Elisa Invitational Spring 2023: Playoff Stage Viewer’s Guide

Next week we are heading to Elisa Invitational Spring 2023 Playoff Stage! 4 invited teams and 8 teams from Main Swiss are facing each others on 6th of June – 10th of June 2023.

All the matches will be streamed live on our Twitch Channel. Follow our Twitter for results, in-time schedule and much more!

Where: Online
When: 6. – 10.6.2023
Lag: 12
Prize Pool: $25 000 + A spot in an unannounced LAN event!


  • Monte (Invited)
  • Into the Breach (Invited)
  • MOUZ (Invited)
  • Movistar Riders (Invited)
  • JANO (From Main Swiss Stage)
  • APEKS (From Main Swiss Stage)
  • 500 (From Main Swiss Stage)
  • ex-Copenhagen Flames (From Main Swiss Stage)
  • ECLOT (From Main Swiss Stage)
  • HAVU (From Main Swiss Stage)
  • Sangal Esports (From Main Swiss Stage)
  • EYEBALLERS (From Main Swiss Stage)

Playoff Stage (BO3) 6.-10.6.2023

Opening round
6.6.2023 12.00 CEST
APEKS vs. Sangal Esports
Opening round
6.6.2023 15.00 CEST
Opening round
7.6.2023 12.00 CEST
ex-Copenhagen Flames vs. ECLOT
Opening round
7.6.2023 15.00 CEST
500 vs. HAVU
8.6.2023 12.00 CEST
Into the Breach vs. winner Apeks/Sangal
8.6.2023 15.00 CEST
Monte vs. winner JANO/EYEBALLERS
9.6.2023 12.00 CEST
Movistar Riders vs. winner ex-cph/ECLOT
9.6.2023 15.00 CEST
MOUZ vs. winner 500/HAVU
Semi-Final #1
10.6.2023 12.00
Semi-Final #2
19.6.2023 15.00
Grand Final
10.6.2023 19.00

The second phase of Elisa Invitational Spring 2023 starts on next Monday with 8 teams from Contenders Stage and 8 invited teams. Find schedules and teams here and watch the games on ElisaEsports Twitch channel and follow us on Twitter!

Only 8 teams from Main Swiss Stage will continue their journey to the Playoffs, where 4 invited teams are waiting for them. But first, let’s follow these 16 teams for the next few weeks:


  • APEKS (Invited)
  • 500 (Invited)
  • Sprout (Invited)
  • Copenhagen Flames (Invited)
  • HAVU (Invited)
  • Sangal Esports (Invited)
  • Nexus (Invited)
  • JANO (Invited from Elisa Open Suomi season 4)
  • HEET (From Contenders Stage)
  • LDLC OL (From Contenders Stage)
  • PROSPECTS (From Contenders Stage)
  • EYEBALLERS (From Contenders Stage)
  • Ignis Serpens (From Contenders Stage)
  • iNation (From Contenders Stage)
  • ECLOT (From Contenders Stage)
  • ENCE Academy (From Contenders Stage)


The schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward.

Round 1 (BO3) 24.-27.4.2023

Opening round
24.4.2023 11.00 CEST
Opening round
24.4.2023 14.00 CEST
Opening round
25.4.2023 11.00 CEST
Nexus vs. LDLC OL
Opening round
25.4.2023 14.00 CEST
Sprout vs. iNation
Opening round
26.4.2023 11.00 CEST
500 vs. ECLOT
Opening round
26.4.2023 14.00 CEST
Sangal Esports vs. PROSPECTS
Opening round
27.4.2023 11.00 CEST
Copenhagen Flames vs. Ignis Serpens
Opening round
27.4.2023 14.00 CEST
APEKS vs. ENCE Academy

Round 2 (BO3) 1.-4.5.2023

Low Match
1.5.2023 11.00 CEST
High Match
1.5.2023 14.00 CEST
Nexus vs. Ignis Serpens
Low Match
2.5.2023 11.00 CEST
High Match
2.5.2023 14.00 CEST
Copenhagen Flames vs. LDLC OL
Low Match
3.5.2023 11.00 CEST
500 vs. iNation
High Match
3.5.2023 14.00 CEST
Sangal Esports vs. HEET
Low Match
4.5.2023 11.00 CEST
High Match
4.5.2023 14.00 CEST
Sprout vs. ECLOT

