Vilpe and Elisa Esports continue their successful cooperation

Vilpe continues its long-term cooperation with Elisa Esports and will again participate in the Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 event. Vilpe’s commitment to esports and supporting young talents underlines the company’s appreciation for both traditional and electronic sports.

Vilpe is expanding its operations in Vantaa and is looking for young professionals to strengthen its team. The recruitment openings at the end of 2024 offer excellent opportunities for youngsters studying or already working in the construction industry.

“We have been working with Elisa Esports for several years now, and we are on an upward trajectory. Esports are important to us at VILPE. With Elisa Esports, we have been able to bring this aspect to the target groups that are important to us, and we have been able to support the domestic esports ecosystem. The cooperation has brought measurable results on both sides. When we started building a new office in Vantaa, it was natural for us to deepen our cooperation further. An interesting new feature has been the Dota 2 Community Bash organised by Elisa Esports and of course we are again heavily involved in Counter-Strike at the Elisa Masters Espoo event,” comments Tuomas Saikkonen, CEO of VILPE.

Vilpe aims to create brand awareness, especially among young people who are studying or already working in the construction industry. The cooperation with Elisa Esports provides Vilpe with a unique opportunity to reach young people and make their product and value visible in the esports world. This strategy strengthens Vilpe’s position as an innovative employer that attracts young talents.

Vilpe supports domestic esports, as the company wants to ensure that esports get the attention they deserve. The cooperation between Vilpe and Elisa Esports is an example of how a traditional industrial company can embrace new trends and support Finnish sports in a versatile way.

The cooperation between Vilpe and Elisa Esports has brought many successes, and we are looking forward to what the future holds. Olli-Pekka Villa, Head of Elisa Esports, comments: “Our cooperation has proven to be very successful and we are confident that the upcoming Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 event will be a great success.”

More information about Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 can be found at

Elisa Open Suomi -turnauksen seitsemäs kausi käynnistyy elokuussa 2024, tarjoten huippujännittäviä e-urheiluhetkiä kaikille CS2-faneille! Tällä kaudella pelataan kahdeksan joukkueen Triple Elimination -lohkot, jonka neljä parasta joukkuetta etenee Double Elimination -pudotuspeleihin.


  • Avoimet karsinnat: 24. & 31.8.2024
  • Lohkovaiheen pelit: Sunnuntaisin ja maanantaisin 8.9.-30.9.2024
    • 4 joukkuetta avoimista karsinnoista (2 joukkuetta/karsinta)
    • 4 joukkuetta kutsulla
  • Pudotuspelit: 5.-6.10.2024
  • Finaaliottelu: Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 -tapahtumassa 20.10.2024


Tänä vuonna jaossa on yhteensä 5000 euroa:

  1. sija: 3000€
  2. sija: 1500€
  3. sija: 500€

Lisäksi turnauksen finalistit pääsevät pelaamaan finaalin Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 -tapahtumassa, joka on yksi vuoden odotetuimmista e-urheilutapahtumista!

Älä missaa mahdollisuutta näyttää taitosi ja otella Suomen parhaita vastaan – ilmoittaudu mukaan ja varmista paikkasi!

The Elisa Invitational Fall 2024 moves into its second phase starting next Monday, featuring 8 teams from the Contenders Stage alongside 8 invited teams. Check out the schedule and team details, and catch all the action on the Elisa Esports Twitch channel. Be sure to follow us on X and Instagram for all the latest updates!

From the Main Swiss Stage, only 8 teams will advance to the Playoffs to join 4 invited teams. The ultimate winner of the season will claim a coveted spot at the Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 and a share of the €25,000 prize pool. But first, let’s focus on these 16 teams in the coming weeks:

Invite teams

  • Endpoint CeX
  • Gaimin Gladiators
  • Into the Breach
  • Metizport
  • Rebels
  • TSM
  • Zero Tenacity

Teams from the Contenders Stage

  • Alternate AttaX
  • DASH
  • Enterprise
  • Favbet
  • Meteor
  • Rhyno
  • Sampi


The schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward. You can also find match results here.

