Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 – Main Swiss
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 moves to second phase on next Monday. Find schedules and teams here!
Main Swiss starts next Monday, on the 17th of January, as 7 teams have made their way through the Regional Swiss stage. Now they’ll meet 9 invited teams, and from the next 4 weeks, only the Top 8 teams will advance to the last phase of the Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 tournament – the Playoffs!
Here are the Main Swiss teams:

- Entropiq
- Eternal Fire
- x-kom AGO
- Dignitas
- LookingForOrg
- Sprout
- Finest
- Enterprise
- Savage
- Lynn Vision
- 777 Esports
- FNATIC Rising
- AGF Esport
16 teams battle in the Main Swiss (January 17th to February 10th)
Don’t miss the Main Swiss Schedule! The schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward.
Round 1 — 17.1. – 20.1.2022
Opening round 17.1.2022 15.00 CET | Sprout vs. Finest |
Opening round 17.1.2022 18.00 CET | Entropiq vs. AGF Esport |
Opening round 18.1.2022 15.00 CET | Dignitas vs. 777 Esports |
Opening round 18.1.2022 18.00 CET | ECSTATIC vs. Enterprise |
Opening round 19.1.2022 15.00 CET | Eternal Fire vs. Lynn Vision |
Opening round 19.1.2022 18.00 CET | BLINK vs. FNATIC Rising |
Opening round 20.1.2022 15.00 CET | x-kom AGO vs. Savage |
Opening round 20.1.2022 18.00 CET | LookingForOrg vs. HAVU |
Round 2 — 24.1. – 27.1.2022
Low match 24.1.2022 15.00 CET | 777 Esports vs. Finest |
Low match 24.1.2022 18.00 CET | Entropiq vs. Enterprise |
Low match 25.1.2022 15.00 CET | x-kom Ago vs. FNATIC Rising |
Low match 25.1.2022 18.00 CET | HAVU vs. Lynn Vision |
High match 26.1.2022 15.00 CET | Eternal Fire vs. LookingForOrg |
High match 26.1.2022 18.00 CET | Sprout vs. Dignitas |
High match 27.1.2022 15.00 CET | BLINK vs. Savage |
High match 27.1.2022 18.00 CET | ECSTATIC vs. AGF |
Round 3 — 31.1. – 3.2.2022
Low match 31.1.2022 15.00 CET | 777 Esports vs. Enterprise |
Low match 31.1.2022 18.00 CET | Lynn Vision vs. FNATIC Rising |
Mid match 1.2.2022 15.00 CET | BLINK vs. AGF |
Mid match 1.2.2022 18.00 CET | Dignitas vs. HAVU |
Mid match 2.2.2022 15.00 CET | Entropiq vs. Finest |
Mid match 2.2.2022 18.00 CET | x-kom AGO vs. LookingForOrg |
High match 3.2.2022 15.00 CET | Eternal Fire vs. Sprout |
High match 3.2.2022 18.00 CET | ECSTATIC vs. Savage |
Round 4 — 7.2. – 9.2.2022
Elimination match | BLINK vs. FNATIC Rising 0-2 (FFW) |
Elimination match 7.2.2022 18.00 CET | x-kom AGO vs. Finest |
Elimination match 8.2.2022 15.00 CET | HAVU vs. 777 Esports |
High match 8.2.2022 18.00 CET | Entropiq vs. LookingForOrg |
High match 9.2.2022 15.00 CET | ECSTATIC vs. Dignitas |
High match 9.2.2022 18.00 CET | Sprout vs. AGF Esport |
Round 5 — 10.2.2022
Elimination match 10.2.2022 12.00 CET | HAVU vs. Finest |
Elimination match 10.2.2022 15.00 CET | ECSTATIC vs. FNATIC Rising |
Elimination match 10.2.2022 18.00 CET | LookingForOrg vs. AGF Esport |
- You can find more information about the tournament, as well as current esports news at elisaesports.fi.
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports in Twitter and Instagram
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 Regional Swiss starts on next Monday November 15th. From 16 Regional Swiss teams only top 8 will continue to the Main Swiss stage.
Prepare yourselves, winter is coming!
After Open and Closed Qualification matches, we’ve now all the Regional Swiss teams ready to roll on next Monday.
From these 16 teams the top 8 will advance to the next phase of the tournament, Main Swiss, where the invite teams are already waiting. From Main Swiss the new top 8 will get into Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 Playoffs which is played in Lantrek on March 3rd to 6th.
Here are the Regional Swiss Teams:

- 777 Esports
- Apeks Rebels
- Enterprise
- Finest
- FNATIC Rising
- Kappa Bar
- Lynn Vision
- Nexus
- Savage
- X-Gamer
- Young Ninjas
16 teams battle in the Regional Swiss (November 15th to December 9th).
Don’t miss the Regional Swiss Schedule! Schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward.
Round 1 — 15.11. – 18.11.2021
Opening Round 15.11.2021 17.00 CET | Savage vs. KOVA |
Opening Round 15.11.2021 20.00 CET | Enterprise vs. Kappa Bar |
Opening Round 16.11.2021 15.00 CET | 777 Esports vs. Nexus |
Opening Round 16.11.2021 18.00 CET | Finest vs. X-Gamer |
Opening Round 17.11.2021 15.00 CET | INDE IRAE vs. Apeks Rebels |
Opening Round 17.11.2021 18.00 CET | GORILLAZ vs. AGF |
Opening Round 18.11.2021 15.00 CET | Young Ninjas vs. hREDS |
Opening Round 18.11.2021 18.00 CET | Lynn Vision vs. FNATIC Rising |
Round 2 — 22.11. – 25.11.2021
Low match 22.11.2021 15.00 CET | Nexus vs. Kappa BAR |
Low match 22.11.2021 18.00 CET | FNATIC Rising vs. KOVA |
Low match 23.11.2021 15.00 CET | AGF vs. hREDS |
High match 23.11.2021 18.00 CET | Savage vs. Lynn Vision |
High match 24.11.2021 15.00 CET | Finest vs. Apeks Rebels |
High match 24.11.2021 18.00 CET | Enterprise vs. 777 Esports |
Low match 25.11.2021 15.00 CET | INDE IRAE vs. X-Gamer |
High match 25.11.2021 18.00 CET | Young Ninjas vs. GORILLAZ |
Round 3 — 29.11. – 2.12.2021
Low match 29.11.2021 16.00 CET | hREDS vs. X-Gamer |
Mid match 29.11.2021 19.00 CET | Young Ninjas vs. FNATIC Rising |
Mid match 30.11.2021 15.00 CET | Lynn Vision vs. Nexus |
Low match 30.11.2021 18.00 CET | KOVA vs. Kappa BAR |
Mid match 1.12.2021 15.00 CET | INDE IRAE vs. AGF |
Mid match 1.12.2021 18.00 CET | Enterprise vs. Apeks Rebels |
High match 2.12.2021 15.00 CET | Finest vs. 777 Esports |
High match 2.12.2021 18.00 CET | Savage vs. GORILLAZ |
Round 4 — 6.12. – 8.12.2021
Elimination match 6.12.2021 15.00 CET | Nexus vs. hREDS |
Elimination match 6.12.2021 18.00 CET | Young Ninjas vs. Apeks Rebels |
Elimination match 7.12.2021 15.00 CET | INDE IRAE vs. KOVA |
High match 7.12.2021 18.00 CET | Finest vs. AGF |
High match 8.12.2021 15.00 CET | GORILLAZ vs. Lynn Vision |
High match 8.12.2021 18.00 CET | Enterprise vs. FNATIC RISING |
Round 5 — 9.12.2021
Elimination match 9.12.2021 12.00 CET | Nexus vs. AGF |
Elimination match 9.12.2021 15.00 CET | Enterprise vs. KOVA |
Elimination match 9.12.2021 18.00 CET | GORILLAZ vs. Apeks Rebels |
- You can find more information about the tournament, as well as current esports news at elisaesports.fi
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports in Twitter and Instagram