Round 3 (BO3) 22.-25.5.2023

Low Match
22.5.2023 11.00 CEST
PROSPECTS vs. iNation
Low Match
22.5.2023 14.00 CEST
Nexus vs. ENCE Academy
Mid Match
23.5.2023 11.00 CEST
500 vs. JANO
Mid Match
23.5.2023 14.00 CEST
EYEBALLERS vs. Ignis Serpens
Mid Match
24.5.2023 11.00 CEST
Looking4Org vs. ECLOT
Mid Match
24.5.2023 14.00 CEST
High Match
25.5.2023 11.00 CEST
APEKS vs. ex-Copenhagen Flames
High Match
25.5.2023 14.00 CEST
Sprout vs. Sangal Esports

Round 4 (BO3) 29.-31.5.2023

Elimination Match
29.5.2023 11.00 CEST
Elimination Match
29.5.2023 14.00 CEST
JANO vs. Ignis Serpens
Elimination Match
30.5.2023 11.00 CEST
500 vs. Sangal Esports
High Match
30.5.2023 14.00 CEST
Looking4Org vs. LDLC OL (FF 2-0)
High Match
31.5.2023 11.00 CEST
ex-Copenhagen Flames vs. EYEBALLERS
High Match
31.5.2023 14.00 CEST

Round 5 (BO3) 1.6.2023

Elimination Match
1.6.2023 11.00 CEST
Looking4Org vs. EYEBALLERS
Elimination Match
1.6.2023 14.00 CEST
Elimination Match
1.6.2023 17.00 CEST
Sangal Esports vs. JANO

The Contenders Stage of Elisa Invitational Spring 2023 is scheduled to commence on Monday, March 20th. Out of the 16 teams participating, only the top 8 teams will advance to the Main Stage!

All the games will be streamed on Elisa Esports Twitch channel. For the latest news regarding everything Elisa Esports, follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

Contenders Stage teams

  • Partizan (Invited)
  • Illuminar (Invited)
  • iNation (Invited)
  • PALOMA (Invited)
  • Tricked (Invited)
  • PROSPECTS (Invited)
  • ECLOT (Invited)
  • HEET (Invited)
  • EYEBALLERS (Invited)
  • 359 (Invited)
  • LDLC OL (Invited)
  • ENCE Academy (from Elisa Open Suomi 4.)
  • ENTERPRISE (From European Online Qualifier)
  • Iron Branch (From European Online Qualifier)
  • NtK (from Nordic Online Qualifier)
  • Empiregoblins (From Nordic Online Qualifier)


The schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward.

Round 1 (BO1) 20.-23.3.2023

Opening round
20.3.2023 11.00 CET
iNation vs. Empiregoblins
Opening round
20.3.2023 14.00 CET
Opening round
21.3.2023 11.00 CET
HEET vs. ENCE Academy
Opening round
21.3.2023 14.00 CET
Tricked vs. NtK
Opening round
22.3.2023 11.00 CET
Illuminar vs. Iron Branch
Opening round
22.3.2023 14.00 CET
Opening round
23.3.2023 11.00 CET
Partizan vs. 359
Opening round
23.3.2023 14.00 CET
Paloma vs. ECLOT

Round 2 (BO1) 27.-30.3.2023. NOTE: Moving to Summer Time (CEST)!

Low Match
27.3.2023 11.00 CEST
ENTERPRISE vs. Empiregoblins
Low Match
27.3.2023 14.00 CEST
ECVLOT vs. 359
Low Match
28.3.2023 11.00 CEST
Low Match
28.3.2023 14.00 CEST
Illuminar vs. ENCE Academy
High Match
29.3.2023 11.00 CEST
Heet vs. Iron Branch
High Match
29.3.2023 14.00 CEST
Partizan vs. Paloma
High Match
30.3.2023 11.00 CEST
Tricked vs. LDLC OL
High Match
30.3.2023 14.00 CEST
iNation vs. EYEBALLERS

Round 3 (BO3) 3.-6.4.2023

Elimination Match
3.4.2023 11.00 CEST
ECLOT vs. Empiregoblins
Elimination Match
3.4.2023 14.00 CEST
Illuminar vs. NtK
Mid Match
4.4.2023 11.00 CEST
359 vs. Iron Branch
Mid Match
4.4.2023 14.00 CEST
Tricked vs. PROSPECTS
Mid Match
5.4.2023 11.00 CEST
Partizan vs. ENTERPRISE
Mid Match
5.4.2023 14.00 CEST
iNation vs. ENCE Academy
High Match
6.4.2023 11.00 CEST
HEET vs. Paloma
High Match
6.4.2023 14.00 CEST