Round 1 (B03) 12.-15.8.2024

Opening round
12.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Zero Tenacity vs. Favbet0 – 2
Opening round
12.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Metizport vs. Sampi2 – 0
Opening round
13.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Rebels vs. DASH2 – 1
Opening round
13.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Gaimin Gladiators vs. Meteor2 – 1
Opening round
14.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Opening round
14.8.2024 14.00 CEST
TSM vs. Alternate Attax2 – 1
Opening round
15.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Endpoint CeX vs. Rhyno0 – 2
Opening round
15.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Into the Breach vs. Enterprise2 – 0

Round 2 (B03) 19.-22.8.2024

Low match
19.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Zero Tenacity vs. Meteor2 – 1
Low match
19.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Enterprise vs. KONO.ECF2 – 0
High match
20.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Metizport vs. TSM0 – 2
High match
20.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Rebels vs. Rhyno2 – 0
High match
21.8.2024 11.00 CEST
MOUZ NXT vs. Into The Breach2 – 1
High match
21.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Gaimin Gladiators vs. Favbet0 – 2
Low match
22.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Endpoint CeX vs. DASH1 – 2
Low match
22.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Alternate Attax vs. Sampi2 – 1

Round 3 (B03) 26.-29.8.2024

Mid match
26.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Gaimin Gladiators vs. DASH0 – 2
Elimination Match
26.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Sampi vs. KONO.ECF2 – 1
Mid match
27.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Metizport vs. Enterprise2 – 0
High match
27.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Rebels vs. Favbet2 – 1
Elimination Match
28.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Zero Tenacity vs. Rhyno2 – 0
Mid match
28.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Endpoint CeX vs. Meteor0 – FFW
Mid match
29.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Into the Breach vs. Alternate Attax2 – 0
High match
29.8.2024 14.00 CEST
MOUZ NXT vs. TSM2 – 1

Round 4 (B03) 2.-4.9.2024

High match
2.9.2024 11.00 CEST
TSM vs. Into The Breach2 – 0
High Match
2.9.2024 14.00 CEST
Metizport vs. Favbet2 – 1
Elimination match
3.9.2024 11.00 CEST
Enterprise vs. Sampi0 – 2
High match
3.9.2024 14.00 CEST
Zero Tenacity vs. DASH2 – 0
Elimination Match
4.9.2024 11.00 CEST
Alternate Attax vs. Meteor2 – 1
Elimination match
4.9.2024 14.00 CEST
Gaimin Gladiators vs. Rhyno2 – 0

Round 5 (B03) 5.9.2024

Elimination match
5.9.2024 12.00 CEST
Gaimin Gladiators vs. Sampi
Elimination match
5.9.2024 14.00 CEST
Into The Breach vs. DASH
Elimination match
5.9.2024 17.00 CEST
Alternate Attax vs. Favbet

The Elisa Invitational Fall 2024 will kick off its Contenders Stage on Monday, July 15th. Among the 16 competing teams, only the best 8 will progress to the Main Swiss!

All the games will be streamed on Elisa Esports Twitch channel. For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

Contenders Stage teams

  • Alternate AttaX (Invited)
  • Dynamo Eclot (Invited)
  • Enterprise (Invited)
  • EYEBALLERS (Invited)
  • Favbet (Invited)
  • HAVU (Invited)
  • KONO.ECF (Invited)
  • Lilmix (Invited)
  • Nexus (Invited)
  • Permitta (Invited)
  • Rhyno (Invited)
  • Sampi (Invited)
  • DASH (From Open Qualifier)
  • Infinite (From Open Qualifier)
  • Meteor (From Open Qualifier)
  • Team Next Level (From Open Qualifier)


The schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward. You can also find match results here.

Round 1 (B03) 15.-18.7.2024

Opening round
15.7.2024 11.00 CEST
Enterprise vs. Team Next Level2 – 0
Opening round
15.7.2024 14.00 CEST
Opening round
16.7.2024 11.00 CEST
Sampi vs. Meteor2 – 0
Opening round
16.7.2024 14.00 CEST
Dynamo Eclot vs. Favbet1 – 2
Opening round
17.7.2024 11.00 CEST
Alternate AttaX vs. Nexus2 – 1
Opening round
17.7.2024 14.00 CEST
Rhyno vs. HAVU2 – 0
Opening round
18.7.2024 11.00 CEST
KONO.ECF vs. Lilmix0 – 2
Opening round
18.7.2024 14.00 CEST
Permitta vs. Infinite0 – 2

