First round of the PSL actions is finally here and we get to see which ones of the 288 teams competing will advance to the round 2! This round is broadcasted by community casters and the links for these streams will be added during monday. More info about the tournament you find täältä.
In the first round, teams will play six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel) and top-7 from the group and two best 8th placed teams overall will advance to round 2. Come and join to twitch chat and cheer your favorite team to the next round!

Round 1
Monday 18.1
Group 1
- Broadcast: THEKOWO (ENG)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Phoenix1630 (1630)
- 666mix (666)
- Not Today Team (NOT)
- mForce eShark (MFS)
- And Another One (AAO)
- MomentumM (MTM)
- Crippled Dimension (CrD)
- Rosvojoukko (RoJo)
- GrinderS (GRDS)
- Anorthosis Blue (AnB)
- Ulm (Ulm)
- We live again (WLA)
- TeamVenture (VEN)
- CaCiK (CCK)
- Pyrsosesports (PRS)
Group 2
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- WeSports (WeS)
- eRazedPUBG (eRzd)
- Rise And Win (RAW)
- Shakedown (SHD)
- ALKO Gaming (ALKO)
- NotBadd (NBAD)
- Crazy Baboon Monkeys (CBM)
- ALFA Espor (AE)
- Drivebyonly (DBO)
- Myst1s Gaming (M1G)
- Team_SavageS (SvG)
- Karagumruk Espor (KGE)
- 4S eSports (4S)
- Vis (VIS)
- Killer Flamingos (KF)
Group 3
- Broadcast: PUBGAFRICA (ENG)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- FullRote (FLRT)
- Carry Potters (CP)
- MovementGG (MVMT)
- Camp Jackal (CJ)
- BaIIer die Waldfee (DFX)
- DrillerZ (DZ)
- boomerss (bom)
- North71 (N71)
- Team majesty (MJS)
- Northern Legacy eSports (NLE)
- Frings (FR)
Group 4
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- LoottiBois (Loot)
- fried sea chickens (fsc)
- Made in Malmo (mim)
- Doomed Kings eSports (DK)
- PayBackTeam (PBT)
- WeNeverFeed (WNF)
- Marten Gaming (MG )
- GalaxyTeam (GX)
- Lazy Snipers (LZS)
- Guess (GSS)
- Yikees (YKS)
- Swipe_ (SW)
- Vuptrox Main (VPX)
Group 5
- Broadcast: EL_MACHO_ (ESP)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Not Tryhards (NT)
- Imperials Esports (IMP)
- the last generation (TLG)
- MoreCrazy 2 (MCRZ)
- Hardshifters (HS)
- VirgoS (VRGs)
- empire_gg (emp)
- We Go Kill (WGK)
- Kumiho Gaming (KMH)
- Smiley Face (SF)
- Ford Focus (FF)
- Z00 (Z00)
- Major Militia ESC (MJR)
- Aces Crew (Ace)
- Impact Zero (IZ)
Group 6
- Broadcast: YARRMOSH (RUS)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Nic Nacs (NN)
- Sveriges sista hopp (SSH)
- HenkariOsiela (HeO)
- Svintus_Pro (SVIN)
- Smiley Gang (SG)
- Place Owners (P.O)
- Cepec esport (CPC)
- Board gamerZ (BGZ)
- GorilazZ Gaming (GG)
- oOutLawsS (OUT)
- Team Satire (SAT_)
Group 7
- Broadcast: SAMIAK_10 (ENG) – INVISAN (GER)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Team Echo (Echo)
- Team Veritas (VTS)
- hellflame (HF)
- Wild Division (WD)
- RandomSheep (RS)
- Dijirad Esports (DJR)
- Team Strigula (STR)
- Qamish Crew (QQ)
- Manty Esport (Me)
Group 8
- Broadcast: SAGA_UK (ENG)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- WhySoSeriouss (JOK3)
- brmbrm (brr)
- Resolution (RSN)
- Konde1peek (peek)
- HadToChangeName (HTCN)
- nOz Gaming (nOz)
- simping blushers (simp)
- Haiku_ (Haik)
- bolond mix (bm)
- NoOrganization (NO)
- MouthOpenGaming (MOG)
- 1mper1um (123)
- PushNFlush (PNF)
Group 9
- Broadcast: CHUNKS_UK (ENG)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Oilers Esport (Oil)
- Tikka eSports Academy (TeA)
- 4HP (4HP)
- RedPower (RP)
- Capital Clutch (CC)
- Four drunk men (4D)
- BrosFrom Another Mothers (BFAM)
- masaaaaz (MSZ)
- Kaer Morhen (KM)
- 836 Pizza Locale (836P)
- Golden Gunners (GG)
- Tarlans (TRL)
Tuesday 19.1