Elisa Invitational CS:GO tournament series will continue with the Winter edition! Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 will be played between qualified teams from the Nordic region and some of the most prestigious teams in the world. The tournament starts in November and the Champion will be crowned in March, when we host the playoffs at the LanTrek 2022 -event! Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 will be handing out a total Prize Pool of $100,000 and the last remaining spots to the Masters tournament hosted by Elisa Esports.
The next Elisa Invitational will be organized from the 15th of November to the 5th of March 2022. This event will follow the Regional and Main Swiss Stages played throughout November, December, January, and February. The Swiss Stages will qualify 8 teams to the Elisa Invitational Winter Playoffs, where 4 other teams will receive direct invites. Invited teams will be announced closer to the Playoffs.
Teams will be competing for a total Prize Pool of $100,000 and the last remaining spots to the Masters tournament hosted by Elisa Esports. The winner of Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 will take a lion’s share of $50,000!
- The Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 format, used before in Elisa Invitational Fall 2021
- Stage 2 – Regional Swiss
- November 15th – December 9th
- Every week from Monday to Thursday at 3 pm and 6 pm CET
- Swiss Group (Best-of-3) with 11 Invite teams and 5 teams from the Nordic Regional Qualifiers.
- The top 8 teams will advance to Stage 3, Main Swiss
- Stage 3 – Main Swiss
- January 17th – February 10th
- Every week from Monday to Thursday at 3 pm and 6 pm CET
- Swiss Group (Best-of-3) with 8 Invite teams and 8 teams from the Regional Swiss
- Top 8 teams will secure spots in Stage 4, the Playoffs
- Stage 4 – Playoffs (Online stage)
- February 12th – 13th
- 8 teams in the Opening Matches from Main Swiss
- Winners qualify to Stage 5, the LAN stage of playoffs
- Stage 5 – Playoffs (LAN stage)
- March 3rd – 5th Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre in Tampere, Southern Finland
- Playoffs will be played at the LanTrek event between 4 World-Class Invite teams and 4 Winner teams from the Online stage
- 2 groups consisting of 4 teams (Double-Elimination Bracket)
Both groups include: - 2 Opening Matches (BO1)
- Winners Match (BO1)
- Losers Match (BO3)
- Decider Match (BO3)
- 2 Semi-Finals (BO3) and the Grand Final (BO3)
- Stage 2 – Regional Swiss

- You can find more information about the tournament, as well as current esports news at elisaesports.fi
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports on Twitter and Instagram!
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 -turnauksen loppuottelut pelataan tuhatpäiselle yleisölle LanTrek 2022 -tapahtumassa Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskuksessa 3.–5. maaliskuuta 2022. Turnauksessa on jaossa huikeat 100 000 dollaria sekä viimeisiä paikkoja Elisa Esportsin järjestämään Masters-turnaukseen. Masters-turnauksesta joukkueilla on mahdollisuus jatkaa Champion Of Champions -turnaukseen, joka on huipentuma yhdelle maailman suurimmista kansainvälisistä miljoonakiertueista. Turnauksissa pelataan Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -peliä.
Kuluneen vuoden aikana Elisa Invitational -turnausten finaaleissa on nähty muun muassa suomalaisittain kiinnostavat ENCE ja HAVU, sekä kansainväliset huippujoukkueet Gambit, FURIA, fnatic ja Heroic. LanTrekeillä pelattavassa turnauksessa on siis odotettavissa ennennäkemätön show, sillä tähän mennessä Elisa Invitational -turnauksia on pelattu vain verkossa.
Myös Elisa Esportsin lähetyksissä nähty suomalainen ammattiselostaja Roope ”Robu” Leppänen kommentoi turnausta seuraavasti:
” Suomessa ei ole ennen nähty näin montaa kärkijoukkuetta, eli on tietenkin mahtavaa saada näin laadukas turnaus kotikamaralle. LAN-turnaukset ovat aivan oma maailmansa, jossa peli muuttuu moninkertaisesti viihdyttävämmäksi ja jopa eeppiseksi! “

Polku kotikoneen äärestä pelaamisen ammattilaiseksi
Elisa Invitational -turnaukset mahdollistavat pelaajien etenemisen ruohonjuuritasolta aina maailmanluokan turnauksiin asti. Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 -turnaus alkaa tänään maanantaina 8. marraskuuta suomalaisille joukkueille järjestettävällä karsintaturnauksella.
”Koemme äärimmäisen suurta ylpeyttä kotimaisesta e-urheiluosaamisesta sekä jo pitkään kestäneestä yhteistyöstä LanTrekkien kanssa. On mahtavaa että pystymme yhdessä tuomaan Suomeen kansainvälisen huipputurnauksen ja mahdollistamaan meidän faneille pääsyn nauttimaan maailmanluokan CS:GO sisällöstä livenä”, kommentoi Elisa Esportsin toiminnasta vastaava Teemu Koski
”Tämä on hieno osoitus pitkäjänteisestä ja rohkeasta yhteistyöstä mitä olemme yhdessä Elisa Esportsin kanssa viimeiset vuodet tehneet suomalaisten katsojien ja pelaajien eteen. Haastavan koronavuoden jälkeen pääsemme vihdoin tuomaan kansainvälisen huipputurnauksen live-yleisölle ja vieläpä ensimmäisenä LanTrek-pelitapahtumaan Tampereelle”, toteaa LanTrek ry:n puheenjohtaja Juha-Matti Haapala

