PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Autumn Showdown is brand new weekly tournament format for PSL. Maximum of 256 teams per week battle for money and spots in monthly finals. In the monthly finals teams battle for money and invitational spot to PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge. Games are played every Monday and Tuesday in Challengermode.

PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Autumn Showdown – TOURNAMENT INFO
- Format: Four weeks of open weekly tournaments. Maximum of 256 teams per weekly tournament. Top-4 of each weekly tournament will advance to monthly finals.
In the first round 16 lobbies play BO3 series. Top-8 per group (or 128 overall) advance to round 2.
In the second round 8 lobbies play BO3 series. Top-2 per group (or 16 overall) advance to weekly finals.
In the Weekly Finals 16 teams play BO5 series to determine final standings.
In the Monthly finals 16 teams play BO5 series both at Monday and at Tuesday.
- Prize pool: Weekly tournaments have 500€ and monthly finals 1000€ prize pools. Monthly final winners will be invited to upcoming PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge round 4. Best teams in the Weekly tournaments will also get gifted subscriptions to Challengermode.
- Platform: All matches are played on Challengermode. Weekly tournament rounds 1 and 2 are automatically hosted, so every player must verify their game accounts before entering the tournament.
- Broadcast: Weekly tournament finals and monthly finals will be broadcasted. Broadcast is available on our new ElisaEsportsPUBG twitch channel!
- Register: All weekly tournaments will be added to PSL-space at Challengermode. Unlimited number of teams can register to weekly tournament. First 256 teams to check-in will play in the tournament.
- Rules: Rulebook
PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Autumn Showdown – SCHEDULE
- Weekly tournament: 19.-20.7.
- Weekly tournament: 26.-27.7.
- Weekly tournament: 2.-3.8.
- Weekly tournament: 9.-10.8.
- Monthly finals: 16.-17.8
- Weekly tournament: 23.-24.8.
- Weekly tournament: 30.-31.8.
- Weekly tournament: 6.-7.9.
- Weekly tournament: 13.-14.9.
- Monthly finals: 20.-21.9.
- Games start at 18.30 CEST.

Elisa Invitational CS:GO tournament series will continue with the Fall edition! Elisa Invitational Fall 2021 will be played between qualified teams from the Nordic region and some of the most prestigious teams in the world. The tournament starts in August and the Champion will be crowned in October!
The next Elisa Invitational will be organized from 16th August to 15th October 2021. This event will follow the Regional and Main Swiss stages played throughout August, September, and October. The Swiss stages will qualify 8 teams to Elisa Invitational Summer, where 4 other teams are receiving direct invites. The invited teams will be announced closer to the event.
Teams will be competing for a total Prize Pool of $100,000 and the winner of Elisa Invitational Fall 2021 will take a lion’s share of $50,000!
- The Elisa Invitational format, used before in Elisa Invitational Summer 2021
- Stage 1 – Qualifiers
- Stage 2 – Regional Swiss
- August 16th – September 9th
- Every week from Monday to Thursday at 5 pm and 8 pm CEST
- Swiss Group (Best-of-3) with 12 invite teams and 4 teams from the Nordic Regional Qualifiers.
- The top 8 teams will advance to Stage 3, Main Swiss
- Stage 3 – Main Swiss
- September 13th – October 7th
- Every week from Monday to Thursday at 5 pm and 8 pm CEST
- Swiss Group (Best-of-3) with 8 invite teams and 8 teams from the Regional Swiss
- Top 8 teams will secure spots in Stage 4, the Playoffs
- Stage 4 – Playoffs
- October 11th – 15th
- Single-Elimination Bracket with 4 rounds of play: Opening Matches, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals, and Grand Finals
- 12 teams in total; 8 teams in the Opening Matches from Main Swiss, 4 teams invited straight to the Quarter Finals

- You can find more information about the tournament, as well as current esports news at
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports on Twitter ja Instagram!