Group 10
- Broadcast: SAMIAK_10 (ENG) – ZULUXXMAN (GER)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- My Favourite Team (FAV)
- Mercury eSports (MeS)
- LSDManiacs (LSD)
- H4rdSh1ft (HS)
- RahallaSaa (RAHA)
- Eagles_team (Eagl)
- Nuclear Rockets (NR)
- Team IQ (IQ)
- Cucurru (CCRU)
- MeetTheWoo (MTW)
- Havik Esports (HE)
- Buendner Gerstensuppe (BG)
- Endzone (EZ)
Group 11
- Broadcast: SPANCARGO (ENG)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Valtavat Spedet (SPE)
- Uncut Jewelry (UJ)
- TakTik (TT)
- Son Bambi Bukucu (SBB)
- kebab turski (LuL)
- Team Vertex (VTX)
- Club viivanveto (CV)
- Zerobyte Esports (ZE)
- Albus Noctes (AlNO)
- LvLUp Esport (LvL)
- SKAtleta (SKA)
- LetsCarryThis (LCT)
- Groove Street 2 (GRO)
- You Okay (YO)
Group 12
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Kanaliiga (KANA)
- Bergfest (Berg)
- Bekescsabai EE (BEE)
- Tempo X (TX)
- DRGN Gaming T1 (DRGN)
- SKA Esports (SKA)
- Rainbow Unicorns (RU)
- Allan Oil (AO)
- Babai (BB)
- cumback eSprouts (cb)
- AgainstTheWorld (aTw)
- eVolution (eVo)
- Crazy Coco Gaming (CCG)
Group 13
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- DataGnomes (DG)
- Tile Frenzy (TF)
- Team Money Fakers (TMF)
- VasemmistoHuolet (VH)
- Rozhok Roosters (RzR)
- Nordic Fury (NF)
- Unity eSports (UES)
- Who Are You (WAY)
- RompsaGaming (RM)
- Wagazzi Underdogs Yang (WaU)
- CoffinDodgers (CD)
- I ROBOTS Esports (IRO)
- Parrots (PRTS)
- BananaGang (BAN)
Group 14
- Broadcast: CHUNKS_UK (ENG)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Azure (AZR)
- BadnFat (bnf)
- Verikoirat (VEKO)
- Never Hunt (NH)
- OutOf Control (OOC)
- Target Start (TS)
- TreeHuggers (TH)
- Slowstorm (SwS)
- Peace duck (PD)
- Triple S1x (TPS)
- Team Leisure (LSR)
- eSLoKehay (SLK_)
- Optimal Gaming (OG)
Group 15
- Broadcast: PUBGAFRICA (ENG)
- First match starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Kadettomat (KDTM)
- Varjoveljet (VV)
- LUXE Team (LUXE)
- PUBG in sexy (SXY)
- Pilipali Pojat (PIPO)
- bestproplayers (BPL)
- QuickMix (QM)
- HardFlip eSports (HF)
- SmackThatBooty (STB)
- Unluckeee (UNL)
- Efes Ayran (EA)
- we gud (wg)
- The Gunnes (TGs)
- FEiNT (FT)
Group 16
- Broadcast: SAGA_UK (ENG)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Oldu Ha meste (oHm)
- WayBelowAverage (WBA)
- Ghetto Gang (GTG)
- House Of Girobats (HoG)
- LostBoys (LB)
- F While Driving (FWD)
- PUBG Intellectuals (INT)
- 11HOODS (11H)
- ChronoGenesis (CG)
- LobbyynLobbyyn (Lobs)
- miikan maeyrikset (MM)
- EW4NS (E4)
- Team Get Lost (GTL)
- Exile eSports (eXe)
Group 17
- Broadcast: MIIKAZ (FIN)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Tequilla Team (TQ)
- YoungDanes (YD)
- Born To Lead (B2L)
- Hoylajussit (HJ)
- Nexus Gaming PUBG (NXS)
- PineApps eSports (PAe)
- Wolfpack Alpha (WpK)
- Elaagelbaileedyyds (EGD)
- young hustlers (YH)
- Best Team Ever Or Not (BTEN)
- 4Qingz (4Q)
- PayHesap Kutahya Esports (KTH)
- Execute9 Esport (EX9)
- Hirmunen Rolli (HR)
Group 18
- Broadcast: INVISAN (GER)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- PullUpEverythinK (PET)
- Exhelp Gaming (EXH)
- ValtavatHerrat (VaHe)
- lorinagaming (lori)
- Malditos diablos (MD)
- team ICY (iCy)
- Click to Close (CC)
- in Before (iB4)
- Yasnaya Police Officers (YAS)
- NOFaT Team (NFT)
- PUBG Core (CORE)
- WeAreNext (WrNx)
- BlackxWhite (BxW)
- ChaosMonster (CM)
- Team AltF4 (Alt4)
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
Few days ago we published round 4 invitational teams and now we are ready to announce the rest of the invitational teams! These well known international teams will start their journey at round 5. Total of 288 teams will attend to round 1 for a chance to fight against these high tier invitational teams! It’s an honor to welcome these 8 teams to PSL! More info about the tournament is available täältä.