Tule siis seuraamaan maailman kärkijoukkueiden mestaruusmittelöä paikanpäälle Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskukselle 3.–5. maaliskuuta 2022; liput tulevat myyntiin joulukuussa!
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 -turnauksen loppuottelut pähkinänkuoressa
- Loppuotteluiden ajankohta ja paikka
- 3.–5. maaliskuuta 2022, Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskuksessa
- Formaatti
- 8 joukkuetta jatkaa Main Swiss -vaiheesta karsintaotteluihin (BO3) , joista 4 joukkuetta lunastaa paikat Playoffs-vaiheeseen, ottelut pelataan verkossa
- Playoff-vaihe, pelataan kokonaisuudessaan LanTrek-tapahtumassa
- Neljä maailmanluokan kutsujoukkuetta ja neljä karsintaotteluvoittajaa
- 2 neljän joukkueen lohkoa (Double-Elimination Bracket). Kummassakin lohkossa:
- 2 avausottelua (BO1)
- voittajien ottelu (BO1)
- häviäjien ottelu (BO3)
- ratkaiseva ottelu (BO3)
- 2 Semifinaalia (BO3) ja Finaali (BO3)
- Talven turnauskokonaisuuden palkintopottina on 100 000 dollaria sekä paikka Elisa Esportsin järjestämään Masters-turnaukseen, jonka päivämäärät ja muut lisätiedot ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.
- Liput tapahtumaan tulevat myyntiin joulukuussa 2021 osoitteessa lantrek.org
- Lisätietoa turnauksesta, sekä ajankohtaiset esports-uutiset löydät: elisaesports.fi sekä @ElisaEsports Twitteristä ja Instagramista!
Elisa Esports on Suomen suurin esports-toimija. Meidän kautta tavoitat parhaiten kotimaiset esports-fanit ja -seuraajat. Näytämme suomalaisittain kiinnostavimmat esports-ottelut ja järjestämme kansainvälisiä turnauksia, joihin suomalaiset suosikit osallistuvat.
Elisa Esports on järjestänyt muun muassa Arctic Invitational (Hartwall Arena 2019) ja Elisa Invitational –turnaukset. Elisa Esportsin toiminta jatkuu vuonna 2022, kun $2.7M Elisa Champion of Champions -kiertue huipentuu.
LanTrek on vuonna 2001 perustetun LanTrek ry:n vuosittain järjestämä pelitapahtuma, jossa on yli 1500 tietokonepaikkaa, peliturnauksia sekä paljon monipuolista ohjelmaa pelaamisen ympärillä. Tapahtumaviikonlopun aikana Tampereen Messu- ja urheilukeskuksessa käy 10 000 pelaamisesta kiinnostunutta päiväkävijää, harrastajaa ja ammattilaista.
Liput tulevat myyntiin joulukuussa. Tapahtuman lisätiedot, aikataulut ja liput löydät osoitteesta lantrek.org.
The Playoffs of the Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 tournament will be played at one of the largest gaming events in Southern Finland. The event, LanTrek 2022, will be organized at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre on 3rd – 6th of March 2022. The tournament will be handing out a total Prize Pool of $100,000 and the last remaining spots to the Masters tournament hosted by Elisa Esports. Teams have a chance to earn a spot from the Masters tournament to the Champion Of Champions tournament, which will culminate one of the largest international Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tours.
During the past year, the Playoffs of the Elisa Invitational tournaments have seen many world-class teams such as Gambit, FURIA, fnatic and Heroic. An unprecedented show is expected, as so far Elisa Invitational tournaments have only been played online.
Roope “Robu” Leppänen, a Finnish professional caster and analyst, commented on the tournament:
” Finnish audiences have never seen so many top teams before, so of course it’s great to have such a high-quality tournament in Finland. LAN tournaments are their very own world, where the game becomes many times more entertaining and EPIC! “

