija: 500€ 


Welcome to the official Guide for the Elisa Masters Espoo 2023! As we gear up for another riveting tournament, this guide will provide you with all the essential details you need to follow the action.

Arriving to the Espoo Metro Arena

Espoo Metro Arena is located in Urheilupuistontie 3, 02200 Espoo. You can arrive by public transportation or by your own car.

Public Transportation

  • Use HSL Route planner for the best options.
  • Closest metro station: Urheilupuisto, about 500 meters away.
  • Local buses: The lines within Espoo that pass by Metro Areena are 114 Tapiola (M)-Leppävaara,115 Tapiola (M)-Mankkaa and 119 Tapiola-Niittykumpu. There are also other lines running near Areena along Merituulentie.

From Helsinki-Vantaa airport, you can easily get to the Helsinki railway station by train and from there by metro to Urheilupuisto station.

Own Car

  • Limited free parking available. Next to Urheilupuisto metro station, there is a parking space with ten charging points for electric cars, offering convenient access (approximately 500m) to the Espoo Metro Areena.

Partnership with Taksi Helsinki

  • Convenient taxi service to the Arena with our partner, Taksi Helsinki.
  • With Taksi Helsinki application it is the easiest and fastest way to book a taxi. Use the app with code PIKKUJOULU23 for a -10% discount of your first ride. Application is available on iPhone and Android phones. Download the application now!

Entering Espoo Metro Arena

  • Tickets: Purchase in advance, no door sales. Buy online at elisamasters.com.
  • Entrances: Main entrance for Lower Seat, Drinking Seat, Drinking Floor Seat and Floor Seat tickets; Club doors for Legendary and Premium VIP tickets.
  • Security: Be ready for bag checks at the gate. Prohibited objects, substances, and foods/drinks are removed at the doors during the entrance inspection. Importing food into the Arena is only possible for health reasons.

Accessibility at Metro Areena

Metro Areena is committed to ensuring an enjoyable experience for all guests, including those with reduced mobility. Conveniently, handicapped parking spaces are located near the main entrance, making access easier. Additionally, an elevator is available for guests’ use, ensuring smooth and comfortable movement within the venue. All events hosted at Metro Areena are designed to be accessible. For added convenience, accessible restroom facilities are also provided to accommodate our guests’ needs.



Wednesday 29.11. – Group A

  • 13:00 EET: Opening Match #1 (BO1) – ENCE vs. HAVU
  • 14:00 EET: Opening Match #2 (BO1) – GamerLegion vs. Fnatic
  • 17:00 EET: Winners Match (BO3) – TBD
  • 19:30 EET: Losers Match (BO3) – TBD

Thursday 30.11. – Group B

  • 13:00 EET: Opening Match #1 (BO1) – MOUZ vs. Apeks
  • 14:00 EET: Opening Match #2 (BO1) – Complexity vs. FURIA
  • 17:00 EET: Winners Match (BO3) – TBD
  • 19:30 EET: Losers Match (BO3) – TBD


Friday 1.12.

  • 14:00 EET: Doors Open
  • 16:00 EET: Group A Decider Match (BO3)
  • 19:00 EET: Group B Decider Match (BO3)

Saturday 2.12.

  • 14:00 EET: Doors Open
  • 16:00 EET: Semi Final #1 (BO3)
  • 19:00 EET: Semi Final #2 (BO3)

Sunday 3.12.

  • 15:00 EET: Doors Open
  • 17:00 EET: Grand Final (BO5)


An impressive lineup of teams is ready to compete for the trophy:

Invite Teams

  • ENCE: After falling in the Quarter Finals last year, the European powerhouse ENCE is back with determination to go even further.
  • MOUZ: With a refreshed lineup featuring the talented Jimi “Jimpphat” Salo, MOUZ is poised to impress on the Finnish stage.​
  • Complexity: Returning with the addition of the mastermind of NA, EliGE, ready to showcase their A game.
  • FURIA: Back in Finland after their triumph at the Arctic Invitational, Furia is eyeing another victory.
  • FNATIC: Last year’s champions, aiming to defend their title with a new, yet to be announced, lineup.


  • GamerLegion: Securing their spot through the Elisa Invitational, GamerLegion is prepared to showcase their skills and determination.
  • Apeks: Another qualifier from the Elisa Invitational, Apeks is eager to demonstrate their growth and competitive edge.
  • HAVU: The Finnish champions from Elisa Esports eSM 2023, HAVU is ready to contend on their home turf.


Group AGroup B


Studio Phase Casters

Arena Phase Talents

Finnish Broadcast Casters

Explore Espoo

While in Espoo for the tournament, explore the city with our “Visitor’s Guide to Espoo,” offering great tips on dining, sightseeing, and experiences. Find the guide here for a delightful stay.