Raise Your Edge Gaming
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
Upcoming PSL-season starts at monday 18.1. Registration for the season is now open in GLL. We only have 256 spots for the EMEA and CIS-teams, so be fast since at the spring all slots were filled. More info about the tournament you can find täältä.

PSL contains 7 rounds and prize pool of 15 000€. PSL is also unique opportunity to face best teams in Europe and CIS-regions, since there is 20 high tier teams joining to tournament in rounds 4 and 5.
In the upcoming weeks we will release more info about the talent and ofcourse about the invited teams. So its time to have your eyes open and our twitter followed.
Schedule and format for PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge
This schedule is for broadcast. Schedule for lobbies is available for teams in tournament discord.Round 1 | Monday 18.1. & Tuesday 19.1.
288 teams / 18 groups- 18.1. Groups 1-9
- 19.1. Groups 10-18
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-7 teams from each group + two best 8. place team overall advance to next round.
Round 2 | Monday 25.1. & Tuesday 26.1.
128 teams / 8 groups- 25.1. Groups 1-4
- 26.1. Groups 5-8
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-8 teams from each group advance to next round.
Round 3 | Monday 1.2. & Tuesday 2.2.
64 teams / 4 groups- 1.2. Groups 1 & 2
- 2.2. Groups 3 & 4
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-9 teams from each group advance to next round.
Round 4 | Monday 8.2. & Tuesday 9.2.
48 teams / 3 groups (36 teams from round 3 and 12 invitational teams)- 8.2. Groups 1 & 2
- 9.2. Group 3
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-8 teams from each group advance to next round.
Round 5 | Monday 15.2. & Tuesday 16.2.
32 teams / 2 groups (24 teams from round 4 and 8 invitational teams)- 15.2. Group 1
- 16.2. Group 2
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-8 teams advance to Upper bracket, teams placing to 9.-12. advance to Lower bracket and rest of the teams are out of the tournament.
Round 6 | Monday 22.2. & Tuesday 23.2.
24 Teams22.2. Upper bracket
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-8 teams advance to Grand Final. Rest of the teams advance to Lower bracket.
23.2. Lower bracket
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-8 teams advance to Grand Final.
Round 7 – Grand Final | Friday 26.2. – Sunday 28.2.
16 Teams- Friday 26.2. Matches 1-6
- Saturday 27.2. Matches 7-12
- Sunday 28.2. Matches 13-18
- BO18 – First match of the day starts at 18.00 CET
Prize pool for PSL season 8
Total: 15,000€ 1. 6500€2. 4500€
3. 2500€
4. 1500€
PSL season 8 registration starts 7.1. at 19.00 CET. Platform for registration and link are published at latest 7.1.Last year we got to enjoy great battle for PSL-championships featuring best teams from europe and CIS-region. We got more great competitions and competitors this winter with PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge! PSL season 8 is played 18.1-28.2. PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge will feature prize pool of 15 000€. For the last few seasons the tournament has been full, so now we have doubled the amount of teams in 1. round to 256 teams! This way everyone has a chance to battle their way to battle against invited teams, which will be joining the tournament in rounds 4 and 5. Once again we have top-notch PUBG, quality broadcast and five figure prize pool for you to enjoy!

