First round of the PSL actions is finally here and we get to see which teams out of the 288 teams entering the competition will advance to the round 2! First round is broadcasted by community casters and the links for these streams will be added during gamedays. More info about the tournament you find täältä.
In the first round, teams will play six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel) and top-7 from the group and two best 8th placed teams overall will advance to round 2. Come and join to streams and cheer your favorite team to the next round!

Round 1
Monday 19.4

Group 1

Group 2
- Broadcast: Redemption1950 (CRO)
- First match starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

Group 3

Group 4
- Broadcast: Odesskin & Yarrmosh (RU)
- First match starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

Group 5

Group 6
- First match starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

Group 7

Group 8

Group 9
- First match starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

Tuesday 20.4

Group 10

Group 11

Group 12

Group 13
- Broadcast: Redemption1950 (CRO)
- First match starts at 18.00 CEST
- Results: Points

Group 14

Group 15

Group 16

Group 17

Group 18

To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
This article provides all you need to participate or watch PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Spring Challenge. PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Spring Challenge is the 9th season of PSL. This spring we have some of the top teams around Europe and CIS-region competing for the championship!
Registration for tournament will start at 5.4 and first matches are played at 19.4. First round consist 288 teams and 20 invitational teams will be joining the tournament later on.
Schedule and format for PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Spring Challenge
Round 1 | Monday 19.4. & Tuesday 20.4.
288 teams / 18 groups
- 19.4. Groups 1-9
- 20.4. Groups 10-18
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-7 teams from each group + two best 8. place team overall advance to next round.
Round 2 | Monday 26.4. & Tuesday 27.4.
128 teams / 8 groups
- 26.4. Groups 1-4
- 27.4. Groups 5-8
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-8 teams from each group advance to next round.
Round 3 | Monday 3.5. & Tuesday 4.5.
64 teams / 4 groups
- 3.5. Groups 1 & 2
- 4.5. Groups 3 & 4
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-9 teams from each group advance to next round.
Round 4 | Monday 10.5. & Tuesday 11.5.
48 teams / 3 groups (36 teams from round 3 and 12 invitational teams)
- 10.5. Groups 1 & 2
- 11.5. Group 3
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-8 teams from each group advance to next round.
Round 5 | Monday 17.5. & Tuesday 18.5.
32 teams / 2 groups (24 teams from round 4 and 8 invitational teams)
- 17.5. Group 1
- 18.5. Group 2
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-8 teams advance to Upper bracket, teams placing to 9.-12. advance to Lower bracket and rest of the teams are out of the tournament.
Round 6 | Monday 24.5. & Tuesday 25.5.
24 Teams
24.5. Upper bracket
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-8 teams advance to Grand Final. Rest of the teams advance to Lower bracket.
25.5. Lower bracket
- BO6 – First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Top-8 teams advance to Grand Final.
Round 7 – Grand Final | Friday 4.6. – Sunday 6.6.
16 Teams
- Friday 4.6. Matches 1-6
- Saturday 5.6. Matches 7-12
- Sunday 6.6. Matches 13-18
- BO18 – First match of the day starts at 18.00 CET
Prize pool for PSL season 9
Total: 15,000€
1. 6500€
2. 4500€
3. 2500€
4. 1500€
PSL season 9 registration starts 5.4. at 19.00 CET.
Epic 18 map final concluded the PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge and we have new champion, We Live Again! The Russian-Kazakhstan roster battled their way to grand final through all seven rounds and took the biggest prize away from the invitational teams.
We Live Again walks away with 6500€ prize. PolishPower in second place won 4500€, Adepts in third place won 2500€ and new Raise Your Edge roster (ex- TORNADO ENERGY) won 1500€.
Next PSL season, named PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Spring Challenge is already released and more info about that you can find täältä or by following our twitter.