Round 4 (BO3) 17.-19.4.2023

Elimination Match
17.4.2023 11.00 CEST
Iron Branch vs. ENCE Academy
Elimination Match
17.4.2023 14.00 CEST
Tricked vs. ECLOT
Elimination Match
18.4.2023 11.00 CEST
Illuminar vs. ENTERPRISE
High Match
18.4.2023 14.00 CEST
High Match
19.4.2023 11.00 CEST
iNation vs. Paloma
High Match
19.4.2023 14.00 CEST
EYEBALLERS vs. Partizan

Round 5 (BO3) 20.3.2023

Elimination Match
20.4.2023 11.00 CEST
Elimination Match
20.4.2023 14.00 CEST
iNation vs. 359
Elimination Match
20.4.2023 17.00 CEST
Partizan vs. ENCE Academy

When you get your new router, you want to make sure that all you need to do is plug it in and start gaming and using your internet – and that the router won’t slow your connection down. That is why we partnered with Keenetic in the first place, and we are happy to continue our journey together. 

Keenetic, founded in 2010, has always had a mission to deliver commercially use cutting-edge Wi-Fi router performance without energy & memory thirsty pointless gimmicks. The Keenetic routers are simultaneously affordable and the high quality of Keenetic products is proven by eight million users of their brand. Unleash your secret weapon on the server and buy yourself one of the best routers in the market! The routers are now available at the Elisa Shop: elisa.fi/esports/keenetic, go and grab your own! 

– It is great to partner up with Keenetic, as we have seen pro-players, like the players of HEET, being happy with their products. Players are important to us, and we are happy that Elisa Esports can bring these routers to every player with Elisa, comments Teemu Koski, Head of Elisa Esports. 

– Keenetic was born from being passionate about the things we do. After seeing gaming and esports, and how enthusiastic people are about them, we instantly knew we wanted to be the top of the mind provider of home networks for them. The Keenetic routers are powered by the self-developed Linux-based operating system called KeeneticOS™ which ensures the best gaming experience in your own home, comments Norbert Ebinger, Sales and Marketing Director / Managing Director of Keenetic. 

Keenetic products will be part of our broadcasts and the Elisa Open Suomi 4. playoffs in Lantrek 2023 event.  Learn more about Keenetic here!

Kun hankit uuden reitittimen, haluat vain laittaa johdot kiinni ja käyttää nettiä kuten ennenkin – ilman huolta siitä, että reitittimesi hidastaa nettiyhteyttä. Tästä syystä tuomme nyt yhdessä Elisan kanssa jokaisen pelaajan saataville Keeneticin huippureitittimet! 

Vuonna 2010 perustetun Keeneticin missiona on aina ollut tarjota kuluttajille huippuluokan WI-FI reitittimiä. Keeneticin tuotteet ovat samanaikaisesti kohtuuhintaisia sekä laadukkaita: Laatua on todistanut jo kahdeksan miljoonaa käyttäjää. Voit nyt ostaa oman Keenetic-reitittimen suoraan Elisa Shopista: elisa.fi/esports/keenetic

– Olemme iloisia yhteistyöstä Keeneticin kanssa. Olemme nähneet huippupelaajien, kuten HEET:in pelaajien, olevan tyytyväisiä heidän tuotteisiinsa. Pelaajat ovat meille erittäin tärkeitä, ja onneksi voimme tuoda nämä reitittimet jokaisen pelaajan saataville yhdessä Elisan kanssa, kommentoi Teemu Koski, Head of Elisa Esports. 

– Keenetic syntyi siitä, että olemme aina olleet intohimoisia sitä kohtaan mitä teemme. Olemme seuranneet pelaamista ja e-urheilua, ja olemme nähneet kuinka innostuneita ihmiset ovat, ja tiesimme heti, että haluamme olla heidän kotiverkkojensa huipputoimittaja. Keenetic-reitittimien virtalähteenä on itse kehitetty Linux-pohjainen käyttöjärjestelmä KeeneticOS™, joka takaa parhaan pelikokemuksen omassa kodissasi, kommentoi Keeneticin Sales and Marketing Director / Managing Director Norbert Ebinger. 

Keeneticin tuotteet tulevat näkymään lähetyksissämme ja Elisa Open Suomi 4. kauden Play-off peleissä LanTrek 2023 –tapahtumassa. Tutustu Keeneticin kotisivuihin täällä!

Elisa Invitational Winter 2023 moves to the second phase on next Monday. Find the schedule and teams here!

Main Swiss starts next Monday, on the 6th of February, as 8 teams have made their way through the Contenders Stage. Now they’ll meet 8 invited teams, and from the next 5 weeks, only the Top 8 will advance to the last phase of the Elisa Invitational Winter 2023 tournament – the Playoffs!