Date: 18.1 – 28.2.2021
Prize pool: 15 000€
Team in round 1: 256
Additional info and registration: 3.1
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
PSL Elisa Viihde PUBG Fall Challenge is finished and we have a brand new champion – Team Liquid! This tournament had one of the greatest endings we have ever seen in competetive PUBG, since over half of the lobby had a real chance to win it all when we landed to last map. Ultimately Team Liquid kept their cool and took both Chicken Dinner and the trophy in the last map. Tornado Energy placed second and our cinderella story outside invitational teams, shiftW, took the third place. Natus Vincere dropped down to fourth by just one point and that shows how tight the standings were. Here is the full final results.

Team Liquid – Winner interview
Let’s start with a classic: How does it feel right now?
“It feels pretty good, because we started off rough today and we’re kinda known for choking. The last game was pretty rough for us in terms of the circle, we lost jeemzz kinda early and we had to play as three, so winning after a rough game like that makes it feel extra good.” –ibiza
Finals were very close and tight the whole time. What made you perform better than the competitors in the final map and other deciding maps?
“We played the last game very slow, we took our time and played together. We expected some crazy stuff to go down like it always does on the last game of a tournament in PUBG.” –jeemzz
Was it a surprise to you that the final lobby was this even right to the final seconds?
“Yes, i think it was the first time 9 teams had the chance to win before the last game” –mxey
You didn’t get a trophy from PCS 2. Was this championship kind of a payback?
“Not really, it was more of a confident booster for us as a team. After not winning PCS 2 we set a goal of winning as many tournaments as possible, and this is only the beginning of that goal” –clib
What are your next goals for the rest of the year?
“Working towards becoming more consistent so that we can win every tournament going forward” –jeemzz
Anything else you want to say for your fans or anyone involved with PSL?
“To all of our fans, thanks for supporting us through the ups and downs..Thanks to Elisa esports for hosting this event. A special thank you as well to our sponsors, Monster Energy, Honda, and Alienware.” –Team Liquid PUBG
Stay tuned, since we will be back with more PUBG action!
It’s time for PSL Elisa Viihde PUBG Fall Challenge grand finals! We have 18 maps of top tier international PUBG coming to your way during friday, saturday and sunday. At sunday we have new PSL champion, who takes home 7500€ grand prize. There is overall of 15 000€ in the prize pool, so every team wants to do their best in this one. We have 5 teams in the grand finals, which have battled through from the first round and they have 11 invitational teams to challenge them. More info about the tournament overall you find täältä.

Friday 18.9, Saturday 19.9 and Sunday 20.9
- Broadcast: English
- Casters: Copter & Kowo
- Studio: T-Panda & 69horseman69
- Broadcast: Finnish
- Casters: M00nForrest & Qcrass
- Broadcast: Russian
- Casters: odesskin & Yarrmosh
- Map Stream: Map
- Grand Finals – Broadcasts start at 17.30 CEST:
- Results: Points – Player statistics
- shiftW
- Team Phantom
- Team Liquid
- Northern Lights
- Omaken Sports
- Redline
- Natus Vincere
- Four Pissed Men
- Existential
- Tornado Energy
- Team Sniip
- Team HEARD
- Creeps
- PolishPower