We Live Again interview
Let’s start with a classic: How does it feel right now?
We feel emotionally exhausted after all these games.
Grand finals were very close and tight the whole time. Was it a surprise to you that the final lobby was this even?
We felt every team very competitive and equal to each over. So that was not a surprise that it will be a tough one.
What made you perform better than the competitors when it mattered the most?
It was fate.
You grinded through 7 rounds of games. How does it feel to leave all the invitational teams behind you?
Maybe it even helped us someway. We could adapt to some teams which we played within all these rounds.
What are your next goals and plans for the rest of the year?
We are planning to participate in PCS obviously. Will be training hard until this day.
Anything else you want to say for your fans or anyone involved with PSL?
We want to appreciate everyone who was involved for the opportunity to participate in this tournament. We also want to say THANK YOU to all our fans who believed in us during this event. Our team will do the best to not disappoint you in the future.

It’s time for the grand final! 16 best teams will compete for 15 000€ prize pool in thrilling 3-day best of 18 series. More info about the tournament you can find täältä.
In the final round, teams will play six maps per day (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel) and there is 3 gamedays! At sunday we know the champion after all 18 maps are played. Come and join to twitch chat and cheer your favorite team!

Round 7
Friday 26.2 – Sunday 28.2
Grand final
- Broadcast: English – Finnish
- First match starts daily at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- GrinderS
- Heroic
- Bystanders
- Vis
- We live again
- shiftW
- PolishPower
- team sniip
- Karagumruk Espor
- fastpay Wildcats
- MeetTheWoo
- Raise Your Edge Gaming
- 0rgless
- Adepts *
* Team Target Start is disqualified from the tournament due rules violation. Adepts as #9 team in round 6 lower bracket will join the grand final. The violations happened in rounds 1 and 2 when the team shared a PUBG account within the team. More details on PSL Discord.
Prize pool
Total: 15 000€
1. 6500€
2. 4500€
3. 2500€
4. 1500€
- English broadcast: Copter, Eiefant & JoRoSaR
- Russian broadcast: odesskin & Yarrmosh
- Finnish broadcast: M00nForrest & Qcrass
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
It’s time for round 6 and finally we get to decide the 16 teams who advances to grand finals! 16 teams have two chances and 8 teams will only have one chance to advance. It doesn’t get any better than this! More info about the tournament you can find täältä.
In the sixth round, teams will play six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel) and top-8 from the upper bracket will advance to grand finals. Rest of the teams will advance to lower bracket. In the lower bracket top-8 teams will advance to grand finals. Come and join to twitch chat and cheer your favorite team to the next round!

Round 6
Monday 22.2
Upper bracket
- Broadcast: English – Finnish
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Bystanders
- GrinderS
- Karagumruk Espor
- Heroic
- 0rgless
- PolishPower
- Raise Your Edge Gaming
- Redline
- shiftW
- Target Start
- team sniip
- Team Veritas
- Vis
- We live again
Tuesday 23.2
Lower bracket
- Broadcast: English – Finnish
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Adepts
- MeetTheWoo
- CaCiK
- fastpay Wildcats
- WinStreak
- MomentuM
- Entropiq
- Raise Your Edge Gaming
- team sniip
- Team Veritas
- Karagumruk Espor
- Redline
- PolishPower
- 0rgless
- English broadcast: Copter, Eiefant & JoRoSaR
- Russian broadcast: odesskin & Yarrmosh
- Finnish broadcast: M00nForrest & Qcrass
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
Rest of the invitational teams are here! 8 invitational teams will battle with 24 teams coming from round 4 to advance either upper or lower bracket for round six. More info about the tournament you can find täältä.
In the fifth round, teams will play six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel) and top-8 from the group will advance to upper bracket for round six. Teams placed 9.-12. will advance to lower bracket for round six. Come and join to twitch chat and cheer your favorite team to the next round!