Path from the Home Computer to being a Professional Gamer
Elisa Invitational tournaments allow players to progress from the grassroots level to the world-class tournaments. Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 will be played between qualified teams from the Nordic region and some of the most prestigious teams in the world. The Nordic Qualifiers (Finland, Sweden, and Norway) will be played from 8th – 14th of November, from where the best teams qualify to the Regional Swiss stage.
“We are extremely proud of our domestic esports expertise and our long co-operation with LanTrek. It is great that together we can bring a top international tournament to Finland, and enable our fans to enjoy world-class CS:GO content live!”
– Teemu Koski, Head of Elisa Esports
”This is a great demonstration of the long-term and bold co-operation we have done for Finnish spectators and players with Elisa Esports in recent years. After a challenging COVID-19 year, we will finally be able to bring a top international tournament in front of live audiences to the LanTrek event in Tampere.”
– Juha-Matti Haapala, Chairman of LanTrek ry

So come over and enjoy the world’s top teams fighting for the throne at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre on 3rd – 5th of March 2022; ticket sales open in December 2021!
Elisa Invitational Winter 2021 Playoffs in a nutshell
- Time and Date
- 3rd – 5th of March 2022, Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre in Tampere, Southern Finland
- Format
- 8 teams continue to the Qualifier Matches (BO3) from the Main Swiss stage, where 4 teams get spots to the Playoffs – Games will be played online
- Playoffs will be played at the LanTrek event
- 4 World-Class Invite teams and 4 Qualifier Winner teams
- 2 groups consisting of 4 teams (Double-Elimination Bracket). Both groups include:
- 2 Opening Matches (BO1)
- Winners Match (BO1)
- Losers Match (BO3)
- Decider Match (BO3)
- 2 Semi Finals (BO3) and the Grand Final (BO3)
- The tournament will be handing out a total Prize Pool of $100,000 and the last remaining spots to the Masters tournament hosted by Elisa Esports. Details about the Masters tournament will be announced later.
Additional info
- Ticket sales open in December 2021 at lantrek.org
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports on Twitter and Instagram!
Elisa Esports is the go-to Nordic esports operator with strong roots in the Finnish esports ecosystem. We aim to provide consumers with top-quality content, which drives together the local communities, leagues and sponsors.
Elisa Esports has organized large physical events such as Arctic Invitational at Hartwall Arena in Helsinki, and online events such as the Elisa Invitational tournaments. Elisa Esports will continue bringing top tier tournaments in 2022 as the $2.7M Elisa Champion of Champions tournament series reaches its final stages.
LanTrek is an annual gaming event organized by LanTrek ry. The event, founded in 2001, has more than 1,500 computer seats, many different gaming tournaments and a wide range of programs around gaming. During the event weekend, 10,000 day visitors, enthusiasts and professionals interested in gaming will visit the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Center.
Tickets go on sale in December. You can find more information, schedules and tickets for the event at lantrek.org.

Elisa Invitational Fall 2021 – Playoffs Stage is set to begin on the 11th of October! Here’s how you can catch up with all the content for the Elisa Invitational.
- Where: Online
- When: 11.10. – 15.10.2021
- Teams: 12
- Prize Pool: $100 000
Playoffs Stage
- Single-Elimination Bracket with 4 rounds of play: Opening Matches, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals, and Grand Final
- 12 teams in total; 8 teams in the Opening Matches from Main Swiss, 4 teams invited straight to the Quarter Finals

- GAMBIT – Invited to Quarter-Finals
- BIG – Invited to Quarter-Finals
- ENCE – Invited to Quarter-Finals
- FNATIC – Invited to Quarter-Finals
- Copenhagen Flames – Qualified from Main Swiss
- SKADE – Qualified from Main Swiss
- DBL PONEY – Qualified from Main Swiss
- HAVU – Qualified from Main Swiss
- X-KOM AGO – Qualified from Main Swiss
- FIEND – Qualified from Main Swiss
- Lyngby Vikings– Qualified from Main Swiss
- FINEST – Qualified from Main Swiss

11.10. MONDAY – Opening Matches
- Opening Match 17:30 CEST – DBL Poney vs. HAVU BO3
- Opening Match 20:30 CEST – x-kom AGO vs. Lyngby Vikings BO3
12.10. TUESDAY – Opening Matches
- Opening Match 17:30 CEST – CPH Flames vs. Finest BO3
- Opening Match 20:30 CEST – SKADE vs. Fiend BO3
13.10. WEDNESDAY – Quarter-Finals
- Quarter-Final 17:30 CEST – Gambit vs. DBL Poney/HAVU Winner BO3
- Quarter-Final 20:30 CEST – BIG vs. SKADE/Fiend Winner BO3
14.10. THURSDAY – Quarter-Finals
- Quarter-Final 17:30 CEST – ENCE vs. x-kom AGO/Lyngby Vikings Winner BO3
- Quarter-Final 20:30 CEST – FNATIC vs. CPH Flames/Finest Winner BO3
15.10. FRIDAY – Semi-Finals, and Grand Final
- Semi Final #1 13:00 CEST – TBD BO3
- Semi Final #2 16:00 CEST- TBD BO3
- Grand Final ~20:00 CEST – TBD BO3 (1-hour break between 2nd semi-final and final)

Follow our Twitter for results and a real-time schedule.
See you on Twitch!