Teams to watch:
Four Pissed Men (FaZe Clan)
FaZe Clan won the recent PCS 2 – tournament, which included many teams from PSL finals. 4PM entered the PSL finals from Losers bracket after they failed to get a place in Winners bracket by 1 point in round 4. Now that PCS 2 is over, this team can fully focus on PSL and they are force to be reckoned with! I think every pair of eyes are on 4PM and it would be pretty big surprise if they are not one of the top teams after 18 maps.
Team Liquid
Team Liquid was pretty much the only team who could challenge FaZe Clan in PCS 2 and they have made their way through PSL rounds pretty easily. TL didn’t have the easiest of summers, but lately their game has been on point! Liquid is probably the biggest favorite to win PSL season 7. Last season they failed to perform in the finals and were sixth at the end. Now they want their revenge and add PSL-championship on their trophy case.
shiftW has battled through 5 rounds of PSL already and now it’s time to end this tournament strong. They won Winners bracket at monday and they are one of the hottest teams for the finals. Team was formerly know as WeAreWe and they were fairly unknown team to big audience before PCS 2 where they placed fourth, dropping out from the podium by one point. Now they are well known and respected, but they are still trying to find their first tournament win. Maybe PSL is place where they get their first trophy!
ENCE is playing in front of Finnish audience and with newly found synergy they are performing well. ENCE was second in the Winners bracket and they placed fifth in the PCS 2. ENCE is only full Finnish roster in the finals, so they have the support of the crowd behind them. ENCE is always dangerous opponent and they are supposed to be one of the top teams in the finals.
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
It’s time for round 5! This week is PSL super week with 5 game days! At sunday we have our brand new PSL-champion! We start week with Winners bracket where we decide first 8 finalists and at tuesday we get 8 more finalists from Losers bracket. More info about the tournament overall you find täältä.
In the fourth round, groups will play total of 8 maps. Top-8 from Winners bracket will advance to finals. Rest of the teams will continue to Losers bracket. In the Losers bracket we have 8 more spotst to Finals and rest of the teams will drop out.. Come and join to twitch chat and cheer your favorite team to the finals!

Round 5
Monday 14.9
- Broadcast: English
- Casters: Copter & Kowo
- Studio: T-Panda & 69horseman69
- Broadcast: Finnish
- Casters: M00nForrest & Qcrass
- Broadcast: Russian
- Casters: odesskin & Yarrmosh
- Map Stream: Map
- Winners bracket – Broadcast starts at 17.30 CEST:
- Results: Points – Player statistics
- fastPay Wildcats
- Redline
- Rise and Win
- shiftW
- Omaken Sports
- Existential
- Natus Vincere
- AfterAlt
- Northern Lights
- Team Liquid
- Creeps
- Etiget Esports
- Team HEARD
- Team Phantom
Tuesday 15.9
- Broadcast: English
- Casters: Copter & Eiefant
- Studio: T-Panda & 69horseman69
- Broadcast: Finnish
- Casters: M00nForrest & Qcrass
- Broadcast: Russian
- Casters: odesskin & Yarrmosh
- Map Stream: Map
- Losers bracket – Broadcast starts at 17.30 CEST
- Results: Points – Player statistics
- Four Pissed Men
- Team Sniip
- Tornado Energy
- PolishPower
- Saunabois
- NiceTry
- Final-Gaming
- Imperials eSports
- Existential
- Etiget Esports
- AfterAlt
- Team HEARD
- Rise and Win
- Creeps
- fastPay Wildcats

To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
It’s time for round 4! For this round we get to see the rest of our international invitational teams! Joining us for this round: Four Pissed Men, ENCE, Team Liquid, Natus Vincere, Northern Lights Team, Omaken Sports, Tornado Energy and TSM. If you want to know more about these teams, you can head täältä. More info about the tournament overall you find täältä.
In the fourth round, teams will play total of 8 maps, divided to two game days. Top-8 from group will advance to Winners group on round 5. Teams finishing from 9th to 12th will advance to Losers group on round 5. Rest of the teams will be eliminated. Come and join to twitch chat and cheer your favorite team to the next round!

