PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Autumn Showdown is brand new weekly tournament format for PSL. Maximum of 256 teams per week battle for money and spots in monthly finals. In the monthly finals teams battle for money and invitational spot to PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge. Games are played every Monday and Tuesday in Challengermode.

PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Autumn Showdown – TOURNAMENT INFO
- Format: Four weeks of open weekly tournaments. Maximum of 256 teams per weekly tournament. Top-4 of each weekly tournament will advance to monthly finals.
In the first round 16 lobbies play BO3 series. Top-8 per group (or 128 overall) advance to round 2.
In the second round 8 lobbies play BO3 series. Top-2 per group (or 16 overall) advance to weekly finals.
In the Weekly Finals 16 teams play BO5 series to determine final standings.
In the Monthly finals 16 teams play BO5 series both at Monday and at Tuesday.
- Prize pool: Weekly tournaments have 500€ and monthly finals 1000€ prize pools. Monthly final winners will be invited to upcoming PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge round 4. Best teams in the Weekly tournaments will also get gifted subscriptions to Challengermode.
- Platform: All matches are played on Challengermode. Weekly tournament rounds 1 and 2 are automatically hosted, so every player must verify their game accounts before entering the tournament.
- Broadcast: Weekly tournament finals and monthly finals will be broadcasted. Broadcast is available on our new ElisaEsportsPUBG twitch channel!
- Register: All weekly tournaments will be added to PSL-space at Challengermode. Unlimited number of teams can register to weekly tournament. First 256 teams to check-in will play in the tournament.
- Rules: Rulebook
PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Autumn Showdown – SCHEDULE
- Weekly tournament: 19.-20.7.
- Weekly tournament: 26.-27.7.
- Weekly tournament: 2.-3.8.
- Weekly tournament: 9.-10.8.
- Monthly finals: 16.-17.8
- Weekly tournament: 23.-24.8.
- Weekly tournament: 30.-31.8.
- Weekly tournament: 6.-7.9.
- Weekly tournament: 13.-14.9.
- Monthly finals: 20.-21.9.
- Games start at 18.30 CEST.