Elisa Invitational Summer 2021 – Playoffs Stage is set to begin on the 30th of June! Here’s how you can catch up with all the content for the Elisa Invitational.
- Where: Online
- When: 30.6. – 4.7.2021
- Teams: 12
- Prize Pool: $100 000
Playoffs Stage
- Single-Elimination Bracket with 4 rounds of play: Opening Matches, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals, and Grand Finals
- 12 teams in total; 8 teams in the Opening Matches from Main Swiss, 2 teams invited, and 2 teams promoted to the Quarter Finals

- FURIA – Invited to Quarter-Finals
- BIG– Invited to Quarter-Finals
- ENCE – Qualified from Main Swiss to Quarter-Finals
- Nordavind – Qualified from Main Swiss to Quarter-Finals
- Entropiq – Qualified from Main Swiss
- SAW – Qualified from Main Swiss
- 777 Esports – Qualified from Main Swiss
- Fiend – Qualified from Main Swiss
- SKADE– Qualified from Main Swiss
- HAVU – Qualified from Main Swiss
- DBL Poney – Qualified from Main Swiss
- Endpoint CeX – Qualified from Main Swiss

- Rikumikko “T_Panda” Kangasmäki – Host
- Roope “RobuJohnson” Leppänen – Asiantuntija
- Joona “natu” Leppänen – Asiantuntija
- Josh “Dweg” Nathan – Selostaja
- Jamie “TheEternalJay” Martin – Selostaja
- Harvey “Skriv” Rodgers – Selostaja
- Slaava “Twista” Räsänen – Asiantuntija
- Peetro “Torpeedro” Aittola – Selostaja
- Tomi “Tombha” Rinne – Selostaja

30.6. WEDNESDAY – Opening Matches
- Opening Match 17:00 CEST – SAW vs. Endpoint CeX BO3
- Opening Match 20:00 CEST – 777 Esports vs. HAVU BO3
1.7. THURSDAY – Opening Matches
- Opening Match 17:00 CEST – Fiend vs. SKADE BO3
- Opening Match 20:00 CEST – Entropiq vs. DBL Poney BO3
2.7. FRIDAY – Quarter-Finals
- Quarter-Final 17:00 CEST – BIG vs. TBD BO3
- Quarter-Final 20:00 CEST – Nordavind vs. TBD BO3
3.7. SATURDAY – Quarter-Finals
- Quarter-Final 17:00 CEST – FURIA vs. TBD BO3
- Quarter-Final 20:00 CEST – ENCE vs. TBD BO3
4.7. SATURDAY – Semi-Finals, and Grand Final
- Semi-Final #1 13:00 CEST – TBD BO3
- Semi-Final #2 16:00 CEST- TBD BO3
- Grand Final ~20:00 CEST – TBD BO3 (1-hour break between 2nd semi-final and final)

Follow our Twitter for results and real time schedule.
See you on Twitch!