Round 2 (B03) 22.-25.7.2024

High match
22.7.2024 11.00 CEST
Sampi vs. Infinite2 – 0
High match
22.7.2024 14.00 CEST
Enterprise vs. DASH2 – 1
Low match
23.7.2024 11.00 CEST
EYEBALLERS vs. Team Next Level0 – 2
High match
23.7.2024 14.00 CEST
Rhyno vs. FAVBET 2 – 1
Low match
24.7.2024 11.00 CEST
Permitta vs. Meteor1 – 2
High match
24.7.2024 14.00 CEST
Alternate Attax vs. Lilmix2 – 1
Low match
25.7.2024 11.00 CEST
KONO.ECF vs. Nexus2 – 0
Low match
25.7.2024 14.00 CEST
Dynamo Eclot vs. HAVU2 – 1

Round 3 (B03) 29.7.-1.8.2024

Mid match
29.7.2024 11.00 CEST
Dynamo Eclot vs. DASH1 – 2
Elimination match
29.7.2024 14.00 CEST
Permitta vs. HAVU2 – 0
High match
30.7.2024 11.00 CEST
Enterprise vs. Rhyno2 – 0
Mid match
30.7.2024 14.00 CEST
Lilmix vs. Infinite0 – 2
Elimination match
31.7.2024 11.00 CEST
EYEBALLERS vs. Nexus1 – 2
Mid match
31.7.2024 14.00 CEST
KONO.ECF vs. Team Next Level2 – 0
High match
1.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Sampi vs. Alternate Attax1 – 2
Mid match
1.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Favbet vs. Meteor1 – 2

Round 4 (B03) 5.-7.8.2024

High Match
5.8.2024 11.00 CEST
KONO.ECF vs. Infinite2 – 0
High match
5.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Rhyno vs. Meteor2 – 1
Elimination match
6.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Favbet vs. Lilmix2 – 1
Elimination match
6.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Permitta vs. Team Next Level0 – 2 FFW
High match
7.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Sampi vs. DASH2 – 0
Elimination match
7.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Dynamo Eclot vs. Nexus1 – 2

Round 5 (B03) 8.8.2024

Elimination Match
8.8.2024 11.00 CEST
Nexus vs. DASH
Elimination match
8.8.2024 14.00 CEST
Infinite vs. Meteor
Elimination match
8.8.2024 17.00 CEST
Favbet vs. Team Next Level

Hotel Matts is the official accommodation partner of the Elisa Masters Espoo 2024, offering esports fans a unique accommodation experience just minutes from the Espoo Metro Arena. Located in Matinkylä, the hotel is a perfect choice for anyone arriving at the event, as the journey to the venue is quick and easy by metro. In addition, if you arrive by car, the hotel offers safe and affordable parking facilities.

Spacious and modern rooms and apartments at Hotel Matts are ideal for both shorter and longer stays. Mornings start with a delicious buffet breakfast at Restaurant Freja, where fresh ingredients and a chic atmosphere create the perfect start to the day. In the evenings, guests can relax in the stylish bar or enjoy the varied delicacies of the dinner restaurant.

“We are pleased to continue our partnership with Elisa Masters for the third year in a row. The partnership has given visibility in the domestic and international esports community and our hotel has successfully hosted several LAN events. We are very happy to welcome the world-class teams and enthusiastic spectators of the Elisa Masters event to Hotel Matts,” says Johanna Saario, Product Development Manager, Kassiopeia Hotels & Restaurants.

Olli-Pekka Villa, Head of Elisa Esports, adds:

“Our partnership with Hotel Matts has been very smooth and they have always been able to meet the high standards of the event. Their excellent service and modern facilities ensure that our teams and staff have the best possible experience and can concentrate fully on the event.”

Hotel Matts also offers a discount for the Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 visitors. Book your own room and ensure a pleasant stay during the event!

Reserve your stay now to enjoy a special accommodation discount

Now is a great opportunity to use the discount code ALLESPORTS24 to book your accommodation to Hotel Matts online for the period 14th to 21st of October 2024.

Sunday to thursday from 110 € / night
Friday to saturday from 93 € / night

Don’t miss this unique opportunity, book your accommodation now and get ready to enjoy esports highlights in comfort!