Round 1
Monday 7.9
- Broadcast: English
- Casters: Copter & Eiefant
- Studio: T-Panda & 69horseman69
- Broadcast: Finnish
- Casters: M00nForrest & Qcrass
- Broadcast: Russian
- Casters: odesskin & Yarrmosh
- Map Stream: Map
- Group 1 – 17.30 CEST:
- Results: Points – Player statistics
- AfterAlt
- Entropiq
- Entropy Gaming
- Existential
- FADEE Gaming
- fastPay Wildcats
- Four Pissed Men
- Natus Vincere
- Omaken Sports
- PolishPower
- Redline
- Rise and Win
- shiftW
- Team Sniip
- Tornado Energy
- Unity
- Group 2 – 20.00 CEST
- Results: Points – Player statistics
- Creeps
- Cucurru
- Eclot Gaming
- Etiget Esports
- Final-Gaming
- Imperials eSports
- Mutiny
- NiceTry
- Northern Lights
- Saunabois
- Team HEARD
- Team Liquid
- Team Phantom
- Tier 3 KEKW
Tuesday 8.9
- Broadcast: English
- Casters: Copter & Eiefant
- Studio: T-Panda & 69horseman69
- Broadcast: Finnish
- Casters: M00nForrest & Qcrass
- Broadcast: Russian
- Casters: odesskin & Yarrmosh
- Map Stream: Map
- Group 2 – 17.30 CEST
- Results: Points – Player statistics
- Creeps
- Cucurru
- Eclot Gaming
- Etiget Esports
- Final-Gaming
- Imperials eSports
- Mutiny
- NiceTry
- Northern Lights
- Saunabois
- Team HEARD
- Team Liquid
- Team Phantom
- Tier 3 KEKW
- Group 1 – 20.00 CEST:
- Results: Points – Player statistics
- AfterAlt
- Entropiq
- Entropy Gaming
- Existential
- FADEE Gaming
- fastPay Wildcats
- Four Pissed Men
- Natus Vincere
- Omaken Sports
- PolishPower
- Redline
- Rise and Win
- shiftW
- Team Sniip
- Tornado Energy
- Unity

To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
It’s time for round 3! For this round we get to see our first international invitational teams! Joining us for this round: Blaze Esports, Entropiq, fastPay Wildcats, FULL FIESTA, GameFraym, Redline, Saunabois, sniip, Team Phantom, Tempus and Unity. If you want to know more about these teams, you can head täältä. More info about the tournament overall you find täältä.
In the third round, teams will play six maps and top-8 from the group will advance to round 4. Come and join to twitch chat and cheer your favorite team to the next round!

Round 1
Monday 31.8
Group 1
- Broadcast: English
- Casters: Copter & Eiefant
- Studio: T-Panda & 69horseman69
- First match starts at 17.30 CEST
- Results: Points – Player statistics
- Teams:
- AfterAlt
- Art of War
- Creeps
- Entropiq
- Final-Gaming
- GameFraym
- mForce.eShark
- Mutiny
- Northern Legacy
- Not Fair
- PolishPower
- PushNFlush
- Tier 3 KEKW
- Unity
- Who Are You
Group 2
- Broadcast: Finnish – Russian
- Casters: M00nForrest & Qcrass – odesskin & Yarrmosh
- First match starts at 17.30 CEST
- Results: Points – Player statistics
- Joukkueet
- Adepts
- Bystanders
- Eclot Gaming
- Entropy Gaming
- FADEE Gaming
- fastPay Wildcats
- Gunrunners AOC
- Imperials eSports
- Major Militia
- NecroRaisers
- NiceTry
- Saunabois
- sniip
- Toxic Players
- Where Team
- WinStreak
Tuesday 1.9
Group 3
- Broadcast: English – Finnish – Russian – Map stream
- Casters: Copter & Eiefant – M00nForrest & Qcrass – odesskin & Yarrmosh
- Studio: T-Panda & 69horseman69
- First match starts at 17.30 CEST
- Results: Points – Player statistics
- Teams:
- Blaze Esports
- Cucurru
- Etiget Esports
- Existential
- Raise Your Edge
- Redline
- Rise and Win
- Senior Gamers
- shiftW
- Team HEARD
- Team Phantom
- Team Red Zone
- Tempus
- VASTA Gaming
- YMCA Esports
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!