Kutsuimme Legionin kanssa Olli “sLowi” Pitkäsen sekä Lasse “ZOREE” Urosen HAVU Gamingilta unboxaamaan Lenovo Phone Duel 2 -puhelimen.
Osallistu sLowin ja ZOREEn nimmareilla varustetun puhelimen arvontaan Twitterissämme!
Käy nyt ostamassa omasi Lenovon kaupasta hintaan 799,00€ (sis. ALV:n ja toimituksen)!
Dominoi missä tahansa
Legion Phone Duel 2 tuottaa aivan uudenlaisen mobiilipelikokemuksen. Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 888 5G ‑mobiilialusta ja kahden turbotuulettimen jäähdytysjärjestelmä takaavat huippuluokan suorituskyvyn. Pitkään kestävän ja nopeasti latautuvan akun ansiosta pelaaminen onnistuu vaikka koko päivän, Octa-Trigger-syötteen ja Dual HaptiX ‑palautteen konsolimainen käyttötuntuma parantavat ohjainten hallintaa, ja korkearesoluutioinen kamera mahdollistaa sisällön tuottamisen pelin aikana.
- Näytönohjain: Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 888 5G ‑mobiilialusta
- Käyttöjärjestelmä: Android 11
- Näytönohjain: 840 MHz:n Ardeno™ 660 ‑näytönohjain
- Näyttö: 6,92 tuuman FHD-näyttö (2 460 x 1 080), 144 Hz, AMOLED, 8-bittinen HDR, Corning® Gorilla® ‑lasi
- Muisti: Jopa 16 Gt LPDDR5-muistia
- Akku: 5,500 mAh, jopa 90 W:n pikalataus 0-50%/12 minuutissa
- Tallennustila: Jopa 512 Gt UFS 3.1 ‑tallennustilaa
- Ääni: Kaksi käyttäjää kohti suunnattua Dolby Atmos® ‑kaiutinta, Seitsemän magneettistereokaiutinta, Melua vaimentava mikrofoni
- Etukamera: 44 MP, aukko f/2.0, 5 linssiä, laajakulma 84°, 4K-videotallennus jopa 60 fps:n nopeudella
- Takakamera: 64 MP, aukko f/1.9, 7 linssiä, kuva-ala 82°, 8K-videotallennus jopa 60 fps:n nopeudella
- Mitat (K x L x S): 1 176 mm x 78,5 mm x 9,9 mm
- Paino: Alkaen 259 g
- Väri: Ultimate Black ja Titanium White
- Yhteydet: mm. 5G (alle 6 GHz ja mmWave), WiFi 6 2×2 MIMO, Bluetooth 5.2 (lue lisää lenovon sivuilta)
- Portit ja paikat: kaksi SIM-korttipaikkaa, 2xUSB-C (virransyötty ja kuulokkeet)
- Sensorit: Sormenjälkitunnistin, 3D-liiketunnistin, elektroninen kompassi, gyroskooppi, valotunnistin, neljä ultraäänellä toimivaa olkanäppäintä, kaksi kapasitanssinäppäintä, kaksi kosketusnäppäintä
PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Spring Challenge finished yesterday and Team Liquid was crowned as the champion! Team Liquid has previously won the PSL season 7. Team Liquid goes home with 6500$, Virtus.Pro with 4500$, BigBossLayf with 2500$ and Redline with 1500$. It’s time to interview the winning team!

Congratulations! Let’s start with a classic: How does it feel right now?
Thank you! It always feels good to win a tournament and specially after our failure at PGI.S and PSL S9 being the last SUPER setting tournament for now it made it more special to win!
You had some ups and downs during the finals. You did have a solid lead for most of the weekend but were you worried at any point that you might have to really battle for the championship in the last maps?
With a 50 point lead we felt really comfortable going into the last day, and we were not really contested at all for the first position because of that.
BBL Esports started off the day with cutting our lead down to around 25 points with 4 games remaining, but we knew as long as we played our own game we would maintain a healthy gap.
– clib
What made you perform better than the competitors? Were you guys just unbeatable this weekend, or were there some obvious mistakes you feel other teams didn’t exploit, or some tactics that you were surprised that they didn’t try?
I think that teams like Faze, BBL and WLA gifted us free wins by holding down splits near their loot spots until phase 3-5 and we just exploited that and won the games from there.
Clib has been a strong player for a while, but during his time with Team Liquid we have seen him playing on a whole nother level. What have you guys done as a team to incorporate clib and lift his overall performance level?
Most of the credit goes to clib himself. He trains very hard and has very high aspirations and expectations for himself. Having 3 really strong teammates around him has made it a bit easier for him to stand out because he can trust them to do their job in game and he can focus on his personal performance.
Follow up to that: Was Clib checking out the damage or kill stats during the final day so he could make sure he was still on the lead?
Maybe towards the last games when we 100% made it, but otherwise that isn’t the focus at all.
COVID has obviously been a huge problem for teams across the world, and not just for competing, but also for building synergy within a team. Do you think having a long standing roster, and playing together at PGI:S gives you an edge towards the teams that didn’t participate?
Yup, playing at events with the best teams in the world is the best practice you can have and it gives you an edge over the teams who dont get that practice!
– Jeemzz
So what’s next for Team Liquid PUBG?
Next up will be PCS4! Hope to see everyone there.
Grand final is finally here! 18 maps and 16 best of the best that europe and CIS-regions has to offer! Teams are battling for 15 000 dollar prize pool and we have new PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Spring Challenge champion at sunday! All the action is broadcasted in english, finnish and russian. Notice the different twitch channel for english broadcast! More info about the tournament you find täältä.
In the grand finals, each day will feature six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel). After all 18 maps have been played, we have a new PSL champion! Come and join the broadcasts to cheer your favorite team to victory!
Grand Final
Friday 4.6 – Sunday 6.6
- Broadcast: PUBG Finland (ENG) – odesskin (RU) – PUBG Finland2 (FIN) – Map
- Broadcast starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