Elisa Esports eSM 2024 -turnaus tekee paluun, kun historian ensimmäinen Counter-Strike 2:n suomenmestaruus ratkaistaan Assembly Summer 2024 -tapahtumassa Helsingin Messukeskuksessa elokuussa. Suomenmestaruustittelin lisäksi turnauksen voittaja pääsee kohtaamaan kansainväliset huipputiimit Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 -turnauksessa 16.–20. lokakuuta Espoon Metro Areenalla. Suljettujen karsintojen kutsujoukkueina nähdään RoundsGG, TMVG ja HAVU, sekä neljäs joukkue, joka tullaan julkaisemaan myöhemmin.

Tietoa turnauksesta

Avoimet karsinnat:

Suljetut Karsinnat:

  • Päivämäärät: 19.–21.7.
  • Joukkuemäärä: 8 joukkuetta
    • 4 joukkuetta avoimista karsinnoista
    • 4 joukkuetta kutsulla
      • RoundsGG, TMVG, HAVU + myöhemmin julkaistava joukkue
  • Formaatti: Single-Elimination Bracket
  • Finalistit pääsevät eSM-turnaukseen


  • Päivämäärät: 1.–3.8.
  • Joukkuemäärä: 4 joukkuetta
    • 2 joukkuetta suljetuista karsinnoista (JANO ja HAVU)
    • Heimo ja ENCE Academy ovat ansainneet paikkansa Elisa Pro Open 6 -turnauksen finaaleista
  • Semi-finaalit ja finaali
  • Voittaja saa suomenmestaruustittelin ja paikan Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 -turnaukseen

“Elisa Esports on sitoutunut tukemaan kotimaista CS-skeneä ja rakentamaan sen ympärille merkittäviä sarjoja, liigoja ja turnauksia. eSM-turnaus on näistä yksi, ja olemme ylpeitä siitä, että saamme järjestää Suomen arvostetuimman turnauksen Assemblyillä, joka on ikoninen tapahtuma suomalaisessa pelikulttuurissa. Odotamme innolla energistä yleisöä ja huipputason joukkueita,” kertoo Elisa Esportsin liiketoiminnasta vastaava, Olli-Pekka Villa.


To 1.8. klo 19:30 Semi-finaali #1Heimo vs. JANO0 – 2
Pe 2.8. klo 18:30 Semi-finaali #2ENCE AC vs. HAVU2 – 1
La 3.8. klo 14:30 FinaaliJANO vs. ENCE Academy

Seuraa Turnausta

Pysyäksesi ajan tasalla turnauksen tapahtumista, seuraa Elisa Esportsin ja Assemblyn somekanavia. Luvassa on Suomen kovinta CS:ää ja unohtumattomia elämyksiä. Hanki liput ja tule kannustamaan suosikkijoukkueesi voittoon!

Lisätietoja ja liput Assembly Summer 2024 -tapahtumaan löydät osoitteesta

Elisa Esports – TwitterInstagram ja TikTok –
Assembly – TwitterInstagram ja TikTok –
SEUL – TwitterInstagramFacebook –

Elisa Masters Espoo has grown to become the number one Finnish esports event and has been a great success in Finland and around the world. The event will be held for the third time at Espoo Metro Arena on 16–20 October 2024 and is expected to be even more competitive this year. Ticket sales start on 29 May at 11:00 CEST.

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Elisa Masters Espoo 2024, Finland’s largest esports arena event, is an international tournament organised in cooperation with the City of Espoo. Last year’s second edition of the Elisa Masters was a huge success, with over 8,000 spectators on site and 33 million unique pairs of eyes watching from around the world.

Best event of the year becoming an even better experience

The Elisa Masters Espoo has earned its place among the major international tournaments and was nominated at the HLTV Awards as the best Counter-Strike event of the year. In Finland, the Elisa Masters Espoo was voted B2C Event of the Year at the Sponsorointi & Tapahtumat Awards in March.

Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 was attended by more than 8000 spectators at the arena. Photo: Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 / Janne Maljanen

The Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 starts with the studio phase on 16–17 October, followed by the exciting arena phase at Espoo Metro Arena on 18–20 October. A total of eight teams will compete in the tournament. In addition to B8, the team from Ukraine that won the Elisa Invitational Spring 2024, the tournament will see the winner of the Elisa Esports eSM 2024 national championships in August, the winner of the Elisa Invitational Fall 2024 in September, and five world-class invited teams. The other teams participating in the event will be announced in the coming months. The prize pool for the event is $200,000. Ticket sales will start on 29 May at 11 CEST. This year, all ticket types for the Friday will be available for the same price of €19. In addition, instead of having three-day tickets, there will two-day tickets for the Saturday and Sunday. The age limit for the event is 16, or 13 if accompanied by a guardian.

