PSL Elisa Esports PUBG Winter Challenge is now over and it’s time to ask few questions from our new PSL champion PolishPower. Marcel “Marcelek” Nietopiel gave us few moments of his time after tournament concluded. Here is the remainder of the tournament results.
- PolishPower – 6500€
- HEROIC- 4500€
- Entropiq- 2500€
- Mercurial- 1500€

Congratulations! Let’s start with a classic: How does it feel right now?
It feels amazing to finally win a PSL tournament again. The first time me and knorkis won one, was back in the elgiganten days. Now with the new PolishPower roster finally getting to the top feels great after being 6th last season and 2nd two seasons before.
Your first day was pretty slow, but you had an amazing second day. What did you change in your strategy (for both maps) for the second day?
We didn’t really change much, unfortunately K4pii wasn’t able to play with us due his electricity problems but we managed to get a great sub, Gustav from FaZe Clan himself, to help us out. He played super well and everyone just started to hit their shots. We knew that we need to play edge and start fragging people out, so that was our main focus
You had a number of roster changes throughout the weekend. How did you successfully deal with the changes and instability to still perform so strongly overall and take the title?
Gustav is a super experienced player so we knew we don’t need to worry about his performance. First day DannyG jumped for k4pi after not playing for a long time and still he did good job and helped us a lot. Overall we worked together very nice, Gustav gave KnorkiS some ideas through out the games and we just kept doing our own thing to win. It was also our first time playing with Gustav ever so i’m really happy how it worked out.

What made you perform better than the competitors during this weekend?
We just won the games we needed to win. We are still upset about few games we should have done better but we take whats given and we just vibe with it.
Were there any teams going into this tournament that you thought “this is our biggest competition”, and how did you adjust your game to maximise your chances around them?
Me and knorkis have been on the scene for a long time already. We knew exactly who we are playing against and how the teams play. Even though we played in NA in the past 2 years we still know how to move around EU grounds. We always think about all the equally and we know EU is stacked and everyone can pop off.
What will you be spending the prize money on?
That’s our mystery <3
So what’s next for PolishPower?
Grind Grind Grind
PSL is now done for 2021. We want to thank every team, player, viewer, reader, admin, caster, host and sponsor of great year. We will see you in 2022!
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