- Johannes “tabseN” Wodarz
- Tizian “tiziaN” Feldbusch
- Florian “syrsoN” Rische
- Nicklas “gade” Gade
- Nils “k1to” Gruhne
- Nikola “LEGIJA” Ninić (coach)
Current form
The ever-so-consistent BIG has been hovering around the Top-10 spot all year long. Even after one of their stars “XANTARES” leaving the team and “gade” replacing him, the results have still looked promising. BIG’s great preparation and solid team play make them always tough to play against.

Player to watch
The in-game leader and star of the team “tabseN” is what BIG is. He’s played in the team for almost 5 years with numerous different results. He’s taken steps back, allowing his teammates to shine and now he’s taking some space again and fragging out since that is what’s needed from him. Need a big play? TabseN will deliver.
What would winning take?
BIG is definitely coming in as one of the favorites of the tournament. Winning will take more from the other four players excluding tabseN. If BIG has enough time to prepare for their opponents, they can beat anyone.
It’s been wonderful to watch Sinners’ journey.
Exactly one year ago their HLTV Ranking was #159 but now the team has spiked to top 20. Sinners came to Elisa Invitational Fall 2021 Main Swiss as invites and Checzs need three match wins to get into Playoff stage starting on October 11th.
23-year-old Sebastian “beastik” Daňo has been IGL in Sinners for over one year. After discussing in-game roles in Sinners, beastik explains their gaming style in CS:GO.
- I would say that our gaming style is really aggressive: doing crazy pushes, going through smokes and making explosive plays. So we’re kind of like a Furia style, you know.
And magic is activated! It was Furia who won $50,000 in the last tournament becoming champions of Elisa Invitational Summer 2021. So of course the next question is about the expectations for the upcoming Elisa tournament.
- Our expectations are high. I know that there are really good teams in this tournament but we would like to reach at least top 3. We want to prove that our success has not came by random and that we’re a good team.
People don’t know much about Czech Republic’s CS:GO scene because it’s still fresh and growing. In the early days, players had a hard time to find motivation and outer support while dreaming about Tier 1 matches and getting enough serious practise for professional CS careers. When looking back, beastik finds those hard moments but still keeps his eyes on the prize and in the current meta. Now he can work on the team’s own problems.
- I won’t say issues but in Sinners small lacks of practise and professionalism have made us tilt during practises. With coach Tomáš “Tomkeejs” Tomka, our problems started to solve and communication evolved making the mood and synergy even better. And with Tomáš “oskar” Šťastný coming late of 2020, his experience helped me to think differently about the game and I improved a lot as a player.
Interesting detail is also brought up concerning the team’s performance on the server.
- I think that we need to watch more demos and analyze them. My IGL-leading style hasn’t been defined yet and I like to give room especially for Adam “NEOFRAG” Zouhar and Tomáš “oskar” Šťastný in the game. Micromanaging is very hard and I want my teammates to know what to do in any situation. So watching demos may help us with that one.
In the end, despite ruffer baby steps in CS:GO, beastik thanks his friends and family for supporting him all this time and acknowledges little changes that he needs to do for his CS:GO bucket list.
- My dream was to achieve HLTV #30 and now that I got it, I think that Major needs to be added for the next goal with Sinners. Wish me luck!
- You can find more information about the tournament, as well as current esports news at elisaesports.fi.
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports in Twitter and Instagram
It’s Main Swiss time!
- 16 teams
- 8 invited to Main Swiss
- 8 qualified through Regionals
- $100 000 prize pool
- 13.09.2021 – 15.10.2021
It is a perfect time to go over some of the most fascinating storylines of the 16 teams we’ll see in the Swiss Stage of the tournament.
Talent Predictions
The talent predictins tell us that Sinners, Copenhagen Flames, SKADE, and Fiend are the biggest favorites to reach the playoffs. After that Dignitas and DBL Poney got some love too.
Robu | Jay | Dweg | Skriv | RetR00 | AnThran | |
HAVU | x | x | ||||
Copenhagen Flames | x | x | x | x | x | |
DBL Poney | x | x | x | x | ||
Sinners | x | x | x | x | x | x |
x-kom AGO | x | x | x | x | x | |
SKADE | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Dignitas | x | x | x | x | ||
Fiend | x | x | x | x | x | |
Lyngby Vikings | x | x | x | |||
Galaxy Racer | x | |||||
Finest | x | x | ||||
KOVA | ||||||
GORILLAZ | x | |||||
Apeks | ||||||
777 | x | x | ||||
Young Ninjas | x | x |
HAVU (invited)