  • HAVU (Invited from Elisa Open Suomi Season 3)
  • 500 (Invited)
  • 9INE (Invited)
  • Tricked (Invited)
  • Endpoint CeX (Invited)
  • Apeks (Invited)
  • Copenhagen Flames (Invited)
  • Illuminar (Invited)
  • IKLA (Qualified from Contenders Stage)
  • Monte (Qualified from Contenders Stage)
  • Partizan (Qualified from Contenders Stage)
  • GODSENT (Qualified from Contenders Stage)
  • Young Ninjas (Qualified from Contenders Stage)
  • BIG Academy (Qualified from Contenders Stage)
  • ECLOT (Qualified from Contenders Stage)
  • EYEBALLERS (Qualified from Contenders Stage)


The schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward.

Round 1 – 6.-9.2.2023 (BO3)

Opening Round
6.2.2023 11.00 CET
Opening Round
6.2.2023 14.00 CET
HAVU vs. Young Ninjas
Opening Round
7.2.2023 11.00 CET
Tricked vs. Monte
Opening Round
7.2.2023 14.00 CET
9INE vs. Partizan
Opening Round
8.2.2023 11.00 CET
Apeks vs. GODSENT
Opening Round
8.2.2023 14.00 CET
Illuminar vs. IKLA
Opening Round
9.2.2023 11.00 CET
Copenhagen Flames vs. ECLOT
Opening Round
9.2.2023 14.00 CET
Endpoint CeX vs. BIG Academy

Round 2 -13.-16.2.2023 (BO3)

Low Match
13.2.2023 11.00 CET
CPH Flames vs. Endpoint CeX (Match Forfeited 2-0)
Low Match
13.2.2023 14.00 CET
Young Ninjas vs. Apeks
Low Match
14.2.2023 11.00 CET
Illuminar vs. Tricked (Match Forfeited 2-0)
Low Match
14.2.2023 14.00 CET
BIG Academy vs. ECLOT
High Match
15.2.2023 12.00 CET
High Match
15.2.2023 15.00 CET
GODSENT vs. HAVU (Match Forfeited 0-2)
High Match
16.2.2023 11.00 CET
500 vs. Partizan (Match Forfeited 0-2)
High Match
16.2.2023 13.00 CET
Monte vs. IKLA

Round 3 – 20.-23.2.2023 (BO3)

Low Match
20.2.2023 11.00 CET
Apeks vs. ECLOT
Low Match
20.2.2023 14.00 CET
500 vs. Tricked
Mid Match
21.2.2023 11.00 CET
Partizan vs. IKLA
Mid Match
21.2.2023 14.00 CET
Illuminar vs. GODSENT
Mid Match
22.2.2023 11.00 CET
9INE vs. Endpoint CeX
Mid Match
22.2.2023 14.00 CET
Young Ninjas vs. BIG Academy
High Match
23.2.2023 11.00 CET
High Match
23.2.2023 14.00 CET
HAVU vs. Monte

Round 4 – 27.2.-1.3.2023 (BO3)

Elimination Match
27.2.2023 11.00 CET
ECLOT vs. Tricked
Elimination Match
27.2.2023 14.00 CET
IKLA vs. Endpoint CeX
Elimination Match
28.2.2023 11.00 CET
BIG Academy vs. GODSENT
High Match
28.2.2023 14.00 CET
High Match
1.3.2023 11.00 CET
Young Ninjas vs. Partizan
High Match
1.3.2023 14.00 CET
9INE vs. Illuminar

Round 5 – 2.3.2023 (BO3)

Elimination Match
2.3.2023 11.00 CET
Elimination Match
2.3.2023 14.00 CET
Young Ninjas vs. Tricked
Elimination Match
2.3.2023 17.00 CET
Illuminar vs. Endpoint CeX

Elisa Invitational Contenders Stage starts next Monday, January 16th with 12 invite teams and 4 teams from the Open Qualifiers. From these 16 teams only the top 8 will earn their place in the Main Stage.

All the games will be streamed on our Elisa Esports – Twitch channel. For the first two weeks of the Contenders Stage, Jack “Zerpherr” Kelly and Teodor “Tedd” Borisov will be casting the games!


  • ENCE Academy (From Elisa Open Suomi 3)
  • PGE Turow (From Europe Online Qualifier)
  • GTZ (From Europe Online Qualifier)
  • Enhanced (From Nordic Online Qualifier)
  • GODSENT (From Nordic Online Qualifier)
  • Monte (Invited)
  • IKLA (Invited)
  • PROSPECTS (Invited)
  • ECLOT (Invited)
  • Young Ninjas (Invited)
  • BIG Academy (Invited)
  • Falcons (Invited)
  • EYEBALLERS (Invited)
  • Partizan (Invited)
  • ECSTATIC (Invited)
  • Astralis Talent (Invited)


The schedule will be updated weekly as the tournament proceeds forward.