- English broadcast: Copter, Eiefant, Kowo & JoRoSaR
- Russian broadcast: odesskin
- Finnish broadcast: M00nForrest & Qcrass
Prize pool
Total: 15 000€
1. 6500€
2. 4500€
3. 2500€
4. 1500€
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
Elisa Invitational hits second gear as the first match of Main Swiss starts this Thursday.
Calendar moves to June and we know what that means!
8 teams from the Regional Swiss have proven their qualifications but now their skills are tested even more when 8 invite teams put their hands into the server.
Main Swiss is hold in four weeks and only top 8 from 16 will proceed to the last stage – The Elisa Invitational Playoffs.
Here is the Main Swiss teams:

- 777 Esports
- AGF Esport
- CPH Flames
- DBL Poney
- Endpoint
- Entropiq
- Fiend
- Lyngby Vikings
- Nordavind
- Sangal
- Skade
- Tricked
- Young Ninjas
16 teams battle in the Main Swiss (June 3th to 27th)
Don’t miss the Main Swiss Schedule! Schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward.
Round 1 — 3.6. – 6.6.2021
Opening round 3.6.2021 17.00 CEST | SAW vs. Sangal |
Opening round 3.6.2021 20:00 CEST | ENCE vs. AGF |
Opening round 4.6.2021 17:00 CEST | Tricked vs. Young Ninjas |
Opening round 4.6.2021 20:00 CEST | HAVU vs. Copenhagen Flames |
Opening round 5.6.2021 17:00 CEST | Endpoint vs. DBL Poney |
Opening round 5.6.2021 20:00 CEST | SKADE vs. Lyngby Vikings |
Opening round 6.6.2021 17:00 CEST | Fiend vs. Nordavind |
Opening round 6.6.2021 20:00 CEST | Entropiq vs. 777 Esport |
Round 2 — 10. – 13.6.2021
Low match 10.6.2021 17.00 CEST | SAW vs. AGF |
Low match 10.6.2021 20.00 CEST | Fiend vs. Lyngby Vikings |
Low match 11.6.2021 17.00 CEST | HAVU vs. 777 Esports |
Low match 11.6.2021 20.00 CEST | DBL Poney vs. Tricked |
High match 12.6.2021 17.00 CEST | SKADE vs. Nordavind |
High match 12.6.2021 20.00 CEST | Entropiq vs. Copenhagen Flames |
High match 13.6.2021 17.00 CEST | ENCE vs. Sangal |
High match 13.6.2021 20.00 CEST | Endpoint vs. Young Ninjas |
Round 3 — 17. – 20.6.2021
Low match 17.6.2021 17.00 CEST | Tricked vs. AGF |
Low match 17.6.2021 20.00 CEST | HAVU vs. Lyngby Vikings |
Mid match 18.6.2021 17.00 CEST | SKADE vs. 777 Esports |
Mid match 18.6.2021 20.00 CEST | SAW vs. DBL Poney |
Mid match 19.6.2021 17.00 CEST | Young Ninjas vs. Sangal |
High match 19.6.2021 20.30 CEST | Entropiq vs. Nordavind |
Mid match 20.6.2021 17.00 CEST | Fiend vs. Copenhagen Flames |
High match 20.6.2021 20.00 CEST | ENCE vs. Endpoint |
Round 4 — 24. – 26.6.2021
Low match 24.6.2021 17.00 CEST | HAVU vs. AGF |
High match 24.6.2021 20.00 CEST | Entropiq vs. Young Ninjas |
High match 25.6.2021 17.00 CEST | Fiend vs. 777 Esports |
Low match 25.6.2021 20.00 CEST | Sangal vs. DBL Poney |
Low match 26.6.2021 17.00 CEST | SKADE vs. Copenhagen Flames |
High match 26.6.2021 20.00 CEST | Endpoint vs. SAW |
Round 5 — 27.6.2021
Elimination match 27.6.2021 14.00 CEST | Fiend vs. Endpoint |
Elimination match 27.6.2021 17.00 CEST | SKADE vs. DBL Poney |
Elimination match 27.6.2021 20.00 CEST | HAVU vs. Young NInjas |
Well, I know the teams and the schedule, but where can I watch it?
- You can find more information about the tournament, as well as current esports news at
- For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow @elisaesports in Twitter ja Instagram
It is time to figure out which 16 teams will play in the Gran Finals! Upper bracket teams have 2 chances to reach top-8 and advance to final stage of the Elisa Esports PUBG Spring Challenge. Teams on the lower bracket only have one day to get their spot on Grand Finals. You can enjoy the official broadcast in English, Finnish and Russian language. More info about the tournament you find täältä.
In the sixth round, both lobbies will play six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel). Top-8 teams from the upper bracket will advance to Grand Finals. Bottom-8 teams from upper bracket will advance to lower bracket bracket. Top-8 from the lower bracket will complete the Grand Finals. Come and join the broadcasts and cheer your favorite teams to the next round!
Round 6
Monday 24.5
Group 1
- Broadcast: Elisa Esports (ENG) – PUBG Finland (FIN) – odesskin (RU) – Map
- Broadcast starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