Keilaniemi – dspmedia / Visit Espoo

Official Studio Phase Watch Parties

In addition to the live excitement at the Espoo Metro Arena, we are thrilled to announce the Official Studio Phase Watch Parties for #ElisaMasters. Thanks to our collaboration with Tornion panimo, fans in Helsinki and Tampere can join the thrill of the tournament in two fantastic locations:

  • Arkade Bar, Kalevankatu 30, Helsinki
  • Bar & Cafe Lategame, Kuninkaankatu 19, Tampere

Special Accommodation Offer at Hotel Matts

Hotel Matts offers a -15% discount on accommodations for esports fans from 27.11. to 4.12.2023. Use the code ALLESPORTS23 when booking on the Hotel Matts website.

Join us for an unforgettable esports experience at the Elisa Masters Espoo 2023, whether attending in person or tuning in online. Stay updated with the latest information as we draw closer to the event date!

As the esports community eagerly awaits Elisa Masters Espoo 2023, there’s a promise to not just deliver thrilling matches but also an unparalleled gaming experience. This commitment is further strengthened with the renewed partnership between Elisa Esports and ASUS ROG, a leading name in top-tier gaming innovation.

With numerous top-ranking teams set to participate, Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 aims to offer them an environment reflecting their high caliber. This is where ASUS ROG comes in, promising to enhance the gaming experience with its advanced equipment. “We are thrilled to be partnering up with Elisa Esports once again to provide Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 with state of the art Gaming PC’s and 380Hz ROG Strix XG259QN monitors ensuring a top tier gaming experience for the players in Espoo”, said Lovisa Boström, Gaming Marketing Manager at ASUS ROG Nordic.

But the excitement doesn’t end here. ASUS ROG is preparing to showcase a treat for tech enthusiasts and fans attending the event. “We had an absolute blast at Elisa Masters Espoo 2022 and we are very excited to return to Espoo for Elisa Masters Espoo 2023. This year we will bring the latest and most exciting products from ASUS ROG to Espoo Metro Arena with a dedicated space for visitors. The highly anticipated ROG Swift Pro PG248QP monitor with 540Hz and the handheld success ROG Ally among many other products will be on display to experience hands-on. We hope to see you there!” Lovisa Boström added.

Speaking about the significant collaboration, Olli-Pekka Villa, Head of Elisa Esports, stated, “For a major event like Elisa Masters, it’s essential to have a partner that shares our vision of excellence. ASUS ROG, with its impressive reputation and unmatched expertise, aligns perfectly with our goal of offering an unparalleled experience, both in terms of gameplay and tech interaction.”

This partnership symbolizes the perfect blend of world-class esports talent and top-notch gaming technology, ensuring Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 is an event to remember!

Legendaarinen MängudeÖÖ -tapahtuma Virossa toimii näyttämönä Counter-Striken Suomi-Viro-maaottelulle. Turnauksen palkintopotissa on 3000€.

MängudeÖÖ on Viron vanhin pelitapahtuma, joka järjestetään 30. syyskuuta 2023, 25. kerran. Counter-Strike-turnauksen lisäksi tarjolla on muita pienempiä kilpailuja ja lukemattomia mahdollisuuksia kokeilla uusimpia videopelejä ja teknologiaa. Sukella koko yön kestävään toimintaan viidessä elokuvateatterissasalissa ja kahdessa kerroksessa!

Elisa Esports järjestää suomalaisille tiimeille karsinnat Esportalissa:

Ensimmäinen karsinta 10. syyskuuta
– Kaksi parasta semifinaaliin (online)
Linkki Esportaliin

Toinen karsinta 15. syyskuuta
– Kaksi parasta semifinaaliin (online)
Linkki Esportaliin

Semifinaali 17. syyskuuta
– Voittaja MängudeÖÖ -tapahtumaan
Linkki Esportaliin

Semifinaalin voittajatiimi lähetetään Viroon pelaamaan Viron voittajaa vastaan MängudeÖÖ -tapahtumassa 30. syyskuuta järjestettävään LAN-finaaliin. MängudeÖÖ kattaa Helsinki-Tallinna-Helsinki laivaliput ja 30. syyskuuta – 1. lokakuuta hotellimajoituksen karsintojen voittajatiimille (5 pelaajaa sekä valmentaja).

Kerää joukkueesi kasaan, ja suuntaa Esportaliin ilmoittautumaan karsintoihin!

For seamless travel solutions, Taksi Helsinki has joined us as the official transport partner for the Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 event. With a reputation for reliable and quality services, Taksi Helsinki is conveniently located throughout the Helsinki metropolitan area, guaranteeing that all event attendees – players, staff, and fans alike – have the ability to reach the Espoo Metro Arena and other event destinations swiftly and easily.

In addition to offering unmatched reliability and convenience, Taksi Helsinki is also committed to sustainability. Its ecofleet, or low-emission fleet, has seen significant growth in recent years. Currently, approximately a quarter of Taksi Helsinki’s fleet is powered by electricity. The ecofleet’s expansion has been somewhat limited by delays in the availability of electric cars, but the company continues to make strides in its pursuit of a more sustainable future.

Whether participants need to commute to the event venue, return to Hotel Matts for a night of sleep and relaxation, or simply wish to explore the vibrant city of Espoo, Taksi Helsinki provides a dependable and secure transport service. Their commitment to customer satisfaction, environmental responsibility, and their slogan “Worthy of your trust” makes Taksi Helsinki an ideal choice for transport within the city.