“This year’s event is expected to be even tougher than before. Building on our previous successes, we’re making the Elisa Masters even more exciting. We’re also making it easier for people to participate by offering tickets for the Friday at a lower price. The event will take place during the autumn holiday week, so this is a great option for families to spend the autumn holiday week together, taking the age limit into account”, says Mika Lepistö, Director of New Business Development and Partnerships at Elisa.

“Gaming is a huge phenomenon – it’s now the largest entertainment industry in the world. As a city, we wanted to rise to the challenge, and in Espoo, we have been investing in developing gaming startups, important education for children and young people in gaming, and esports. The Elisa Masters Espoo partnership is part of this, giving us a way to reach out to the gamer community in Espoo, in Finland, and internationally. I warmly welcome Espoo residents and visitors to discover esports and watch this exciting tournament. I can guarantee there will be exciting new experiences – even for people who aren’t gamers”, comments Mervi Heinaro, Deputy Mayor for Economic Development, Sports and Culture at the City of Espoo.

Brazilian team FURIA won the Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 tournament. Photo: Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 / Janne Maljanen
Last year’s event featured a Finnish organisation, ENCE, among others. Photo: Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 / Janne Maljanen
Fans were given the opportunity to meet their favourite teams. Photo: Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 / Petri Leppävuori

Esports growing in popularity

Esports is growing in popularity all the time. Elisa has had an esports business since 2017, and the number of spectators at events organised by Elisa has grown sharply over the last few years.

“Elisa’s aim is to develop expertise in the field and to professionalise esports. We work with schools to enable the esports industry and education. We want to be present where young people are and to develop a digital entertainment culture. At the same time, we are able to influence how young people spend their time in the digital environment”, explains Lepistö.

In addition to the tournament, the event included activities at the partner stands. At Elisa’s stand, visitors were able to test the latest high-end deviced by ASUS ROG. Photo: Elisa Masters Espoo 2023 / Janne Maljanen

Find out tickets and more:
For group and private bookings of more than six people and other special requests, please contact

Follow Elisa Masters Espoo 2024 on social media for the latest news and updates:

Get ready for an exhilarating season with the Elisa Invitational Fall 2024!

Save the dates as the Elisa Invitational Fall 2024 kicks off from July 15th to September 14th, 2024. The road to victory starts with the Open Qualifiers on June 15th and 16th, where the top 2 teams from each qualifier will secure their place in the Contenders Stage, joining 12 invite teams.

Stage 1 – Qualifiers

  • Participants: Open to European teams.
  • Dates: June 15th and 16th.
  • Format: The top 2 teams from each Qualifier move on to Stage 2, the Contenders Stage.
  • Signups: Open now!

Stage 2 – Contenders

  • Dates: July 15th – August 8th.
  • Format: Swiss Group (All matches Best-of-3) featuring 12 invite teams and 4 teams from the Open Qualifiers.
  • Advancement: The top 8 teams progress to Stage 3, the Main Swiss.

Stage 3 – Main Swiss

  • Dates: August 12th – September 5th.
  • Format: Swiss Group (Best-of-3) with 8 invite teams and 8 teams advancing from the Contenders Stage.
  • Advancement: The top 8 teams move forward to Stage 4, the Playoffs.

Stage 4 – Playoffs

  • Dates: September 10th – 14th.
  • Format: Single Elimination Bracket with 4 rounds: Opening Matches, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals, and the Grand Final.
  • Participants: 12 teams total; 8 teams from the Main Swiss compete in the Opening Matches, while 4 teams receive direct invitations to the Quarter Finals.

With a $25,000 prize pool up for grabs, the competition promises intense action, not only offering cash rewards but also an invitation to a yet-to-be-revealed LAN event.

The prize distribution:

1. $10,000 and an invite to an unannounced LAN event.
2. $5,000.
3.-4. $2,000.
5.-8. $1,000 each.
9.-12. $500 each.

Prepare for an unforgettable esports spectacle with the Elisa Invitational Fall 2024. Who will emerge victorious and claim the ultimate prize?

Next week, we are gearing up for the Elisa Invitational Spring 2024 Playoff Stage! Four invited teams and eight teams from the Main Swiss stage will face off from May 14th to May 18th, 2024.

All matches will be streamed live on our Twitch channel. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for live updates, schedules, and more.