HLTV Rank: #35
Player to watch: Sami “xseveN” Laasanen
The best all-Finnish team around had a weird Summer and they’d be probably the first to admit that. In June they benched their most recent player at the time, Jemi “jemi” Mäkinen, only for him to come back a couple of months later. Still, it’s good to remember that the team achieved a very high level earlier in the year, reaching a team ranking of 14 at their peak. Now they’re looking to replicate that.
Dignitas (invited)
HLTV Rank: #36
Player to watch: Patrik “f0rest” Lindberg

This Swedish team was built to bring back the legendary NIP line-up but now only two of those players remain – friberg and f0rest. DIG has still been able to find a high level of play especially as of late taking down solid teams like ENCE and FunPlus Phoenix.
The team is nicely rounded out with younger talent in HEAP and the lone-Norwegian, hallzerk. Dignitas is coming in as one of the favorites to go through to the playoffs.
Sinners (invited)
HLTV Rank: #19
Player to watch: Tomáš “oskar” Šťastný

The highest-ranked team of the Swiss stage is the Czech Republic squad of Sinners. A mere year ago they still were world-ranked 158. They were quick to improve though and especially the addition of the legendary 30-year old Czech awper, oskar, brought them to a new level. They’re looking to cause mayhem and anything short of a top-8 placement would be a disappointment.
SKADE (invited)
HLTV Rank: #22
Player to watch: Georgi “SHiPZ” Grigorov

We welcome back the juggernauts of Elisa Invitational tournaments. This Bulgarian squad won the Spring edition of the event and fell only in the final to FURIA in the Summer version. In other events, their results haven’t been quite as magnificent but the Elisa Invitational magic feels more real with every passing event.
Copenhagen Flames (invited)
HLTV Rank: #27
Player to watch: Fredrik “roeJ” Jørgensen

Copenhagen Flames are looking strong as are many of the teams at this stage. Especially roeJ’s opening kill success has brought the team to another level. He wins 56% of his entry duels – an impressive number for a non-awper.
DBL Poney (invited)
HLTV Rank: #30
Player to watch: Alexandre “bodyy” Pianaro

DBL Poney isn’t only good for memes. Recently they announced their fifth, Pierre “Ex3rcice” Bulinge, who has some large shoes to fill replacing the legendary NBK-.
Galaxy Racer (qualified)
HLTV Rank: #53
Player to watch: Hugo “chawzyyy” Günther
Perfection was the name of the game for Galaxy Racer in the Regionals stage. They 2-0’ed SAW Youngsters, Apeks and Lyngby Vikings. The domination the Swedes handed over the Lyngby Vikings was impressive, a 16-6 on Inferno and a 16-4 on Mirage. The slick Regionals stage raises hopes that we’ll see Galaxy Racer reach the playoffs.
KOVA (qualified)
HLTV Rank: #107
Player to watch: Jussi “Airax” Airaksinen

KOVA’s run in the Regionals wasn’t simple but it worked. They played with EIGHT different players in total. Finally, the IGL himself got his way back onto the server after healing from an injury and he played lights out finishing with a 1.24 rating and beating the Young Ninjas unexpectedly. They aren’t expected to go through here but we’ll see if the Cinderella run continues.
X-kom AGO (invited)
HLTV Rank: #23
Player to watch: Michał “snatchie” Rudzki
Fiend (invited)
HLTV Rank: #32
Player to watch: Deyvid “h4rn” Benchev
Lyngby Vikings (qualified)
HLTV Rank: #39
Player to watch: Dion “FASRH” Derksen
Finest (qualified)
HLTV Rank: #84
Player to watch: Guy “anarkez” Trachtman
777 (qualified)
HLTV Rank: #54
Player to watch: Haris “H4RRE” Hadzic
Young Ninjas (qualified)
HLTV Rank: #43
Player to watch: Love “phzy” Smidebran
Apeks (qualified)
HLTV Rank: #55
Player to watch: Dennis “dennis” Edman
GORILLAZ (qualified)
HLTV Rank: #118
Player to watch: Jere “sergej” Salo
Where to follow:
You can find more information about the tournament, as well as current esports news at elisaesports.fi
Main Swiss Schedules => https://elisaesports.com/2021/08/09/elisa-invitational-fall-2021-main-swiss/
For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports on Twitter and Instagram
Elisa Invitational Fall 2021 moves to second phase on next Monday. Find schedules and teams here!
Main Swiss starts on next Monday 13th as eight Regional Swiss teams have proven themselves after intense battles. Now they meet the invite teams and on next four weeks only top 8 will advance to last phase of the tournament – Elisa Invitational Playoffs.
Here is the Main Swiss teams:

- 777 Esports
- Apeks
- CPH Flames
- DBL Poney
- Dignitas
- Fiend
- Finest
- Galaxy Racer
- Lyngby Vikings
- Sinners
- X-com AGO
- Young Ninjas
16 teams battle in the Main Swiss (September 13th to October 7th)
Don’t miss the Main Swiss Schedule! Schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward.
Round 1 — 13.9. – 16.9.2021
Opening round 13.9.2021 10.00 CEST | CPH Flames vs. KOVA |
Opening round 13.9.2021 13.00 CEST | DBL Poney vs. 777 Esports |
Opening round 14.9.2021 10.00 CEST | Dignitas vs. Galaxy Racer |
Opening round 14.9.2021 13.00 CEST | SKADE vs. Apeks |
Opening round 15.9.2021 10.00 CEST | HAVU vs. Finest |
Opening round 15.9.2021 13.00 CEST | Sinners vs. GORILLAZ |
Opening round 16.9.2021 10.00 CEST | Fiend vs. Lyngby Vikings |
Opening round 16.9.2021 13.00 CEST | x-kom AGO vs. Young Ninjas |
Round 2 — 20.9. – 23.9.2021
High match 20.9.2021 17.00 CEST | SKADE vs. GORILLAZ |
High match 20.9.2021 20.00 CEST | CPH Flames vs. HAVU |
Low match 21.9.2021 17.00 CEST | Lyngby Vikings vs. 777 Esports |
High match 21.9.2021 20.00 CEST | x-kom AGO vs. Dignitas |
High match 22.9.2021 17.00 CEST | DBL Poney vs. Fiend |
Low match 22.9.2021 20.00 CEST | Sinners vs. Apeks |
Low match 23.9.2021 17.00 CEST | Finest vs. KOVA |
Low match 23.9.2021 20.00 CEST | Galaxy Racer vs. Young Ninjas |
Round 3 — 27.9. – 30.9.2021
Mid match 27.9.2021 17.00 CEST | HAVU vs. Apeks |
High match 27.9.2021 20.00 CEST | SKADE vs. DBL Poney |
High match 28.9.2021 17.00 CEST | x-kom AGO vs. CPH Flames |
Mid match 28.9.2021 20.00 CEST | Dignitas vs. Young Ninjas |
Mid match 29.9.2021 10.00 CEST | Finest vs. Lyngby Vikings |
Mid match 29.9.2021 13.00 CEST | Fiend vs. GORILLAZ |
Elimination match 30.9.2021 10.00 CEST | Galaxy Racer vs. 777 Esports |
Elimination match 30.9.2021 13.00 CEST | Sinners vs. KOVA |
Round 4 — 4.10. – 6.10.2021
Elimination match 5.10.2021 10.00 CEST | Dignitas VIE vs. KOVA |
High match 5.10.2021 13.00 CEST | x-kom AGO vs. GORILLAZ |
High match 5.10.2021 16.00 CEST | DBL Poney vs. Young Ninjas |
High match 6.10.2021 10.00 CEST | HAVU vs. Lyngby Vikings |
Elimination match 6.10.2021 13.00 CEST | Fiend vs. Apeks |
Elimination match 6.10.2021 16.00 CEST | Galaxy Racer vs. Finest |
Round 5 — 7.10.2021
Elimination match 7.10.2021 13.00 CEST | Lyngby Vikings vs. KOVA |
Elimination match 7.10.2021 16.00 CEST | Fiend vs. Young Ninjas |
Elimination match 7.10.2021 19.00 CEST | Finest vs. GORILLAZ |
- You can find more information about the tournament, as well as current esports news at elisaesports.fi.
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports in Twitter and Instagram