Round 5
Monday 15.2
Group 1
- Broadcast: English – Russian – Finnish
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Adepts
- Bystanders
- CaCiK
- fastPay Wildcats
- Ghetto Gang
- GrinderS
- MeetTheWoo
- Omaken Sport
- Orgless
- PinkPonY
- Rise and Win
- Skade
- Target Start
- Team Sniip
- Raise Your Edge Gaming
- we gud
Tuesday 16.2
Group 2
- Broadcast: English – Russian – Finnish
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Apeks
- Blaze Esports
- DRGN Gaming
- Entropiq
- Karagumruk Espor
- MomentuM
- Not Fair
- PolishPower
- Qamish Crew
- Redline
- ShiftW
- Team Veritas
- Vis
- We live again
- WinStreak
- English broadcast: Copter, Eiefant & JoRoSaR
- Russian broadcast: odesskin & Yarrmosh
- Finnish broadcast: M00nForrest & Qcrass
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
The battle for PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge championship is ongoing and it is time to announce next PSL season for this spring! Season 9 is played during april-june and it offers place for 288 teams to compete against 20 invitational teams in 7 round mayhem. These invitational teams will include top-8 teams from season 8. Once again we have top-notch PUBG, quality broadcast and five figure prize pool for you to enjoy!

Date: 19.4 – 6.6.2021
Prize pool: 15 000€
Team in round 1: 288
Additional info and registration: After PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge has concluded.
Round 1:
- 19.4 Monday
- 20.4 Tuesday
Round 2:
- 26.4 Monday
- 27.4 Tuesday
Round 3:
- 3.5 Monday
- 4.5 Tuesday
Round 4:
- 10.5 Monday
- 11.5 Tuesday
Round 5:
- 17.5 Monday
- 18.5 Tuesday
Round 6:
- 24.5 Monday
- 25.5 Tuesday
Round 7:
- 4.6 Friday
- 5.6 Saturday
- 6.6 Sunday
Invitational teams
PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge top-8 teams will be invited to PSL season 9.
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
We have finally reached the point that first invitational teams joins the fight! Challenging these 12 well known teams is 36 teams which have battled their way through the first 3 rounds of PSL. More info about the tournament you can find täältä.
In the fourth round, teams will play six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel) and top-8 from the group will advance to round 5. Come and join to twitch chat and cheer your favorite team to the next round!

Round 4
Monday 8.2
Group 1
- Broadcast: English
- Community cast: MIIKAZ (FIN)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Apeks
- Creeps
- Drivebyonly
- Istanbul Wild Cats
- Orgless
- Target Start
- we gud
- We live again
- Tempo X
- Yikes
- Team Veritas
- GrinderS
- Haiku
- Team Majesty
Group 2
- Broadcast: Finnish
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Kumiho Gaming
- Last Crew
- LUXE Team
- MeetTheWoo
- Not Fair
- PinkPonY
- The Nuclear Penguins
- DRGN Gaming
- YMCA Esports
- Vis
- MomentuM
Tuesday 9.2
Group 3
- Broadcast: English – Russian – Finnish
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- 1907 Fenerbahçe
- Blaze Esports
- Entropiq
- Ghetto Gang
- Pullup
- Rise and Win
- Sniip
- TeamSoloq esport
- Qamish Crew
- CaCiK
- Karagumruk Espor
- Phoenix1630
- Nordic Fury
- Pyrsosesports
- English broadcast: Copter, Eiefant & JoRoSaR
- Russian broadcast: odesskin
- Finnish broadcast: M00nForrest & Qcrass
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!
It is hard to believe that we have only 64 teams remaining! These teams are now battling it out for the spots in round 4, which introduces us the first of the invitational teams. More info about the tournament you find täältä.
In the third round, teams will play six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel) and top-9 from the group will advance to round 4. Come and join to twitch chat and cheer your favorite team to the next round!
Third round means the beginning of the official PSL-broacasts! The english main broadcast features familiar caster duo Copter ja Eiefant, but studio has new face in it. Welcome to PSL JoRoSaR! Main broadcast is following groups 1 and 3 this round.
Same as last season, we have two other official broadcasts. Finnish broadcast with M00nForrest & Qcrass and Russian broadcast with odesskin.
As the community casts has been so popular this and previous seasons, we have allowed community casts for the groups that are not part of the main English broadcast. More info about these community casts is available in our twitter and below in this article.