  • Where: Online
  • When: May 14th – 18th, 2024
  • Teams: 12
  • Prize Pool: $25,000 + A spot in an unannounced LAN event


Invited Teams

  • Monte
  • Rebels
  • Sampi
  • Guild Eagles

From Main Swiss

  • Sashi
  • Alliance
  • Gaimin Gladiators
  • B8
  • Endpoint CeX


Opening Rounds:

14.5. Opening Round 312:00 CESTMOUZ NXT vs. B8
14.5. Opening Round 115:00 CESTAlliance vs. TBA.ECF
15.5. Opening Round 212:00 CESTSashi vs. Endpoint CeX
15.5. Opening Round 415:00 CESTBLEED vs. Gaimin Gladiators


16.5. Quarter-Final12:00 CESTSampi vs. Winner of OR3
16.5. Quarter-Final15:00 CESTMonte vs. Winner of OR1
17.5. Quarter-Final12:00 CESTGuild Eagles vs. Winner of OR2
17.5. Quarter-Final15:00 CESTRebels vs. Winner of OR4


18.5. Semi-Final 112:00 CESTTBD vs. TBD
18.5. Semi-Final 215:00 CESTTBD vs. TBD

Grand Final

18.5. Grand Final19:00 CESTTBD vs. TBD

All matches will be played as BO3. Stay tuned for more updates and enjoy the action-packed competition!

Elisa Esports kutsuu kaikki e-urheilun ystävät seuraamaan jännittävää uutta turnausta, Dota 2 Community Bashia! Tämä yhteisöturnaus yhdistää kilpailun kiihkeyden ja viihteellisyyden, kooten yhteen kahdeksan joukkuetta, jotka kaikki ovat selvittäneet tiensä läpi avoimista karsinnoista. Kukin joukkueista on muodostettu huipputason pelaajista, joilla on yhteensä enintään 30 000 MMR-pistettä, mikä takaa tasaiset ja viihdyttävät ottelut.

Selostajat ja yhteistyökumppanit

Turnauksen selostajina toimivat suositut Rikumikko “T-Panda” Kangasmäki ja Tomi “HKNST” Valtonen, jotka tuovat kisatunnelmaan asiantuntemuksensa ja innostuksensa. Turnauksen yhteistyökumppaneina nähdään VILPE, Reaktor ja Löfbergs, jotka kaikki ovat tunnettuja sitoutumisestaan suomalaiseen e-urheiluun. 

Aikataulu ja formaatti

Ensimmäiset avoimet karsinnat alkavat 6. toukokuuta, ja toiset karsinnat käynnistyvät 10. toukokuuta, molemmat kestäen intensiiviset kaksi päivää. Karsintojen jälkeen joukkueet jaetaan kahteen lohkoon, joissa ottelut käydään 20. toukokuuta alkaen. Jokaisessa lohkossa pelataan GSL BO3 -formaattia, mikä takaa jännittäviä ja tiukkoja kamppailuja aina pudotuspeleihin saakka. Pudotuspelit huipentuvat 8. kesäkuuta pelattaviin semifinaaleihin ja finaaliin.

Aikataulut ja formaatti: 

  • Avoin karsinta #1: 6. – 7. toukokuuta 
  • Avoin karsinta #2: 10. – 11. toukokuuta
  • Lohko A: 20. – 26. toukokuuta 
  • Lohko B: 27. toukokuuta – 2. kesäkuuta 
  • Puolivälierät: 6. – 7. kesäkuuta 
  • Semifinaalit ja finaali: 8. kesäkuuta 
  • Avoimet karsinnat Single-Elimination Best-of-3
  • Seedaava lohkovaihe GSL Best-of-3, joista kaikki joukkueet menevät jatkoon
  • Pudotuspelit Single-Elimination Best-of-3
  • MMR-raja 30 000/joukkue

Palkintopotti ja ilmoittautuminen 

Palkintopotissa on yhteensä 2000 euroa, josta voittajajoukkue vie kotiin 1500 euroa ja toiseksi sijoittunut 500 euroa. Ilmoittaudu mukaan Discord-linkkimme kautta.

Tervetuloa seuraamaan Elisa Esportsin ensimmäistä Dota 2 -turnausta ElisaViihdeSportin Twitch-kanavalle, ja todistamaan mikä on Suomen kovin Dota 2 -joukkue!