Expressing his enthusiasm about the partnership, Olli-Pekka Villa, Head of Elisa Esports, said: “For an event as grand as Elisa Masters, a dependable transport partner like Taksi Helsinki is essential. Their commitment to punctuality and quality service is sure to enhance the smooth functioning of the event, ensuring our players and staff can navigate the city effortlessly.”

Suvi Viitala, Head of Sales and Marketing, Taksi Helsinki, also shared her thoughts on the collaboration: ” We have just published our new brand concept – Worthy of your trust, and we were excited when we were asked to be a partner in the event, which collected more than five million live broadcast views last year. We believe that the event will reach a lot of important target groups for us this year, and the Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 event is a great way for us to introduce our new brand concept to new target groups as well.”

As we move towards the end of the year, Taksi Helsinki will offer exclusive, environmentally friendly transportation services throughout the Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 event. Their commitment to punctuality, safety, reliability, and sustainability goes hand-in-hand with the core values of the event, promising an unforgettable event for all attendees!

The last Finnish Champion of CS:GO will be crowned at the Assembly Summer 2023 Main Stage this weekend! Four amazing Finnish teams will fight for the victory, the title of Finnish Champion and a spot to the Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 event played in November and December.


  • Elisa Esports eSM 2023 – The Finnish Championship tournament in CS:GO



  • 3rd to 5th of August 2023

How can I follow?



  • JANO (Elisa Open Suomi Season 4 winner)
  • ENCE Academy (Elisa Open Suomi Season 4 finalist)
  • HAVU (Elisa Open Suomi Season 5 finalist)
  • Enhanced (Elisa Esports eSM 2023 Last Chance Qualifier)

Schedule (in EEST)

Thu 3.8.2023 at 13.00HAVU vs. Enhanced
Thu 3.8.2023 at 17.00ENCE Academy vs. JANO
Thu 3.8.2023 at 21.00TBD vs. TBD (Upper Bracket 1)
Fri 4.8.2023 at 11.00TBD vs. TBD (Losers Bracket 1)
Fri 4.8.2023 at 14.30TBD vs. TBD (Losers Bracket 2)
Sat 5.8.2023 at 14.30TBD vs. TBD (Grand Final)

Elisa Esports eSM 2023 -turnaukseen paikkansa ansainneet joukkueet ovat Elisa Open Suomi 4. ja 5. kauden finalisteja. Koska kausilla oli päällekkäisiä finalisteja, ratkaistaan viimeinen eSM-turnauksen paikka Last Chance Qualifier -karsintaturnauksessa tulevana viikonloppuna 22.-23.7.2023. Last Chance Qualifier -karsintaturnaukseen kutsutaan 4. ja 5. kauden kolmannen ja neljännen sijan joukkueet, ja voittaja lunastaa paikkansa Elisa Esports eSM 2023 -turnaukseen.

Elisa Esports eSM 2023 -turnaus järjestetään Helsingin Messukeskuksessa Assembly Summer 2023 -tapahtumassa 3.-5.8.2023. Turnauksessa neljä Suomen parasta joukkuetta (ENCE Academy, HAVU, JANO ja Last Chance Qualifier -voittaja) kohtaavat toisensa ja kamppailevat suomenmestaruustittelin lisäksi paikasta Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 -tapahtumaan!

Missä ja milloin:

  • lauantaina ja sunnuntaina 22. – 23.7.2023
  • online, lähetykset ElisaViihdeSportin Twitch-kanavalla


  • Enhanced (Elisa Open Suomi 4. kauden 3. sija)
    • p3kko
    • puuha
    • Villeboe
    • millert
    • teme
  • TMVG (Elisa Open Suomi 4. kauden 4. sija)
    • shaker
    • Samppa
    • STOVVe
    • lehtori
    • arvid
  • FCottoNd (Elisa Open Suomi 5. kauden 3. sija)
    • yaNgile
    • MakeZ
    • Julbertos8d
    • kappe
    • ottob
  • mastermix123 (Elisa Open Suomi 5. kauden 4. sija)
    • oopee
    • Arttub0b
    • eneshan
    • n0te
    • zks


  • Best-of-3 Single Elimination bracket


  • lauantaina 22.7. klo 12:00 – Semi 1: Enhanced vs. mastermix123
  • lauantaina 22.7. klo 15:00 – Semi 2: FCottoNd vs. TMVG
  • sunnuntaina 23.7. klo 13:00 – Finaali: 1. ottelun voittaja vs. 2. ottelun voittaja


  • Voittajalle paikka Elisa Esports eSM 2023 -turnaukseen

Pysyäksesi kartalla kaikesta suomenmestaruuteen liittyvästä, kannattaa ottaa Elisa Esportsin ja Assemblyn somekanavat seurantaan jo nyt!

Elisa Esports – TwitterInstagram ja TikTok – elisaesports.com
Assembly – TwitterInstagram ja TikTok – assembly.org
SEUL – TwitterInstagramFacebook – seul.fi