Round 3
Monday 1.2
Group 1
- Broadcast: English – Russian
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- 836 Pizza Locale
- ChronoGenesis
- Drivebyonly
- Ghetto Gang
- I ROBOTS Esports
- Kumiho Gaming
- MeetTheWoo
- Not Fair
- Optimal Gaming
- Team Satire
- TeamSoloq esport
- We live again
Group 2
- Broadcast: Finnish
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Havik Esports
- Impact Zero
- in Before
- Last Crew
- LostBoys
- LUXE Team
- Made in Malmo
- Rise and Win
- Target Start
- we gud
Tuesday 2.2
Group 3
- Broadcast: English – Russian
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- boomerss
- GrinderS
- Haiku
- IRL streched
- Kaer Morhen
- MomentuM
- Nordic Fury
- Oldu Ha meste
- PushNFlush
- Pyrsosesports
- Team Majesty
- Vis
- Vuptrox
Group 4
- Broadcast: Finnish
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- CaCiK
- Camllca Esports
- Crazy Coco Gaming
- DRGN Gaming
- Karagumruk Espor
- Phoenix1630
- Qamish Crew
- QuickMix
- Slowstorm
- Team Veritas
- Tempo X
- Yikes
- YMCA Esports
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!

First week of the tournament is behind us and over half of the teams are already out. This week 128 teams are competing for spot in the round 3. This far we have no huge surprises, but every round it keeps getting harder and harder to qualify. More info about the tournament you find täältä.
In the second round, teams will play six maps (3x Miramar & 3x Erangel) and top-8 from the group will advance to round 3. Come and join to twitch chat and cheer your favorite team to the next round!
Round 2
Monday 25.1

Group 1
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- 4HP
- DRGN Gaming
- I ROBOTS Esports
- Imperials eSports
- Last Crew
- LUXE Team
- Major ESC
- masaaaaz
- MomentuM
- Pyrsosesports
- Rozhok Roosters
- Team Dark Matter
- TeamSoloq esport
- Unluckeee
- YMCA Esports
Group 2
- Broadcast: SAMIAK_10 (ENG) – ZULUXXMAN (GER)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- ALFA Espor
- BlackxWhite
- Camllca Esports
- Haiku
- LostBoys
- Mercury eSports
- Miikan Maeyrikset
- NoOrganization
- Peace duck
- RedPower
- Team Satire
- Yasnaya Police Officers
Group 3
- Broadcast: WITA (ENG) – EL_MACHO_ (ESP)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- boomerss
- Kaer Morhen
- MoreCrazy 2
- Northern Legacy
- Optimal Gaming
- PayHesap Kutahya Esports
- Qamish Crew
- QuickMix
- Svintus.Pro
- we gud
- We live again
Group 4
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- 836.Pizza Locale
- Bergfest
- ChronoGenesis
- Guess
- Karagumruk Espor
- Made in Malmo
- My Favourite Team
- NOFaT Team
- Oldu Ha meste
- PullUpEverythinK
- Resolution
- Rise and Win
- Tempo X
Tuesday 26.1

Group 5
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- 1mper1um
- 4Qingz
- CaCiK
- Ghetto Gang
- kebab turski
- Kumiho Gaming
- MovementGG
- Nordic Fury
- Team Majesty
- Team Venture
- Young Hustlers
- YoungDanes
- Zerobyte Esports
Group 6
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- BadnFat
- Bekescsabai EE
- Drivebyonly
- Exhelp Gaming
- in Before
- IRL streched
- Marten Gaming
- MeetTheWoo
- Myst1s Gaming
- Parrots
- Phoenix1630
- Sveriges sista hopp
- Target Start
- Yikes
Group 7
- Broadcast: CHUNKS_UK (ENG) – MIIKAZ (FIN) – AIMPR (RO)
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Enhanced
- Exile eSports
- GrinderS
- Havik Esports
- Impact Zero
- Smiley Face
- Team Money Fakers
- Team Veritas
- Uncut Jewelry
- Unity eSports
- Vis
- You Okay?
Group 8
- First match starts at 18.00 CET
- Results: Points
- Teams:
- Aces Crew
- Blaze Esports
- brmbrm
- Crazy Coco Gaming
- eSLoKeHay
- Groove Street 2
- Not Fair
- PushNFlush
- SKA Esports
- Slowstorm
- Vuptrox
- Way Below Average
- WeAreNext
To be sure you get all the latest updates, results and news you should follow our twitter!