Tuesday 25.5
Group 2
- Broadcast: Elisa Esports (ENG) – PUBG Finland (FIN) – odesskin (RU) – Map
- Broadcast starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
Four rounds has already been played and best 24 teams remains to face the rest of the invitational teams. Now the real battle for the championship begins! You can enjoy the official broadcast in English, Finnish and Russian language. More info about the tournament you find täältä.
In the fifth round, teams will play six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel) and top-12 from the each group will advance to round 6. Top-8 teams will advance to upper bracket and teams placing 9.-12. will advance to lower bracket. Come and join the broadcasts and cheer your favorite teams to the next round!
Round 5
Monday 17.5
Group 1
- Broadcast: Elisa Esports (ENG) – PUBG Finland (FIN) – odesskin (RU) – Map
- Broadcast starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

Tuesday 18.5
Group 2
- Broadcast: Elisa Esports (ENG) – PUBG Finland (FIN) – odesskin (RU) – Map
- Broadcast starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
Three rounds has been played and best 36 teams remains to face the first group of invitational teams joining the tournament. You can enjoy the official broadcast in English, Finnish and Russian language with the last community casts for this season. More info about the tournament you find täältä.
In the fourth round, teams will play six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel) and top-8 from the each group will advance to round 5. Come and join the official broadcasts and cheer your favorite teams to the next round!
Round 4
Monday 10.5
Group 1
- Broadcast: Elisa Esports (ENG) – Map
- Broadcast starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

Group 2
- Broadcast: PUBG Finland (FIN)
- Community cast: Kowo (ENG) – odesskin (RU) – ImDivinE (CZE) – zuluXxman (GER)
- Broadcast starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

Tuesday 11.5
Group 3
- Broadcast: Elisa Esports (ENG) – PUBG Finland (FIN) – odesskin (RU) – Map
- Broadcast starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!