Round 1 – 16.-17.1.2023 (BO1)

Opening Round
16.1.2023 11.00 CET
Opening Round
16.1.2023 12.30 CET
IKLA vs. PGE Turow
Opening Round
16.1.2023 14.00 CET
BIG Omen Academy vs. GTZ
Opening Round
16.1.2023 15.30 CET
Monte vs. Enhanced
Opening Round
17.1.2023 11.00 CET
Falcons vs. Partizan
Opening Round
17.1.2023 12.30 CET
Opening Round
17.1.2023 14.00 CET
Opening Round
17.1.2023 15.30 CET
Young Ninjas vs. Astralis Talent

Round 2 – 18.-19.1.2023 (BO1)

Low Match
18.1.2023 11.00 CET
Enhanced vs. GTZ
Low Match
18.1.2023 12.30 CET
PGE Turow vs. Falcons
Low Match
18.1.2023 14.00 CET
Low Match
18.1.2023 15.30 CET
GODSENT vs. Astralis Talent
High Match
19.1.2023 11.00 CET
High Match
19.1.2023 12.30 CET
Partizan vs. IKLA
High Match
19.1.2023 14.00 CET
BIG Omen Azademy vs. Monte
High Match
19.1.2023 15.30 CET
Young Ninjas vs. ECLOT

Round 3 – 23.-26.1.2023 (BO3)

Elimination Match
23.1.2023 11.00 CET
Enhanced vs. Astralis Talent
Elimination Match
23.1.2023 14.00 CET
ENCE Academy vs. PGE Turow
Mid Match
24.1.2023 11.00 CET
BIG Omen Academy vs. ECSTATIC
Mid Match
24.1.2023 14.00 CET
ECLOT vs. Partizan
Mid Match
25.1.2023 11.00 CET
PROSPECTS vs. Falcons
Mid Match
24.1.2023 14.00 CET
High Match
26.1.2023 11.00 CET
Young Ninjas vs. IKLA
High Match
26.1.2023 14.00 CET

Round 4 – 30.1.-1.2.2023 (BO3)

Elimination Match
30.1.2023 11.00 CET
Astralis Talent vs. GTZ
Elimination Match
30.1.2023 14.00 CET
BIG Omen Academy vs. PGE Turow
Elimination Match
31.1.2023 11.00 CET
ECLOT vs. Prospects
High Match
31.1.2023 14.00 CET
High Match
1.2.2023 11.00 CET
EYEBALLERS vs. Partizan
High Match
1.2.2023 14.00 CET
Falcons vs. Young Ninjas

Round 5 – 2.2.2023 (BO3)

Elimination Match
2.2.2023 14.00 CET
Elimination Match
2.2.2023 17.00 CET

Elisa Masters Espoo ’22 -tapahtumassa Marketing Finland & SPOT ry järjestävät Gaming & esport mahdollisuutena -seminaarin, joka tutustuttaa osallistujat pelimarkkinnoinnin logiikkaan, malleihin sekä vastuullisuuskysymyksiin.

Seminaari on täydellinen tilaisuus tutustua markkinoinnin ja myynnin mahdollisuuksiin e-urheilussa, ja konkreettisia esimerkkejä siitä esittelee Kotipizza, Berner ja Heet Gaming. Ilmoittaudu nopeasti, sillä paikkoja on rajallinen määrä ja ne täyttyvät nopeasti! Seminaarin hinta on Marketing Finlandin & SPOTin jäsenille 40 €, muille 80 €. Seminaarin paikkana on Metro Areenan Clubi Aula, ja se järjestetään perjantaina 18.11. klo 11.00 – 15.30.

Ilmoittaudu seminaariin täällä.

Seminaarin ohjelma:

11.00 Pelimaailman mahdollisuudet & Gaming Demystifying tutkimus, Riikka-Maria Lemminki Marketing Finland

11.30 Pelimarkkinoinnin ekosysteemi Suomessa, case Elisa, Teemu Koski

12.00 Lounas

12.30 Kiinnostava kohderyhmä haltuun, Case Kotipizza, Rainer Lindqvist

13.30 Authentic, sustainable and prosperous international collaborations, Tim Buysse HEET Gaming x Gytautas Narkus Surfshark

14.30 Bränditunnettuuden kasvattaminen, case XZ, Laura Pyykönen, Berner

15.30 Tutustuminen pelimaailmaan, Elisa Masters tapahtuma alkaa